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NASA Meatball Banner of Dryden Flight Research Center
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Transpirationally Cooled Leading Edges (in Hypersonics)

artist concept of Hyper X plane in flight

Contact Info

Al Bowers
Research Engineering

NASA-Dryden is interested in research on transpirationally cooling the leading edge of an aircraft wing or other structure that has been developed from a porous material. Applications may include the space shuttle as it enters the Earth's atmosphere and Aerogravity Assist craft that briefly enters other planets' atmospheres. Specific research interests would involve comparing different coolant and structural materials. Also of interest: determining the amount and type of coolant used based on current flight conditions or structural materials. Research involving high Mach numbers (> 20) is also of interest.

Related Resources



Aircraft design; Atmospheric entry; Heat shielding performance; Heat transfer; Hypersonic flight; Hyper-X; Reentry vehicles; Scramjet; Skin friction; Supersonic flight; Thermal protection system

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Last Modified: November 8, 2004
Responsible NASA Official: Susan Miller
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