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Technical Assistance

The BJA Center for Program Evaluation has resources available to provide evaluation-related technical assistance (TA) to states. Technical assistance should help enhance the evaluation capacity of states in the area of criminal justice.

Technical assistance can take many forms including on-site trainings and written correspondence. State Administering Agencies and their subgrantees are eligible for technical assistance.

The following list includes examples of topics that would be appropriate for technical assistance:

  • On-site training on basic evaluation concepts
  • Assistance in developing and using performance measures
  • Developing an evaluation plan for a program
  • Initiating the development of a statewide strategy for performance measurement and evaluation

If you have any questions about technical assistance from the BJA Center for Program Evaluation please contact us at 202 842-9330 or

Those interested in receiving technical assistance must complete a Training and Technical Assistance request form available on the BJA web site. Further information on the process for requesting technical assistance is available on the BJA web site.

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