Beamline X13A

General Information

Source Type
Insertion Device


General User Beamtime

Energy Range Category
Soft X-Ray (0.1-1 keV)

Energy Range
.2-1.6 keV

Beamline Type
Facility Beamline

X-ray scattering, magnetic
X-ray scattering, resonant
Magnetic circular dichroism


Research Types
Linear soft x-rays and fast switching (22Hz) circularly polarized soft x-rays

Contact Information

Spokesperson The person from each beamline who acts as a contact point between the beamline management and NSLS administration. Contact for questions about the beamline scientific program, experimental capabilities, and beamline management.
Cecilia Sanchez Hanke, Brookhaven National Laboratory,, 344-5699

Local Contact The beamline staff member who is typically responsible for overseeing the daily operation and maintenance of the beamline. Contact for questions about beamline instrumentation, experimental details, and training.
Cecilia Sanchez Hanke, Brookhaven National Laboratory,, 344-5699
Elio Vescovo, Brookhaven National Laboratory,, 344-7399

Beamtime Scheduler The beamline staff member responsible for coordination of beamline schedule every trimester. Contact for questions about beamtime scheduling.
Cecilia Sanchez Hanke, Brookhaven National Laboratory,, 344-5699

Beamline Phone


Beamline Characteristics

Energy Range Mono Crystal or Grating Resolution (ΔE/E) Flux Spot Size (mm) Total Angular Acceptance (mrad)
0.2 – 1.6 keV spherical gratings: 800 and 1600 grooves/mm 2 x 10-4 (@ 400 eV)   2H x 1V  

Source Type
22 Hz polarization switching Elliptical Polarized Wiggler (EPW)

Optical System
The X13A optics consist of an integrally-water-cooled deflection/focusing mirror (M0) followed by a horizontally-dispersing soft x-ray spherical grating monochromator (SGM) and a 22-Hz polarization selection chopper. The M0 mirror, installed and commissioned in mid-2004, provides more stability and higher flux (gain of one order of magnitude) than did the old mirror. The SGM features two diffraction gratings (800 and 1600 grooves/mm), a water-cooled entrance slit, and a movable exit slit. The 22-Hz chopper is synchronized to the switching frequency of the EPW and provides both 22 Hz and 44 Hz signals to the phase-sensitive detector electronics.

Experimental Apparatus
The sample chamber houses a two-circle vacuum-compatible diffractometer that provides the capability to perform scattering measurements in the horizontal plane. An electromagnet and a Janis He-tran cryostat provide the capability to apply magnetic fields on the sample up to ± 0.1Tesla parallel to the sample surface and cool the sample down to 30 K, respectively. Standard soft x-ray detectors are available: a soft x-ray photodiode and total electron yield via the sample current.

Computer System Hardware & Software
Unix computer connected to EPICS via RTEMS in a standard VME crate. GPIB interface via a PCI card in the control PC, to control the lock-in amplifiers, the magnet field, and the sample temperature. SPEC is used for beamline control and data acquisition. Mathematica is available for data analysis.
