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Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR)
Tables for Selected Miscellaneous Auxiliary Gear (Mandatory). - 1918 App II

Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents
• Part Number: 1918
• Part Title: Safety and Health Regulations for Longshoring
• Standard Number: 1918 App II
• Title: Tables for Selected Miscellaneous Auxiliary Gear (Mandatory).

Note: This Appendix is mandatory and is to be used in the appropriate sections of part 1918 when certificates or the manufacturers' use recommendations are not available.

Table 1. -- Wire Rope Clips
Improved plow steel, rope (Inches (cm)) Minimum number of clips Minimum spacing (Inches (cm))
Drop forged Other material
½ or less (1.3) 3 4 3 (7.6)
5/8(1.6) 3 4 33/4(9.5)
3/4(1.9) 4 5 4½ (11.4)
7/8(2.2) 4 5 51/4(13.3)
1 (2.5) 5 6 6 (15.2)
11/8(2.9) 6 6 63/4(17.1)
11/4(3.2) 6 7 7½ (19.1)
13/8(3.5) 7 7 81/4(21.0)
1½ (3.8) 7 8 9 (22.9)

Table 2. -- Natural Fiber Rope and Rope Slings -- Load Capacity in Pounds (lbs.) Safety Factor=5 -- Eye and Eye Sling -- Basket Hitch
[Angle of rope to horizontal -- 90 deg. 60 deg. 45 deg. 30 deg.]
Rope diameter nominal inch Vertical hitch Choker hitch Angle of rope to vertical
0 deg. 30 deg. 45 deg. 60 deg.
½ 550 250 1,100 900 750 550
9/16 700 350 1,400 1,200 1,000 700
5/8 900 450 1,800 1,500 1,200 900
3/4 1,100 550 2,200 1,900 1,500 1,100
13/16 1,300 650 2,600 2,300 1,800 1,300
7/8 1,500 750 3,100 2,700 2,200 1,500
1 1,800 900 3,600 3,100 2,600 1,800
11/16 2,100 1,100 4,200 3,600 3,000 2,100
11/8 2,400 1,200 4,800 4,200 3,400 2,400
11/4 2,700 1,400 5,400 4,700 3,800 2,700
15/16 3,000 1,500 6,000 5,200 4,300 3,000
3,700 1,850 7,400 6,400 5,200 3,700
15/8 4,500 2,300 9,000 7,800 6,400 4,500
13/4 5,300 2,700 10,500 9,200 7,500 5,300
2 6,200 3,100 12,500 10,500 8,800 6,200
21/8 7,200 3,600 14,500 12,500 10,000 7,200
21/4 8,200 4,100 16,500 14,000 11,500 8,200
9,300 4,700 18,500 16,000 13,000 9,300
25/8 10,500 5,200 21,000 18,000 14,500 10,500
Endless Sling
½ 950 500 1,900 1,700 1,400 950
9/16 1,200 600 2,500 2,200 1,800 1,200
5/8 1,600 800 3,200 2,700 2,200 1,600
3/4 2,000 950 3,900 3,400 2,800 2,000
13/16 2,300 1,200 4,700 4,100 3,300 2,300
7/8 2,800 1,400 5,600 4,800 3,900 2,800
1 3,200 1,600 6,500 5,600 4,600 3,200
11/16 3,800 1,900 7,600 6,600 5,400 3,800
11/8 4,300 2,200 8,600 7,500 6,100 4,300
11/4 4,900 2,400 9,700 8,400 6,900 4,900
15/16 5,400 2,700 11,000 9,400 7,700 5,400
6,700 3,300 13,500 11,500 9,400 6,700
15/8 8,100 4,100 16,000 14,000 11,500 8,100
13/4 9,500 4,800 19,000 16,500 13,500 9,500
2 11,000 5,600 22,500 19,500 16,000 11,000
21/8 13,000 6,500 26,000 22,500 18,500 13,000
21/4 15,000 7,400 29,500 25,500 21,000 15,000
16,500 8,400 33,500 29,000 23,500 16,500
25/8 18,500 9,500 37,000 32,500 26,500 18,500


