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Prevention Strategies

Gun Violence Programs: Strategic Approaches to Community Safety Initiative (SACSI)

SACSI was a national program that helped establish the value of multiagency, federal-local partnerships in responding to gun crime. All but one of the SACSI sites targeted homicide, youth violence and firearms violence. SACSI attempted to replicate in other cities the best practices from Boston's Operation Ceasefire: multiagency collaboration, strategic problem solving and action research.

Researchers found that — if well implemented — the SACSI approach reduced violent crime in the targeted communities, sometimes by as much as 50 percent.

Key elements of the SACSI strategy were:

  • Leadership by local U.S. Attorneys' Offices within a collaborative, multiagency partnership.
  • Integration of researchers into planning and execution of intervention strategies.
  • Design and implementation of interventions that incorporate tactics proven to reduce illegal gun carrying and use.
    Learn more about gun violence reduction tactics.
Date Entered: June 26, 2008