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ORNL researchers are developing "weigh-in-motion" techniques that will measure truck weights faster and more accurately.

Better Ways to Weigh Trucks

Joe steers his company's tractor-trailer rig to an interstate weigh station in Knox County, Tennessee, for the required weight measurement and safety inspection. As with his other three stops on weigh station scales that day, his truck idles for about five minutes, wasting diesel fuel and precious time. But his truck weight is once again found to be below the legal limit, so he knows his company won't be ticketed and fined.

Joe's truck is one of 500,000 carriers on the nation's highways that are checked four times each day in the never-ending search for vehicles that are overloaded and otherwise unsafe. The cost to the motor carrier industry and, subsequently, to consumers of these mandated truck stops is estimated to be over $15 million daily. In addition, because weight enforcement activities are slow and cumbersome, weigh stations are often overcrowded. Law enforcement officials often face two choices that together can create unsafe conditions. They can allow vehicles to back up in long lines near weigh station entrance ramps. Or they can let carriers bypass stations without being weighed or inspected.

Because the Knox County weigh station, which is near the I-75/I-40 junction, is the second busiest in the nation, about 70% of the 14,000 to 20,000 carriers traveling toward it daily are allowed to bypass it. In the past, Joe has been one of these. Some of these carriers legally bypass this station when truck lines are short because their weight is considered acceptable when they roll over an advanced, high-speed, weigh-in-motion (WIM) system in the westbound lanes of I-75. This is one of more than 75 commercial WIM systems embedded in the nation's highways that screen out commercial vehicles that may be overweight. Each driver who participates in the high-speed WIM program has a radiofrequency transponder for communication with the weigh station. If the truck weight is near the allowable limit, the driver is advised to stop at the upcoming weigh station for a more accurate weighing of the vehicle.

The Knox County system for weighing vehicles at high speeds is part of the National High-Speed WIM Test Facility. With support from the Federal Highway Administration and the Tennessee Departments of Transportation and Safety, this facility was developed by ORNL's Engineering Technology Division (ETD) in a cooperative research and development agreement with International Road Dynamics (IRD), Inc., of Saskatchewan, Canada.

The prototype advanced WIM system for I-75 was designed, installed, and tested by IRD and ORNL researchers David Beshears, Jeff Muhs, Matt Scudiere, and others in ETD. The ORNL group developed an improved system for acquiring and processing data from IRD's WIM hardware, which includes strain gauges and transducers that measure how much the plates they're attached to bend under the weight of truck tires, and then send corresponding electrical signals to the data acquisition system. The researchers also installed a small lab by I-75 for data collection and analysis. For the lab's computer, which receives digitized signals from the WIM signal-processing unit, they developed an advanced weight-determining algorithm. As a result, the advanced system has an error rate that is 30% less than that of a standard commercial WIM system for high-speed weight monitoring.

Commercial high-speed WIM systems pose several problems. "Installation of these systems is expensive and requires extended lane closures, causing traffic jams," Beshears says. "Furthermore, these WIM systems are only 80 to 94% accurate. That's not accurate enough for law enforcement, so the use of static scales is required at weigh stations. Unless you get a truck weight that is better than 99% accurate, you can't legally issue a citation for a weight violation to a trucking company."

"We are now developing a 'weight enforcement on the fly' technology that will weigh trucks much more accurately at high speeds," Muhs says. "Its error rate will be less than 1%. When used with a license plate reader and wireless technology, this system will electronically identify and ticket overweight trucks passing by without making them stop at weigh stations."

In the meantime, the ORNL group is proposing that weigh station operators consider converting static scales to low-speed WIM systems. Working with the Tennessee Department of Safety and the Carlton Scale Company and using funding from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the researchers have shown that it is feasible to convert the static scales at the Knox County weigh station into a high-accuracy, low-speed WIM system. This system was recognized as an emerging technology at the American Museum of Science and Energy's Tribute to Tennessee Technology Awards ceremony in 2000.

Scale meter
The weight of a tractor (22,100 pounds) is displayed on the scale meter. (Photo by Curtis Boles.)

"By using a static scale platform that is 40 feet long, we have a large enough area and a long enough time to sample the weight of the truck," Muhs says. "We developed an algorithm that averages out the bounciness, or oscillations, of truck tires as they alternately press heavily and lightly on the platform of the scale. The algorithm allows us to weigh a truck moving at 30 miles per hour with an error rate less than 1%, which is required for law enforcement."