For Table 3A, Click Here


For Table 3B, Click Here

TABLE 3B (con't)

For continuation of Table 3B, Click Here

Table 4A. -- Rated Load for Grade 80 Alloy Steel Chain Slings1 (Chain per NACM)
Chain size nominal Single leg sling-90 deg. to horizontal loading Rated load double leg sling horizontal angle (note 2)
inch mm lb kg 60 deg
Double at 60 deg.
45 deg
Double at 45 deg.
30 deg.
Double at 30 deg.
lb kg lb kg lb kg
1/4 7 3,500 1,570 6,100 2,700 4,900 2,200 3,500 1,590
3/8 10 7,100 3,200 12,300 5,500 10,000 4,500 7,100 3,200
½ 13 12,000 5,400 20,800 9,400 17,000 7,600 1,200 5,400
5/8 16 18,100 8,200 31,300 14,200 25,600 11,600 18,100 8,200
3/4 20 28,300 12,800 49,000 22,300 40,000 18,200 28,300 12,900
7/8 22 34,200 15,500 59,200 27,200 48,400 22,200 34,200 15,700
1 26 47,700 21,600 82,600 37,900 67,400 31,000 47,700 21,900
11/4 32 72,300 32,800 125,200 56,800 102,200 46,400 72,300 32,800
(1) Other grades of proof tested steel chain include Proof Coil (Grade 28), Hi-Test (grade 43 Chain, and Transport (grade 70) Chain. These grades are not recommended for overhead lifting and therefore are not covered by this standard.
(2) Rating of multi-leg slings adjusted for angle of loading between the inclined leg and the horizontal plane of the load.

Table 4B. -- Maximum Allowable Wear at any Point of Link
Nominal chain or coupling link size Maximum allowable wear of cross-sectional diameter, in.
inch mm
1/4 7 0.037
3/8 10 0.052
½ 13 0.060
5/8 16 0.084
3/4 20 0.105
7/8 22 0.116
1 26 0.137
11/4 32 0.169
Note: For other sizes, consult chain or sling manufacturer

Table 5. -- Safe Working Loads for Shackles
[In tons of 2,000 pounds]
Material size Pin diameter Safe working load in 2,000 lb tons
Inches (cm) Inches (cm)
½ (1.3) 5/8 (1.6) 1.4
5/8 (1.6) 3/4 (1.9) 2.2
3/4 (1.9) 7/8 (2.2) 3.2
7/8 (2.2) 1 (2.5) 4.3
1 (2.5) 11/8 (2.9) 5.6
11/8 (2.9) 11/4 (3.2) 6.7
11/4 (3.2) 13/8 (3.5) 8.2
13/8 (3.5) (3.8) 10.0
(3.8) 15/8 (4.1) 11.9
13/4 (4.4) 2 (5.1) 16.2
2 (5.1) 21/4 (5.7) 21.2

Wire Rope Table -- Rate Loads for Single Leg Slings 6x19 or 6x37 Classification Improved Plow Steel Grade Rope
With Fiber Core (FC)
[Rated loads [note 1], tons (2,000 lb)]
Vertical Choker
Rope diameter, inch HT MS S HT, MS&S
1/4 0.49 0.51 0.55 0.38
5/16 0.78 0.79 0.85 0.6  
3/8 1.1   1.1   1.2   0.85
7/16 1.4   1.5   1.7   1.2  
½ 1.8   2.0   2.1   1.5  
9/16 2.3   2.5   2.7   1.9  
5/8 2.8   3.1   3.3   2.3  
3/4 3.9   4.4   4.8   3.3  
7/8 5.2   6.0   6.4   4.5  
1 6.7   7.7   4.8   5.9  
11/8 8.4   9.5   11     7.4  
11/4 10     12     13     9.0  
13/8 12     14     15     11    
15     17     18     13    
15/8 17     19     21     15    
13/4 20     22     25     17    
2 26     29     32     22    
HT=Hand Tucked Splice
For Hidden Tuck Splice (IWRC), use vales in HT (FC) columns
MS=Mechanical Splice
S=Poured Socket or Swaged Socket
Note:(1) These values are based on slings being vertical. If they are not vertical, the rated load shall be reduced. If two or more slings are used, the minimum horizontal angle between the slings shall also be considered

