NWSO Melbourne

Total Lightning Information (TLI)


Purpose: To evaluate the utility of Total Lightning Information (TLI) for the potential improvement in weather products & services for the people of East Central Florida.

Background:  NWS Melbourne has access to 4 lightning workstations. Two of the workstations [National Lightning Data Network (NLDN); Warning Decision Support System (WDSS)] display "traditional" cloud-to-ground lightning information, while the remaining workstations [Lightning Detection And Ranging (LDAR); Lightning Imaging Sensor Data Application Demonstration (LISDAD)] are unique to NWS Melbourne and display TOTAL lightning information (in-cloud as well as cloud-to-ground). Using these sources of new technology collectively, NWSO Melbourne has begun to apply them toward improved public service and education efforts.

Additional information on each of the lightning workstations can be found below:
LISDAD/TLI - Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC)
Melbourne Integrated Lightning Detection Systems

Local efforts will be focused in three areas:

  1. Severe Storm Discernment
  2. Improved Aviation Forecast Products
  3. Improved Public Forecast Products...(described below)

The inclusion of TLI into items 1) and 2) above will be for the most part transparent to users. However, the goal of item 3) is to include additive, descriptive lightning information to public products. This "improved lightning service" should assist users in planning outdoor activities within the 0-12 hour time-frame, and improve lightning safety by describing specific times and areas at risk from potentially deadly lightning. In order to gain maximum benefit from this information it must reach as large of an audience as possible. Therefore, in addition to being broadcast on NOAA Weather Radio and on the local forecast segment of The Weather Channel, it is hoped that local broadcast media will use the information to pass on to their viewers/listeners as well. 

To assess the usefulness of additive lightning information, user feedback is necessary. A short telephone survey was conducted with the weather departments of local TV media and with Emergency Management Agency representatives during early October. An initial notification of the survey was sent to individuals and referred to this web-page for a full description of the initiative. Here's a synopsis of the survey results.  A more extensive survey is currently being developed and will be distributed to a wider segment of users later in the year. Feedback from these surveys will be used to modify and improve the TLI initiative prior to the start of the 1998 'lightning season.'

Concerning the "direct effects" of the various meteorological phenomena which occur in central Florida, lightning causes more deaths and injuries than any other weather hazard (see Florida Weather History...July & August) . This is especially true during the summer months. It also accounts for millions and millions of dollars of property damage. By combining local lightning research with the next generation of lightning sensors and workstations currently in place at NWSO Melbourne, we expect to be able to provide an improved public service and education campaign to the people of east central Florida.

Specific intentions of the TLI include:

a) Recognizing "lightning" as a legitimate hazard and increasing public education (new and enhanced terminology)
b) Providing pertinent lightning information in the HAZARDOUS WEATHER OUTLOOK (MIASPSMLB)
c) Providing pertinent lightning information in the AREA FORECAST DISCUSSION (MIAAFDMLB)
d) Providing pertinent lightning information in the NOWCAST (MIANOWMLB)...most important!!!