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Researchers are improving power electronic modules and electric motors to help hybrid cars squeeze every last mile out of a gallon of gasoline or diesel fuel.

Power Electronics: Energy Manager for Hybrid Electric Vehicles

When you drive the next-generation car, advanced electronics will be in charge of the vehicle's energy use. Some people are already driving hybrid vehicles designed in Japan, such as the Toyota Prius and Honda Insight. But the next-generation car likely to come out of Detroit by 2004 will get 80 miles per gallon, while maintaining the size, comfort, and performance of today's family sedan. Because less fuel is burned per mile and the energy is used more efficiently, this car will also emit less carbon dioxide and other pollutants. Power electronics, which controls the flow of electrical energy, will be the key to making the car high in efficiency and low in emissions, meeting the goals of the U.S. Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles (PNGV).

Each car company has its own unique approach to vehicle design and power control. Generally, the American hybrid car will have a smaller gasoline or diesel engine, sized to meet the average power requirement rather than the peak power required in normal driving. Electric motors powered by batteries will provide extra power to the wheels when needed to accelerate the car or help it climb a hill.

When you step on the brakes, the kinetic energy of the car won't be completely dissipated as heat. Instead, in what is called regenerative braking, the electric motor will act as a generator, capturing energy from the wheels and charging the batteries.

How and when fuel and electricity are used in hybrid cars will be dictated by a computer aided by power electronics. An inverter will convert direct current (dc) from the car's batteries to alternating current (ac) to drive the electric motor that provides power to the wheels. The inverter also converts ac to dc when it takes power from the generator to recharge the batteries.

Don Adams, leader of the Power Electronics and Electric Machinery Research Group in ORNL's Engineering Technology Division (ETD), is spearheading an effort to reduce the sizes, weights, and costs and to increase the efficiencies and useful life of automotive electric motors and inverters. Using Department of Energy funding, he and his colleagues are collaborating with researchers in the U.S. automobile industry to reach these technical targets.

Hui Li checks a converter being developed for a hybrid electric vehicle project
Hui Li checks a converter being developed at NTRC for a hybrid electric vehicle project. (Photo by Curtis Boles and enhanced by LeJean Hardin.)

"We are trying to reduce the electric motor to about one-third the volume and one-half the weight of today's motors," says Adams. "So we have developed a series of highly efficient electric motors. Another goal is to develop the right materials and manufacturing techniques to reduce the cost of inverters from $200/kilowatt to $7/kilowatt. The industry knows how to achieve cost, size, or performance goals, but not all three simultaneously."

The ETD group has already developed an evolving series of "soft-switching inverters" that are more efficient, more compact, and more reliable than conventional inverters. Leon Tolbert, a member of the ETD group and a University of Tennessee professor, says, "To meet PNGV goals, we are trying to reduce the size and cost of the new inverter module by developing circuits that are more efficient so that the heat sink can be made smaller. Our inverter is a strong candidate for electric cars and buses, partly because its lighter weight will increase vehicle energy efficiency."

An electric bus with an ORNL-developed soft-switching inverter
One of Chattanooga's electric buses has an ORNL-developed soft-switching inverter (shown here) that makes the vehicle lighter and more energy efficient. This inverter also eliminates the problems of voltage spikes, waste heat, and electro-magnetic interference that can disrupt operations of other electronic devices.

"Far more electrical power will be required in new vehicles than in today's automobiles," Adams says. "We must make sure that there is enough electricity to operate the wheels, air conditioning, power steering, lights, and information systems, such as the auto PC and displays of navigational information. We must ensure that these systems work well together. We're doing all this work hand-in-hand with the auto companies and their suppliers. Furthermore, we help DOE decide the appropriate direction of the research and assess the progress toward the goals."

At the National Transportation Research Center, researchers are charging ahead with power electronics projects that may help make future cars cleaner, more efficient, and affordable. In the not-too-distant future, that fossil-fuel-driven engine will be replaced by a fuel cell. When that happens, the role of power electronics and electric motors will become even more prominent.

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Related Web sites

ORNL's Power Electronics and Electric Machinery Research Group
ORNL's Engineering Technology Division (ETD)
Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles

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