Proposal Process

Facility time at the CFN is granted through a peer-reviewed proposal system. Proposals are reviewed and rated by the Proposal Review Panel (PRP) and facility equipment time allocations are made by the CFN Allocation Committee. Proposals are to be submitted electronically by e-mail using the standard forms provided below.

Prospective users are encouraged to contact the appropriate CFN facility leader early in the proposal development process for assistance in developing your proposal prior to submission.

How to Submit a Proposal:

  1. Identify the facilities and equipment that you plan to use in your experiment.
  2. Contact the appropriate facility leader.
  3. Download and complete the appropriate proposal form:
    1. NEW Proposal: General User Proposal Form (MS Word).
    2. To request time against an existing proposal, please use CFN Proposal - Additional Time (MS Word).
  4. A SAF must be completed and submitted with the General User Proposal for every experiment at the CFN. Complete the required SAF by downloading the Safety Approval Form (MS Word). It is required to reduce or eliminate possible risks and hazards associated with your experiment. Once approved, SAFs are valid for 1 year.

    For experiments that present unusual risk, you must contact the CFN ES&H Coordinator directly as early as practical during the planning of your work. Time is needed to review your proposal and for configuring appropriate controls. Some experiments require committee review, which may take several months to complete.

    The NSLS Environmental Safety and Health Guide is prepared specifically for the NSLS environment, but provides valuable information to all CFN users. Consult the facility leaders if you have additional specific questions.
  5. Send proposals by email (preferred), mail, or fax to:

    CFN User Administration
    Brookhaven National Laboratory
    P.O. Box 5000, Bldg. 735
    Upton, NY 11973
    Fax: 631-344-3093

Proposal Deadlines:

January-April Cycle: September 30
May-August Cycle: January 31
September-December Cycle: May 31


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Last Modified: May 6, 2008
Please forward all questions about this site to: Stephen Giordano.