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Language binding

The NDFS-II offers several wrappers to other programming languages. For example, a Java interface is provided allowing programs developed in Java to use the NDFS-II capabilities for data transport.


The NDFS-II is a system that allows dynamically loading of custom flows when using its C++ API. This very useful capability could not be implemented when we developed the Java wrapper for technical reasons. Therefore the Java binder is presently linked to some of our flows. These flows, Flow_Block_Test, Flow_Audio_Array and Flow_Ant_Simulation need to be built before you can use the Java wrapper. They are located in the src/flows folder of the project.

Once these flow libraries are built, the C++ side of the wrapper needs to be built using the qmake method. The sources are located in the java/smartflow2 folder.

The Java side of the wrapper does not need to be built and is already provided in the Java folder. Use this jar file when developing your Java programs to use the NDFS-II data transport capabilities.

The Java class interface located in java/smartflow2/src/org/nist/NDFS consists in the Smartflow, the Flow and Buffer classes. The prototypes of the Java classes are the same as the C++ classes.

Please refer to the How to create application section to see how to use the main objects provided by the NDFS-II API to transport your data.

The development of this wrapper was made possible by using the Java Native Interface (JNI) programming framework.


An Octave wrapper is presently in development. The prototype allows Octave programs to exchange data using the data flow capabilities within the octave scope, i.e. using Octave methods. The same concepts of the system apply to the octave wrapper, meaning that the transport is transparent for Octave client nodes. They can be running on the same machine or different hosts.

The Octave type 'cell' is used to exchange data between octave programs. An Octave data provider client node can fill out a cell with any combination of octave data types before sending it using the NDFS-II Octave methods. Using symmetrical NDFS-II Octave methods, an Octave consumer is then able to get this cell filled out with the data. The Octave wrapper is endian free, meaning that the user does not need to handle endianness when using client nodes running on different architectures.