
King County's goal is to increase public confidence through cost-effective and customer-focused essential services. The community indicators in this category reflect residents' interaction with government through voter participation, King County government's financial health, and the changing nature of King County's population and government's role in providing services. The performance measures demonstrate county government's ability to hold effective elections, manage its finances, and provide local services.

Chart showing the commutity indicators and performance measures for Governance

King County by the numbers

Indicators: Performance measures:
Stormwater permit compliance Single family stormwater rate Vehicle-related fatalities on unincorporated county roads Bridge condition Pavement condition Pothole repair DDES customer satisfaction Residential density Permit efficiency Permit timeliness Animal care and control Annexations Fund balance Ballots issued Ballot discrepancy rate Service provision - Population by jurisdiction Financial management - Refundings Financial management - Bond rating Voter participation Service provision Financial management Voter turnout Governance