U12IR External Homepage

Beamline U12IR

General Information

Source Type
Bending Magnet


General User Beamtime

Energy Range Category

Energy Range
8-600 cm-1

Beamline Type
Facility Beamline

Infrared transmission and reflection spectrospcopy
THz / millimeter wave spectroscopy
Time-resolved spectroscopy


Research Types
Far-IR spectroscopy of solids. Techniques: mostly transmission spectroscopy, limited reflection. photo-induced time-resolved spectroscopy, Sample temperatures between 5K & 300K. Magnetospectroscopy (under development)

Contact Information

Spokesperson The person from each beamline who acts as a contact point between the beamline management and NSLS administration. Contact for questions about the beamline scientific program, experimental capabilities, and beamline management.
G Carr, Brookhaven National Laboratory, carr@bnl.gov, 344-2237

Local Contact The beamline staff member who is typically responsible for overseeing the daily operation and maintenance of the beamline. Contact for questions about beamline instrumentation, experimental details, and training.
G Carr, Brookhaven National Laboratory, carr@bnl.gov, 344-2237
Hsiang-Lin Liu, National Taiwan Normal University, hliu@phy.ntnu.edu.tw, 886229343163

Beamtime Scheduler The beamline staff member responsible for coordination of beamline schedule every trimester. Contact for questions about beamtime scheduling.
G Carr, Brookhaven National Laboratory, carr@bnl.gov, 344-2237

Beamline Phone


Beamline Characteristics

Spectral Range Instrument Spectral Resolution Greater than Globar Spot Size (mm) Total Angular Acceptance (mrad)
8 – 4000 cm-1, 1 – 500 meV Bruker 125 (6 meter) 0.001 cm-1, 0.125 eV 100X-1000X 4 90H x 90V

Source Type
Bending magnet

Optical System
Mirror System: Water-cooled silicon carbide beam extraction; beam is steered and focused by a combination of ellipsoidal and planar mirrors. Beam is extracted through 1 cm diameter (clear view), ~0.35 mm thick wedged CVD diamond window.

Experimental Apparatus
Cryostats available to user groups having full expertise at operating lHe cooled optical dewar systems. Limited support from beamline staff.

Computer System Hardware & Software
Hardware: Windows PC
OS: Windows XP
Aquisition: Bruker OPUS
