Equity and Social Justice

Similar to other urban areas across the nation, the gap between affluent and disadvantaged communities in King County remains wide and people of color are faring the worst. As shown on this website, by almost any measure of social concern, the outcomes for communities of color are well below those for the more privileged communities. Without improvements to their economic, social, and physical environments, stressed communities face substantial barriers to changing their circumstances. An emerging initiative for the King County Executive is to examine the causes of racial disparities and inequities and use the resources and leverage of King County government to create the conditions for all individuals and communities to have equal opportunities for health and prosperity. While this is a complex issue without ready-made solutions, we must explore a full-range of strategies (see graphic below). Given the early stage of this initiative, preliminary indicators are shown. As work progresses, the website will be updated.

Chart showing the commutity indicators and performance measures for Equity and Social Justice

King County by the numbers

Upstream - Perceived neighborhood safety Upstream - Housing affordability Midstream - Physical activity Midstream - On-time graduation rates Downstream - Homelessness Downstream - Obesity rates Upstream - Discrimination Upstream - Race, income, and toxic pollution Upstream - Poverty Midstream - 4th graders meeting state standards Midstream - Access to health care Midstream - Household income Downstream - Health status Downstream - Low birth weight Downstream - Incarceration rates Downstream Midstream Upstream Equity and Social Justice