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Addressing The World's Energy Challenges
Features In This Issue - Volume 38, Number 1, 2005


An Editorial:
An Important Part Of The Solution

ORNL is the nation's leading energy research and development laboratory. More...


Energy Efficiency


Energy Efficiency: Stretching America's Resources
ORNL continues a long tradition of contributing energy-efficient technologies to the buildings, industrial, transportation, and power sectors. More...


Providing International Solutions
American security will require addressing the energy challenges of other nations as well as our own. More...


Energy Prophets: U.S. Oil Dependence
A 1995 ORNL model predicted an oil price shock for 2005 that hit the year before. More...


Aid for the Auto Industry
To reduce the use of imported oil for transportation and improve air quality, ORNL and UT researchers are conducting research that supports the design of cars and trucks that use fuel more efficiently. More...


Multiple Roads to the Hydrogen Car
ORNL is conducting research on hydrogen production, distribution, safety, and fuel cells for our children's cars. More...


Closer To The Customer
ORNL helps bring reliable, energy-efficient cooling, heating, and power to commercial customers nationwide. More...


Pushing The Envelope
A promising example of ORNL's work on integrating building technologies is progress in creating affordable zero-energy houses. More...


Letting The Sunshine In
The outlook is sunny for the Laboratory's prospects of commercializing hybrid solar lighting (HSL). More...


Industrial Efficiency
ORNL is contributing new technologies, materials, software tools, and training to improve the energy efficiency of American industry. More...


More Power To The GRID
Working with industry, ORNL is testing advanced conductors and developing superconducting cables to improve the efficiency of the U.S. electric grid. More...


Research Tools For The Nation
ORNL, industry, and university researchers collaborating at DOE national user facilities in Oak Ridge have helped improve nationwide energy efficiency. More...


Energy Partners
ORNL's partnerships with industry, universities, and government agencies increase the probability that energy-efficient technologies will be adopted. More...




John Petersen: Focusing On The UT-ORNL Synergy
On July 1, 2004, Dr. John Petersen became the University of Tennessee's 23rd president. More...




Fusion: A Big Win For ORNL
ORNL's selection as a U.S. project manager for ITER means the Laboratory's multi-pronged fusion research will likely influence the international fusion reactor's design and research program. More...


Attractive Materials Process
Use of a magnetic field can increase the strength and fracture resistance of steel and other ferromagnetic alloys. More...


Glassy Steel
ORNL researchers have developed a new bulk amorphous steel that is non-magnetic at room temperature and significantly harder than conventional steel. More...




...and the Winners are...
Accomplishments of Distinction at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. More...


Inside Back Cover


Herman Postma (1933-2004)
Herman Postma, ORNL director from 1974 through 1988, was a fusion research pioneer, innovative scientific administrator, advocate for science and technology in political and industrial circles, and leader in education, international study exchanges, economic development, and health care management.


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