X27A External Homepage

Beamline X27A

General Information

Source Type
Bending Magnet


General User Beamtime

Energy Range Category
Hard X-Ray (1-50 keV)

Energy Range
4.5-32 keV

Beamline Type
Facility Beamline

X-ray microprobe

Brookhaven National Laboratory-Environ Sci
SUNY Stony Brook - CEMS

Research Types
Environmental Science, Geoscience, Physics, Chemistry, Biology

Contact Information

Spokesperson The person from each beamline who acts as a contact point between the beamline management and NSLS administration. Contact for questions about the beamline scientific program, experimental capabilities, and beamline management.
Lisa Miller, Brookhaven National Laboratory, lmiller@bnl.gov, 344-2091

Local Contact The beamline staff member who is typically responsible for overseeing the daily operation and maintenance of the beamline. Contact for questions about beamline instrumentation, experimental details, and training.
Randy Smith, Brookhaven National Laboratory, rsmith@bnl.gov, 344-8033
Antonio Lanzirotti, University of Chicago, LANZIROTTI@BNL.GOV, 631-344-7174 (BNL)

Beamtime Scheduler The beamline staff member responsible for coordination of beamline schedule every trimester. Contact for questions about beamtime scheduling.
Lisa Miller, Brookhaven National Laboratory, lmiller@bnl.gov, 344-2091

Beamline Phone


Beamline Characteristics

Energy Range Mono Crystal or Grating Resolution (ΔE/E) Flux Spot Size (mm) Total Angular Acceptance (mrad)
3.8 – 20 keV Si(111) 10-4 (/ ) 5 x 109 ph/sec 0.015 (h) x 0.010 (v) 0.1
5.5 - 32 keV Si(311) 10-4 (/ ) 1 x 109 ph/sec 0.015 (h) x 0.010 (v) 0.1

Source Type
Bending magnet

Optical System
Mirrors: The X27A micro-focusing system consists of two, 20 cm long, dynamically bent rhodium-coated silicon mirrors arranged in Kirkpatrick-Baez (KB) geometry, which is housed within a helium-purged enclosure. The KB mirrors (10.2 meters from the source) focus a 1mm x 1mm beam down to about 10 m [vertical] x 15 m [horizontal] with an average flux of 5x109 ph/sec. The demagnifications in the vertical and horizontal directions are 26:1 and 55:1 respectively, and the working distance is 9 cm.

Monochromator: The monochromator consists of two water-cooled channel-cut crystals [Si(111) and Si(311)], with a four-jaw motorized slit system located immediately upstream of this arrangement.

Experimental Apparatus
Radiation hutch. Canberra 13-element Germanium Array x-ray detector with DSP (digital signal processing technology). Ion chambers and photodiode detectors. XYZ-theta high-resolution motorized sample position stage. Motorized experimental table (6-degrees of freedom). CCD-coupled optical microscopes.

Computer System Hardware & Software
Beamline components are controlled by EPICS 3.14.7 running on a VME (VxWorks) and LINUX systems. The user interface is through the IDL, spec and medm clients. The user views the experimental system (sample and the surrounding environment) through CCD-coupled optical microscopes. Rewritable DVD/CD and floppy disks are available for use.

Windows XP running IDL and medm clients; Linux RedHat 9.0 running IDL, medm and SPEC clients; Xerox Phaser 6250 Color Printer.
