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ORNL's prize-winning graphite foam may improve the efficiency of future transportation vehicles.

ORNL's Graphite Foam May Aid Transportation

Editor's note: The following article describes an ORNL technology development that won an R&D 100 Award in 2000. The awards are presented annually by R&D Magazine in recognition of the year's most significant technological innovations. ORNL's 107 R&D 100 awards place it first among DOE laboratories and second only to General Electric.

Transportation Applications | Bake It Like A Cake

Artificial diamonds. Buckyballs. Carbon foam with high thermal conductivity. These products are the results of serendipitous discoveries made by researchers working with carbon. Carbon foam was discovered in 1998 at ORNL by James W. Klett, a carbon researcher in ORNL's Metals and Ceramics Division. The foam received an R&D 100 Award in 2000 from R&D magazine for being one of 100 most significant innovations in the past year. In June 1999 a patented ORNL method for making this special graphite foam was licensed exclusively to Poco Graphite in Decatur, Texas, which calls the product PocoFoam™.

Currently, materials research on the carbon foam at ORNL is being funded by DOE's Office of Transportation Technologies. "This is a truly revolutionary material that will find uses in many applications," says Patrick Davis of the Office of Transportation Technologies. "Specifically, we believe carbon foam is an enabling technology that will solve critical heat rejection problems we must overcome before fuel-cell and advanced power electronics technologies can be introduced into automobiles."

Klett says he made his fortunate discovery of graphite foam by accident while changing a fabrication process. "We had been making carbon-carbon composites, which are carbon fibers embedded in a carbon matrix," he explains. "Because of their heat transfer abilities, such composites show promise for making better brakes and heat shields. But we were trying to find a cheaper way to make the composites."

Klett was experimenting with a process he modified by eliminating a couple of steps. He noticed that a carbon foam had formed as a result.

"We usually heat treat a carbon material to very high temperatures to develop a graphite product," he says. "I took the carbon foam and heat treated it to make it a graphite foam. I then noticed that it transferred heat remarkably fast. When I held the sample in the palm of one hand and pressed an ice cube in tweezers against the top, the heat from my hand caused the ice to melt quickly, cooling my hand.

James Klett shows that ice held against the graphite foam will melt quickly
James Klett shows that ice held against the graphite foam will melt quickly because the heat from the hand holding the foam is transferred rapidly through the foam. As a result, this hand feels the cold fast. (Photo by Curtis Boles.)

"So Tim Burchell and I made more foam samples, ran heat conductivity tests on them, and confirmed they had a special property. We were the first to recognize that a carbon foam could be made that has unusually high thermal conductivity."

Klett and his colleagues found that the key to the foam's conductivity is its unusual graphite crystal structure. It has a skeletal structure full of air pockets, making it only 25% dense and lightweight. The network of ligaments in the foam wicks heat away from its source almost better than do high-performance graphite fibers. PocoFoam™, which is three to nine times more thermally conductive than typical lightweight carbon foams, conducts heat better than aluminum but at one-fifth the weight. Moreover, the open porosity allows air, water, or some other fluid to pass through the foam. This property, combined with the high surface area, leads to very high heat transfer coefficients in heat exchangers made of PocoFoam™.


Micrograph of the skeletal structure and air pockets of PocoFoam(tm)
Colorful micrographs show skeletal structure and air pockets of PocoFoam™.

Transportation Applications

After the discovery, Klett and Burchell began thinking up applications for the foam. They determined that because the foam is lightweight and transfers heat rapidly, it could improve the efficiency of transportation vehicles. For example, the foam could be used to make a smaller, lighter car radiator that might be placed away from the front of a car to give it an energy-saving and less-polluting aerodynamic design. If the size of the front of the car is reduced, the car will not have to push as much air in its forward motion, allowing it to use fuel more efficiently. Because a smaller radiator can make a car lighter and faster since it allows a more aerodynamic design, automotive racing teams are interested in foam radiators.

This radiator would quickly transfer heat from the engine to air blowing through its foam components. In a heat sink made of the foam, hot air or water coolant may pass through a tube penetrating a foam block, and cold air or water would pass through the porous foam. Conversely, the foam can be machined into fins (vertical parallel plates) or vertical pins on a base, as in metal heat sinks.

"A subcontractor is now building car radiator prototypes from PocoFoam™," Klett says. "Small radiators could remove heat from fuel cells that will be used to power electric cars and buildings." In cars, the heat from the car radiator could be transferred to warm the passenger compartment. In buildings the waste heat could be recaptured for additional power production.

