Related Links

Performance measurement and management links

King County links


Countywide indicators and measures

Departmental measures

KingStat resources

Resources to help with building Kingstat presentations and slides

  • Washington State's GMAP resource page
    A wealth of information about the GMAP process, which is very similar to the KingStat model.
  • King County Benchmarks
    Many county benchmarks are useful to show context for agency efforts or as elements in creating a picture of community-level conditions.
  • King County Annual Growth Report
    Another useful data source about trends in the county and region; contains a summary of major trends and key data points for selected Benchmark Indicators.

Self assessment

Benchmark resources

Note: Professional associations within each field often have relevant benchmarks that can be useful to show how the county is performing in comparison with other jurisdictions.

Survey resources

Public performance reporting

Award programs

City government links

Other county government links

Washington State links

Other state government links

Federal government links


Measurement and Indicator Resources and Groups

Performance budgeting examples


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