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Worksheet E

State Contracts-Evaluation of Inspectional Performance
State Program Management
8/7/06 Revised

Worksheet E Calculation of the performance rating for the food contract audits.

This form must be completed at the end of the contract performance period. Follow the instructions in Appendix E to complete the form. Refer to Section III, Part E of this FMD for specific reporting instructions.

This form is in Portable Document Format (PDF). This is not a fillable form, therefore, the document must be printed. To view or print the document, you must use Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is free and available directly from Adobe’s website with full installation instructions.

The text version of this form is also available.

Worksheet E: Word word icon Size 164 kb, PDF pdf icon Size 146 kb

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This page was last updated on: 08/16/06.