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Gambling Addiction

All Health A-Z Results: 1-7 of 7 Web Pages

FAQ’s about Problem Gambling  External Link

This site provides answers to the most frequently asked questions about problem gambling.... Details >

National Council on Problem Gambling, Inc.  External Link

Find a National Certified Gambling Counselor  External Link

This Directory identifies counselors who have voluntarily applied for national certification, have presented evidence to meet the NCGC minimum standards for certification and have agreed to practice i... Details >

National Council on Problem Gambling, Inc.  External Link

Gambling Self-Assessment Quiz  External Link

Also available in: Spanish   External Link

This guide will help you understand gambling, figure out if you need to change, and decide how to deal with the actual process of change. If you’re at all concerned about your gambling, this guide is ... Details >

Massachusetts Council on Compulsive Gambling  External Link

Help for Gambling Problems  External Link

This page provides a starting point for finding help and hope for gambling problem.... Details >

National Council on Problem Gambling, Inc.  External Link

Problem Gambling Self Test   External Link

This site provides a screen for a simple self test to evaluate your gambling behavior.... Details >

National Council on Problem Gambling, Inc.  External Link

Signs Someone You Love has a Gambling Problem  External Link

This site provides a list of signs that may indicate someone is experiencing a gambling problem.... Details >

Massachusetts Council on Compulsive Gambling  External Link

State Affiliates: National Council on Problem Gambling  External Link

This site helps you locate state affiliated offices throuhout the United States for the assistance on problem gambling.... Details >

National Council on Problem Gambling, Inc.  External Link