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Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System (NSPIRES)
Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) Summary for Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System (NSPIRES)

Date of this Submission (MM/DD/YYYY): 09-05-2007
NASA Center: HQ

Application Name: NSPIRES - NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System
Is this application or information collection new or is an existing one being modified? NEW
Does this application collect, maintain, and/or disseminate information in identifiable form (IIF)? YES
Mission Program/Project Supported: 1. ARMD
2. SMD
Identifying Numbers (Use N/A, where appropriate)
Privacy Act System of Records Number: N/A
OMB Information Collection Approval Number and Expiration Date:
1. OMB Number: 2700-0085 Expiration: 4/30/2010
2. OMB Number: 2700-0087 Expiration: 4/30/2010

Other Identifying Number(s): N/A


1.Provide an overview of the application or collection and indicate the legislation authorizing this activity. NSPIRES is a web-based system that supports the entire lifecycle of NASA research solicitation and awards, from the release of solicitation announcements, submission of proposals, the peer review and selection process, and eventually awards management and publication of research results. The system is intended to facilitate conducting of research business with NASA for the science and technology research community.
This activity is authorized under 14 CFR § 1260.1 Authority. (a) The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) awards grants and cooperative agreements under the authority of 42 U.S.C. 2473(c)(5), the National Aeronautics and Space Act. This part 1260 is issued under the authority of 42 U.S.C. 2473(c)(1), Pub. L. 97-258, 96 Stat. 1003 (31 U.S.C. 6301 et seq.), and OMB Circular A-110.

2.Describe the information the agency will collect, maintain, or disseminate and how the agency will use the information. In this description, indicate whether the information contains IIF and whether submission is voluntary or mandatory.
For statistical purposes, we may collect and store the following information about a visit to the web site:
1) The Internet domain and IP address from which someone accesses our web site;
2) The type of browser and operating system used to access our site;
3) The date and time site accessed;
4) The pages visited; and
5) The address of the referring web site (if applicable).

For registered users, NSPIRES collects and uses the following information:

Names (IIF – Mandatory) - used to identify the users throughout the program
Name on Birth Certificate (non-IIF - mandatory) - used to generate encrypted identification string for user account for password recovery by user
Birthday (non-IIF - Mandatory) - used to generate encrypted identification string for user account for password recovery by user.
City of Birth (non-IIF - Mandatory) - used to generate encrypted identification string for user account for password recovery by user.
Mailing Address (IIF – Mandatory) – used to send program related documents to the users.
Shipping Address (IIF – Mandatory) – used to mail review packages to the users participating in reviews.
Phone Numbers (IIF – Mandatory) – used for secondary contact information.
E-mail Address (IIF – Mandatory) – used as the primary form of contact by system for alerts and messages.
Affiliations/Associations (IIF – Optional) – used to identify relationships between individuals and organizations for submitting proposals and identifying potential conflicts of interest during the review process.
Proposal Information (IIF - Optional) - NSPIRES collects proposal information entered by users applying for NASA grants as required by current NASA guidelines. Information includes, but is not limited to, Proposal Title, Proposal Summary, Teams Members, and Budget Information.

3.Explain how the IIF collected, maintained, and/or disseminated is the minimum necessary to accomplish the purpose for this effort.
The IIF collected (as described in #2) is the minimum information needed to establish user identification and profiles, and to establish levels of security within the system. In addition, a subset of this information is required to enable required contacts with users.

4.Explain why the IIF is being collected, maintained, or disseminated.
The IIF collected (as described in #2) is required to establish user identification and profiles, and to establish levels of security within the system. In addition, a subset of this information is required to enable required contacts with users.

5.Identify with whom the agency will share the IIF.
1.NSPIRES support contractors
2.External Proposal Reviewers
3.Authorized Organizational Representatives

6.Describe how the IIF will be obtained, from whom it will be collected, what the suppliers of information and the subjects will be told about the information collection, and how this message will be conveyed to them (e.g., written notice, electronic notice if a Web-based collection, etc.). Describe any opportunities for consent provided to individuals regarding what information is collected and how the information will be shared.
The IIF is obtained through online and paper forms from users of the system, consisting primarily of the science and technology research community. The suppliers of the information are notified of the NASA Web Site Privacy and Security Notices, Web Site Disclaimer, and Accessibility Statement through a link at the bottom of each webpage.

7.State whether personal information will be collected from children under age 13 on the Internet and, if so, how parental or guardian approval will be obtained. (Reference: Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998)
No information is collected from children under the age of 13.

8.Describe how the IIF will be secured.
Security is provided by a combination of Secure Socket Layer (SSL), unique identifiers used to generate encrypted passwords, and special business rules that restrict unauthorized individuals from accessing the sensitive information.

Firewalls are also in place to secure database access. System administrators monitor the system continually for unauthorized accesses

9.Describe plans for retention and destruction of IIF.
All electronic IIF is stored in a secure manner while user account or proposal record exists. Proposal information is deleted from the system six years after the solicitation award date. User account information is not deleted from the system. The proposal retention policy is posted in the Help section of the web site.

10.Identify whether a system of records is being created under section 552a of Title 5, United States Code (the Privacy Act), or identify the existing Privacy Act system of records notice under which the records will be maintained.
System is not subject to Privacy Act

Identify a point of contact to whom a member of the public can address questions concerning this information system and the privacy concerns associated with it: Greg Lindsay.
Greg Lindsay
NASA Cognizant Official

Date ____________


Bryan D. McCall
Center Privacy Act Manager

Date ____________


Patti F. Stockman
NASA Privacy Act Officer
Date ____________


Les Newell
Center Chief Information Officer

Date ____________

Approved for Publication:

Jonathan Q. Pettus
Chief Information Officer
Date ____________