Mailed 12/13/96


Upton, NY - Brookhaven National Laboratory purchased almost $29 million worth of supplies and services from Long Island businesses in fiscal year 1996, a period from October 1, 1995 to September 30, 1996.
Owned and primarily funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, the Laboratory carries out basic and applied research in the physical, biomedical and environmental sciences and in selected energy technologies. Associated Universities, Inc., a nonprofit research management organization, operates Brookhaven under contract with the Department of Energy. During fiscal year 1996, Brookhaven had a staff of approximately 3,200 and a total budget of $407 million.
Of the 10,095 purchases Brookhaven made in 1996 on Long Island, 7,374 totaling more than $23.3 million were made in Suffolk County, and 2,721 amounting to about
$5.6 million were made in Nassau County.
Mary-Faith Healey, manager of Brookhaven's Division of Contracts and Procurement, which handles purchasing for the Laboratory, said, "Brookhaven National Laboratory is proud to be an active member of the Long Island business community. By procuring goods and services through Long Island-based firms, the Laboratory exhibits its partnership in the Long Island economy."
New construction and maintenance of older buildings, as well as the purchase of computer hardware and electrical equipment, accounted for many of Brookhaven's purchases during fiscal year 1996. For instance, Brookhaven contracted with Coram-based Angelo Capobianco, Inc. - the number one vendor this fiscal year - to build a 12,000-square-foot addition to a 50,000-square-foot building equipped with laboratories and offices dedicated to research in applied science. The building will consolidate space for programs in environmental chemistry, such as the study of ozone depletion and the electrochemistry of fuel cells. The $2.5 million addition will include modifications to make the building handicapped-accessible.
In addition to the Laboratory's buying goods and services from Long Island vendors, Brookhaven employees improved the local economy by spending most of their earned income on Long Island. Out of Brookhaven's 1996 operating budget of $302 million, 59 percent was spent on salaries and wages and 21 percent went to fringe benefits.
