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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Slide Presentation of the 2007 Annual Meeting of AHRQ

White Boards

Text Description is below the image.
  • Some hospitals purchased eye-catching, customized white boards to reinforce initiatives such as:
    • Communication
    • Pain goals
    • Hourly Rounding


These are customized white board so hospitals can focus on the areas they don't score as well in.
eminder for staff to align with core initiatives like Time Out for patient to rest... and discussing the top goals for their individualized care plan. Rounding for pain goals is a great strategy for pain management. This is where the nurse and patient set a mutual pain goal and this is checked during hourly rounds and nurse leader rounding. "I see your pain goal is a 2 today, how are we doing in helping you manage your pain."

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AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care