Wire Rope Table -- Rated Loads for Single Leg Slings 6x19 or 6x37 Classification Extra Improved Plow Steel Grade Rope With Independent Wire Rope Core (IWRC)
[Rated loads [note 1] , tons (2,000 lb)]
Vertical Choker Vertical basket
Rope diameter, inch HT MS S HT, MS&S [Note (2)] HT [Note (3)] MS&S
1/4 0.53 0.59 0.59 0.31 1.1   1.1  
5/16 0.82 0.87 0.92 0.64 1.6   1.7  
3/8 1.2   1.2   1.3   0.92 2.3   2.5  
7/16 1.5   1.7   1.8   1.2   3.1   3.4  
½ 2.0   2.2   2.3   1.6   4.0   4.4  
9/16 2.5   2.8   2.9   2.0   1.9   5.5  
5/8 3.0   3.4   3.6   2.6   6.0   6.8  
3/4 4.2   4.9   5.1   3.6   8.4   9.7  
7/8 5.5   6.6   6.9   4.8   11     13    
1 7.2   8.5   9.0   6.3   14     17    
11/8 9.0   10     11     7.9   18     20    
11/4 11     13     14     9.7   22     26    
13/8 13     15     17     12     27     31    
16     18     20     14     32     37    
15/8 18     21     23     16     37     43    
13/4 21     25     27     19     43     49    
2 28     32     34     24     55     64    
HT=Hand tucked Splice
For Hidden Tuck Splice (IWRC), use values in HT columns of Table 3
MS=Mechanical Splice. S=Poured Socket or Swaged Socket
(1) These values are based on slings being vertical. If they are not vertical, the rated load shall be reduced. If they are not vertical, the rated load
shall be reduced. If two or more slings are used, the minimum horizontal angle between the slings shall also be considered
(2) These values only apply when the D/d ratio is 15 or greater
(3) These values only apply when the D/d ratio is 25 or greater
D=Diameter or curvature around which the body of the sling is bent. d=Diameter of rope

Wire Rope Table-Rated Loads for Single Leg Slings 6x19 or 6x37 Classification Extra Improved Plow Steel Grade
Rope With Independent Wire Rope Core (IWRC)

[Rated loads [note 1], tons (2,000 lb)]
Vertical Choker Vertical basket [note (2)]
Rope diameter MS S MS&S MS&S
1/4 0.65 0.68 0.48   1.3
5/16 1.0   1.1   .074 2.0  
3/8 1.4   1.5   1.1     2.9  
7/16 1.9   2.0   1.4     3.9  
½ 2.5   2.7   1.9     5.1  
9/16 3.2   3.4   2.4     6.4  
5/8 3.9   4.1   2.9     7.8  
3/4 5.6   5.9   4.1     11    
7/8 7.6   8.0   5.6     15    
1 9.8   10     7.2     20    
11/8 12     13     9.1     24    
11/4 15     16     11       30    
13/8 18     19     13       36    
21     23     16       42    
15/8 24     26     18       49    
13/4 28     31     21       57    
2 37     40     28       73    
HT=Hand tucked Splice
For Hidden Tuck Splice (IWRC), use values in HT columns of Table 3
MS=Mechanical Splice
S=Poured Socket or Swaged Socket
(1) These values are based on slings being vertical. If they are not vertical, the rated load shall be reduced. If they are not vertical, the rated load shall be reduced. If two or more slings are used, the minimum horizontal angle between the slings shall also be considered
(2) These values only apply when the D/d ratio is 25 or greater

[62 FR 40141, July 25, 1997; 65 FR 40946, June 30, 2000]

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