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Solid Waste Division - reduce, reuse, recycle

Public Involvement & Project Schedule

Public Involvement

In July 2006, the Solid Waste Division began a public involvement process as part of the Bow Lake Transfer/Recycling Station renovation project. The public involvement process provides an opportunity for customers, area residents and other interested parties to learn about the facility improvement project and to offer their comments on the planned renovations.

The division is working with the cities in central and south King County whose residents use the Bow Lake facility, to publicize the planned renovation. The division is also notifying facility customers and local community groups of the project.

If you or your business, school, or community group would like more information about this project, please contact us and we can make arrangements to provide you with additional information or to schedule a presentation.

Project Schedule (subject to change – Revised September 2007)


Purpose/Action Taken

Summer 2006

Draft a Facility Master Plan, begin public notification of the renovation project and develop a SEPA (State Environmental Protection Act) Checklist that addresses the environmental impacts of the project

September 2006

Held a public meeting in Tukwila to describe the project, receive input on the Draft Facility Master Plan and the SEPA Checklist, and address questions.

December 2006

The King County Solid Waste Division determined that the renovation project does not have significant adverse impacts on the environment as long as several mitigation measures are incorporated into the project. View the Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (PDF, 208 K).

May 2007

King County Council approves the Facility Master Plan (PDF, 1.65 MB)

May 2007 – Spring 2009

Facility design, permitting and contracting

Summer 2008 – Late 2010

Site preparation and new facility construction

Late 2010

New facility opens

Late 2010 – Late 2011

Deconstruction of old transfer station


Note: during construction, customer access to the facility may be interrupted. If so, customers will be re-directed to the closest county transfer station.

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King County Solid Waste Division
King Street Center 201 S. Jackson Street, Suite 701, Seattle, Washington 98104
Solid Waste Information Line: 206-296-4466, Fax: 206-296-0197, TTY Relay: 711,
800-325-6165 ext. 66542 (outside the local calling area M-F 8:30 am - 4:30 pm)
Send us your comments online.

Updated: Oct. 2, 2008

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