Office of Justice Programs

Innovation • Partnerships • Safer Neighborhoods          

Youth Violence Resources

  • Bullying and Youth Violence Prevention
    This Web site provides links to resources detailing youth violence prevention, particularly during after-school hours.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Center for Injury Prevention and Control/Division of Violence Prevention
    The CDC has focused on violence prevention since the early 1980s, when efforts included the prevention of youth violence, suicide, and suicide attempts. CDC's Division of Violence Prevention emphasizes the following priority areas of violence prevention: (1) child maltreatment, (2) intimate partner and sexual violence, (3) suicide, and (4) youth violence. The Division of Violence Prevention supports projects and activities that focus on the primary prevention of violence through a public health approach that complements the approaches used by justice, education, and many other disciplines in this area.
  • Community Capacity Development Office (CCDO)
    CCDO assists communities nationwide as they seek to prevent crime, increase community safety, and revitalize neighborhoods. CCDO works with local communities to develop solutions that deter crime, promote economic growth, and enhance quality of life.
  • Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
    The Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention is an independent body within the executive branch of the federal government with primary functions to coordinate federal juvenile delinquency prevention programs, federal programs and activities that detain or care for unaccompanied juveniles, and federal programs relating to missing and exploited children.
  • Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Kids' Page
    The FBI Kids' Page is aimed at children (K-5th), youth (6th-12th), teachers, and parents. The page site offers educational information on crime prevention, tips on Internet safety, and links to other Internet sources.
  • Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Criminal Justice Information Services Division (CJIS)
    The CJIS Division was established to serve as the focal point and central repository for criminal justice information services within the FBI. CJIS offers a Community Outreach Program (COP), which creates and provides crime, drug, gang, violence prevention, and education programs within North Central West Virginia school systems and community organizations.
  • Helping America's Youth
    Helping America's Youth is a nationwide effort to raise awareness about the challenges facing our youth and to motivate caring adults to connect with youth in three key areas: family, school, and community. The Community Guide to Helping America's youth is an online resource designed to assist your community in forming effective partnerships and to provide customized strategic planning tools and informational resources to enhance youth-serving efforts.
  • National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC)
    As the lead federal agency for injury prevention, NCIPC works closely with other federal agencies; national, state, and local organizations; state and local health departments; and research institutions. NCIPC produces a fact sheet on youth violence, as well as the publication 'Best Practices for Youth Violence Prevention: A Sourcebook for Community Action' in English and Spanish. NCIPC's Division of Violence Prevention has placed a priority on youth violence prevention.
  • National Institutes of Health (NIH)
    NIH conducts research on multiple topics including suicide prevention and violence prevention.
  • National Youth Gang Center (NYGC)
    NYGC assists policymakers, practitioners, and researchers in their efforts to reduce youth gang involvement and crime by contributing information, resources, practical tools, and expertise towards the development and implementation of effective gang prevention, intervention, and suppression strategies.
  • National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center (NYVPRC)
    NYVPRC is a central source of information on prevention and intervention programs, publications, research, and statistics on violence committed by and against young people. It offers current information developed by Federal agencies or with Federal support, and tailored towards professionals, parents, teens, and others interested in learning about youth violence. Resources include fact sheets, best practices documents, funding and conference announcements, statistics, research bulletins, surveillance reports, and profiles of promising programs.
  • OJJDP Model Programs Guide (MPG)
    The Model Programs Guide is designed to assist practitioners and communities in implementing evidence-based prevention and intervention programs that can make a difference in the lives of children and communities.
  • Stop Bullying Now!
    Stop Bullying Now!, the Health Resources and Services Administration's (HRSA) National Bullying Prevention Campaign, was launched in 2004 to educate more Americans about how to prevent bullying and youth violence. Stop Bullying Now! was designed to stop bullying, including verbal or physical harassment that occurs repeatedly over time, that is intended to cause harm, and that involves an imbalance of power between the child who bullies and the child who is bullied.
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS)
    The Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) leads federal efforts to treat mental illnesses by promoting mental health and by preventing the development or worsening of mental illness when possible. CMHS pursues its mission by helping states improve and increase the quality and range of their treatment, rehabilitation, and support services for people with mental illness, their families, and communities. The CMHS 'About Bullying' initiative provides parents and caregivers with information about bullying and methods for communicating with children about the climate of fear created by bullying.
  • U.S. Department of Agriculture Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service (CSREES)
    The mission of CSREES is to advance knowledge for agriculture, the environment, human health and well-being, and communities by supporting research, education, and extension programs in the Land-Grant University System and other partner organizations. A special focus is the Children, Youth, and Families at Risk (CYFAR) Program, which funds community-based programs for at-risk children and their families.
  • U.S. Department of Education Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools (OSDFS)
    OSDFS administers, coordinates, and recommends policy for improving quality and excellence of programs and activities that are designed to (1) provide financial assistance for drug and violence prevention activities and activities that promote the health and well being of students in elementary schools, secondary schools, and institutions of higher education; (2) provide activities that may be carried out by state and local educational agencies and by other public and private nonprofit organizations; (3) participate in the formulation and development of ED program policy and legislative proposals and in overall administration policies related to violence and drug prevention; (4) participate in interagency committees, groups, and partnerships related to drug and violence prevention, coordinating with other federal agencies on issues related to comprehensive school health, and advising the secretary on the formulation of comprehensive school health education policy; (5) participate with other federal agencies in the development of a national research agenda for drug and violence prevention; (6) administer the department's programs relating to citizenship and civics education; and (7) provide national leadership on issues and programs in correctional education.
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Family and Youth Services Bureau (FYSB)
    FYSB is a federal agency dedicated to supporting young people and strengthening families. The mission of FYSB is to provide national leadership on youth issues. FYSB provides runaway and homeless youth service grants to local communities and funds research and demonstration projects.
  • U.S. Department of Justice: Prevent Youth Violence
    The Department of Justice's Youth Violence web site offers information for individuals and communities on issues including school violence, drug abuse, community interventions, grants and assistance, and publications. The site links to other useful federal government resources.
  • U.S. Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) Safekids
    Safekids, a computer crime prevention initiative of NCIS, acquaints parents with the darker side of the Internet and teaches them how to keep their children safe while they are online. It provides parents with information and other tools to help them determine whether their children may be visiting inappropriate sites on the Web. Armed with the knowledge and the tools, children will be safer while they are online, and parents will know an unsafe situation when they see it.