The Department of Defense is interested in smaller radiators for personnel carriers, Klett says. A smaller radiator would present less of a target to the enemy, making it less likely that it would be hit, effectively stopping the vehicle.

James Klett hold a block of graphite foam
James Klett holds a block of graphite foam. A prototype radiator in the background is made partly of this type of foam. (Photo by Curtis Boles.)

PocoFoam™ could be used also for cooling brakes (which develop hot spots), as well as oil and transmission fluid in automotive systems. It could find a place in lithium-ion batteries being developed to power electric cars. "Our preliminary studies show that carbon foam may work better than the typical carbon fibers in the anode of a lithium-ion battery," Klett says. "Our evidence suggests that a carbon foam anode would discharge ions to the electrolyte faster than a graphite fiber anode."

PocoFoam™ could be used to replace aluminum blocks as heat sinks to cool power electronic modules in hybrid vehicles now being developed in the United States. A hybrid vehicle has a gasoline engine and an electric motor/generator. The vehicle requires small, lightweight power electronic modules, such as inverters, to convert direct current (dc) from batteries to alternating current (ac) for use by the electric motor in accelerating the wheels. The electric motor becomes a generator when it captures energy from the wheels to slow or stop them. The inverter then converts ac to dc when it takes power from the generator to recharge the batteries.

At ORNL a heat sink with fins made of the special graphite foam has been cooling a Pentium 133 chip in a desktop computer since December 12, 1998. "If you reduce an electronic chip's temperature by 10°C (20°F)," Klett says, "a rule of thumb is that its lifetime will double before it fails."

The foam could also be used in pistons because it can withstand temperatures as high as 500°C in air. Robert Kirk, manager of DOE's Office of Advanced Automotive Technology, observes, "When I review the list of recurring areas of automotive interest, I see the thermally conductive carbon foam most frequently. I am pleased with this high level of industry interest because it provides convincing evidence that our research funds are well placed and effectively used."

There are other possible uses for foam heat sinks, as well. They may prove useful in protecting electronic components on space satellites from heat damage. Another possible application would be in evaporative cooling, in which the high specific surface area (>4m2/g) combines with the high thermal conductivity to produce very efficient cooling as water evaporates from the foam surfaces.

"The aerospace industry is interested in coating carbon foam with titanium to make a high-strength material with high thermal conductivity," Klett says. "The Navy is considering using it for various components to make its boats lighter and smaller."

Bake It Like a Cake

Klett compares the batch method he cultivated to produce graphite foam production to baking a cake. "You put the batter in a pan, stick it in the oven, and heat it to the right temperature until you get a foam," he says, explaining that in essence a cake is a foam. "In our method, we put pitch—tar—in a vessel, pressurize it, heat it, and let it decompose. The gas evolved by decomposition during pyrolysis bubbles through the viscous heated pitch, producing a foam."

Poco Graphite has an exclusive license to produce graphite foam using ORNL's patented batch method. The company has started pilot production of PocoFoam™ in the form of sheets and blocks. In May 2000 the first PocoFoam™ product was sold. Poco Graphite also has the machining capability to produce finished parts made of the foam.

The PocoFoam™ production process is expensive, but the manufacturer says the price of the product should come down as demand increases. "Remember VCRs" says Klett. "They cost more than $1200 apiece when they first came out and now they're much less expensive." In the meantime, Klett, Burchell, Claudia Walls, Claudia Rawn, and Marie Williams (all part of the graphite foam development team at ORNL) are testing and evaluating another process in search of a cheaper production method.

"We're looking at methods that will allow continuous production of the foam," Klett says. "This approach should reduce production time and increase throughput."

Klett concedes that PocoFoam™ is not exceptionally strong; its tensile and compressive strength and its other mechanical properties are not as good as those of aluminum and copper. "But its compressive strength compares well with some aluminum honeycombs used for heat sinks," Klett says. "When we impregnated foam samples with epoxy resin, we found that the foam's compressive strength increased ten times. Nevertheless, we believe that if we tweak the fabrication process to improve the foam's mechanical properties, we would probably sacrifice its high thermal conductivity."

Meanwhile, Klett looks forward to making more discoveries as he searches for "out-of-the-box" applications for PocoFoam™.

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Related Web sites

PocoFoam™ Web Site
ORNL's Metals and Ceramics Division
DOE's Office of Transportation Technologies
DOE's Office of Advanced Automotive Technology

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