Besides increasing enforcement efficiency, this approach will let trucks go through weigh stations faster but allow inspectors time to determine whether a vehicle should be pulled out of line and checked for brake problems or additional safety violations. Traffic simulations of ORNL's low-speed WIM system indicate the average delay for a motor carrier can be reduced by a factor of seven, from 280 seconds to 40 seconds, eliminating traffic bottlenecks that cause trucks to bypass weigh stations. Such a system also could be used to weigh trucks as they enter and leave depot areas, such as grain elevators and landfills.

Gary Capps chats with Ralph Long while the tractor is being weighed on the static weigh-in-motion scale at the NTRC
Gary Capps, leader of the Transportation Technology Development and Demonstration Team in ORNL's Engineering Technology Division, chats with Ralph Long, retired Exxon-Mobil truck driver, while the tractor (minus its trailer) is being weighed on the static weigh-in-motion scale at the NTRC. (Photo by Curtis Boles and enhanced by Vicki Beets.)

A low-speed WIM system using a static scale is located at the NTRC. The ORNL group is using it for research and demonstrations.

Muhs spearheaded the development of a fiber-optic WIM in 1989, but the project was abandoned a few years later because the fiber used by the ORNL group was no longer being fabricated. So the group focused on a different WIM technology. In 1996 in partnership with the Tennessee Air National Guard, the ORNL group developed, tested, and evaluated a portable WIM system for the U.S. Air Force. The system was demonstrated at McGhee-Tyson Airport in Knoxville and at two military bases.

Members of the Tennesse Air National Buid test ORNL's portable weigh-in-motion system
Members of the Tennessee Air National Guard at McGhee-Tyson Airport (including Colonel Fred Forster, right front) test ORNL's portable weigh-in-motion system for the U.S. Air Force. This automated system uses plates, strain gauges, and an advanced data acquisition system and algorithm to weigh and determine the center of balance of military vehicles in motion before they are loaded onto cargo aircraft for rapid deployment.

This automated vehicle data acquisition (AVDAC) system, which uses plates and strain gauges, weighs and determines the center of balance of trucks, tanks, and other military vehicles in motion for rapid deployment by aircraft into and out of a theater of operation. The goal is to make sure that military aircraft and their cargo arrive safely and on schedule to help meet a humanitarian need, provide assistance during a regional conflict, or help protect the national security.

"If the center of balance of the aircraft is not in the right zone, it cannot take off safely," Beshears says. "That's why military vehicles must be weighed so it can be determined where to put them and how best to distribute the load in the cargo plane." The AVDAC system, which has been licensed to Intercomp, Inc., in Minnesota, combines a weight-determining algorithm and an electronic data acquisition system developed by ORNL with hardware that converts tire forces into electrical signals. It could replace the manual method of using small portable scales, a calculator, and a tape measure to determine number of axles, axle weight, axle spacing, gross weight, and center of balance. Because the AVDAC system is fully automated, it is not subject to operator error and it is safer to use.

"Our AVDAC system cut the error rate in half for WIM systems," Beshears says. "It greatly simplifies the weighing operation and increases productivity by 500%, saving 40 minutes per aircraft. Over 10 years this technology could save the Air Force $45 million and prevent the loss of at least one $200 million C-17 cargo aircraft."

Saving time and money is not just a whim, but it may be a benefit of tomorrow's WIM systems.

Illustration of a WIM system from the driver's perspective
ORNL researchers and Air Force officials have envisioned a WIM system for automatically weighing, marking, and loading an entire battalion of military vehicles onto a military aircraft. This system integrates wireless technology with load-planning software. Each vehicle has a distinctive radiofrequency (rf) signature, which is identified by an rf reader as the vehicle passes over a WIM scale. The vehicle's weight and center of balance are measured and transmitted with its rf identification to a computer, which has load-planning software. The computer decides where on the aircraft each vehicle should go to give the aircraft the proper center of balance so it can take off safely. The driver of each vehicle (see above) follows computer-controlled guide lights on the aircraft that tell him where to park the vehicle.
Jeff Muhs (left) and David Beshears conduct research on energy (e.g., hybrid lighting) as well as transportation projects. (Photo by Curtis Boles and enhanced by Jane Parrott.)

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Related Web sites

ORNL's Engineering Technology Division
Tennessee Department of Safety
Tennessee Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
American Museum of Science and Energy
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Tennessee Air National Guard

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