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NIJ is currently seeking law enforcement agency volunteers to take a pilot course on less-lethal terminology. Learn more about how you can help.

Active Denial System Deters Subject Without Harm

NIJ is leveraging a less-lethal technology developed by the U.S. Department of Defense for use in law enforcement and corrections. The technology, called the Active Denial System, causes people to experience intolerable discomfort. It makes them stop, turn away and leave the area.

How the Active Denial System Works

The Active Denial System emits electromagnetic radiation (radiofrequency waves) at 95 GHz. The system stimulates nerve endings and causes discomfort but does not cause permanent injury — the radiation penetrates less than 1/64th of an inch into a person's skin. Symptoms dissipate quickly when the device is turned off or the person moves away from the radiation beam.

No Long Term Effects

The Department of Defense tested the device on more than 10,000 people. People show no lasting or extreme medical symptoms, even when the waves hit their eyes. The human body's natural reactions to this stimulation make people turn away to escape the area.

Creating a Prototype for Law Enforcement

NIJ has created a small working prototype of the military Active Denial System that law enforcement and correction officers can carry.

Date Entered: October 25, 2007