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Our Greenhouse/Nursery Program grows annually 12,000 native seedlings. The current inventory is 26,000 Western Washington native plants. We also provide non-native annuals and perennials for King County parks sites. In 2002 we began providing native plants to other city and government agencies for habitat restoration projects. The facility is housed on approx. 5 acres, 4 acres is nursery, with 2 commercial greenhouses, 2 shade house and a covered exterior potting shed.

Our native nursery stock is used throughout King County Park System for stream restoration, reforestation and re-vegetation of our natural areas. Community service groups and individuals volunteer time at the Nursery. They transplant seedlings. The containers are held over in the nursery until orders are submitted. Our inventory includes year old seedlings to larger material, up to four years old.

The Program

Greenhouse/Nursery Supervisor
Sue Watling
Pager: 206-540-3072

Greenhouse Nursery

Flowers at the King County Greenhouse



    For questions about the Parks and Recreation Division, please contact Kathy Nygard, Assistant to the Director

    For questions about the Web site for the Parks and Recreation Division, please contact Eli Brownell.

    Parks and Recreation Division
    201 S. Jackson Street, Suite 700
    Seattle, WA 98104
    Phone: 206-296-8687
    Fax: 206-296-8686
    TTY: 711 Relay Service

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