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Glenn Technical Reports Server
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Welcome to the Glenn Research Center's Technical Reports Server!

New reports were posted on September 29, 2008

Currently there are over 4114 searchable report abstracts and over 3298 complete documents online.

The citations and full-text documents found on GLTRS are unlimited, unclassified, and publicly available.

The Glenn Research Center's Technical Reports Server (GLTRS) is a service that allows users to search available online technical reports and abstracts. Unlimited, unclassified, and publicly available NASA series reports (TM, TP, CR, CP, SP) are available in PDF format and can be viewed with Adobe® Acrobat® Reader. Citations are rendered in HTML and thus are immediately viewable through your browser. Journal articles and society presentations that are not part of the NASA report series may be located by searching the NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS).

Authors wishing to submit Technical Reports to this server regarding work performed for, in cooperation with, or by contract to NASA Glenn Research Center, should contact Sue Butts, Technical Publications Manager, Glenn Research Center, Logistics and Technical Information Division (LTID),

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NASA Official: + Sue E. Butts
Curator: + Caroline Rist
Sponsor: NASA Glenn Research Center
Logistics and Technical
Information Division
Last Updated: March 2007