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Earthquake Hazards Program

World Data Center for Seismology, Denver and International Seismological Centre
International Registry of Seismograph Stations

Institut de Physique du Globe, Univ. P et M Curie, Paris, France

Code Latitude Longitude Elevation Status Station Name
FOMA -24.9756 46.9788 26.0 Reserved Nahampoana Reserve
ONF 43.0950 -0.7160 30.0 Open Office National des Forêts
PAR 48.8094 2.4936 47.0 Open Paris--Parc Saint Maur
PCR -21.1957 55.5778 2270.0 Closed La Plaine des Cafres
RER -21.1590 55.7460 834.0 Open Rivière de l'Est (La Plaine-des-Cafres)
SGR 47.7094 -0.9173 90.0 Open Segre
SMCF 42.5280 2.4018 1000.0 Closed Saint Martin du Canigou
VDM 49.0744 2.2319 70.0 Open Villiers-Adam

Inquiries should be directed to: Julie Martinez


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