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Modular System Promises
More Cohesive Family Support
By Maria L. Yost / Sentinel Living Editor

FORT HOOD, Texas, Dec. 16, 2004 – You can usually find Adrianne Moody at Smith Middle School working as the secretary to the assistant principal.

Originally from Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Moody lived many places as a military spouse including Germany, Fort Stewart, Ga., Fort Polk, La., and Fort Knox, Ky. She has been at Fort Hood five years.

Moody is excited to be a part of the new brigade and is looking forward to establishing cohesive system of family support.

"I've experienced many cultures and things that I wouldn't have a chance to experience otherwise," said Adrianne Moody

"This is an honor to have a positive place in history," Moody said. "When you're new and fresh you get to set the tone.

Moody says she enjoyed many things during her 21 years as an Army spouse especially the travel opportunities and learning about different cultures.

Moody's favorite duty station was Buedigen, Germany.

"We lived on the economy, so I got to mingle with the locals and experience the total culture," Moody explained.

Putting her career on hold in support of her husband's career was a significant challenge for Moody.

"Constant moves make it difficult," Moody said. "I want to go back to school to become a social worker. This has always been my goal."

Photo, caption below.

Adrianne Moody, Smith Middle School, secretary to the assistant principal.

Being a military spouse helped Moody's professional life by encouraging her to communicate effectively with different people, learning to multitask and develop patience and tolerance.

Moody feels her experiences with the Army give her a foundation for mentoring new spouses.

"Because of my experiences, I know the resources in the community," Moody said. "I'm able to tell them where they can go (when spouses need something)."

Moody advises spouses not to be overwhelmed and to get involved in their Family Readiness Group.

"It is important because you get a lot of information about what is going on," Moody explained. "Ask if you don't know something. We're all in this together. I may not know you but we have a connection, use other spouses."

Moody also recommends getting out and enjoying the area, because the military lifestyle breeds independence.

"I was always independent, but raising children without your spouse around is a huge responsibility," Moody said. "The FRG helps build courage and strength."

"We want to get beyond our spouses just showing up during deployment," Moody explained. "We want them involved all of the time. We want family members to feel that the FRG belongs to them ."
Last Updated:
11/30/2005, Eastern Standard Time
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