Educational Programs
Brookhaven National Lab
Bldg. 438 - P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000
Phone: (631) 344-4503
Fax: (631) 344-5832

DOE Academies Creating Teacher Scientists Program (DOE ACTS)

(formerly Laboratory Science Teacher Professional Development Program (LSTPD))

This program provides a six-week special training and research summer experience for in-service science, mathematics, and technology teachers at Brookhaven National Laboratory.  Participating teachers receive a stipend, housing allowance, and travel expenses (see DOE ACTS website for restrictions).

Program Components:
During six weeks at Brookhaven National Laboratory, program participants:

  • are matched with world-renowned scientists who serve as mentors
  • are trained to use advanced scientific instruments
  • attend seminars and lectures on scientific inquiry and recent discoveries
  • complete a research project
  • develop professional and technical communication skills
  • work with a master teacher to develop educational modules and a professional development plan
  • must be available for the entire six weeks, from July 6 through August 14, 2009

Teachers will be asked to continue to work with their mentors throughout the academic year via email. 

Participating teachers will be eligible to receive mini-grants for projects to be carried out in their schools and funds to attend and present at professional conferences.

Teachers who successfully complete the program will be eligible to participate in successive years for a total of three years.

How to apply: 

  • Go to and click on DOE ACTS Program
  • To apply, use the "Apply" link located on the floating navigation bar on the left side of your screen

When filling out your online application, please consider the following:

  • The application does not need to be completed in one sitting.  The website is designed to allow you to save your work and return to your application at a later time.
  • Different national laboratories have different programs.  Of the programs to which you are eligible to apply, you will be asked to choose a first and second preference.
  • Applicants are required to obtain two recommendations.  Recommendations must be submitted online by having both recommenders use a unique website that is provided as part of your application.  Your status page will indicate when the recommendations have been submitted.
  • Early submission of the completed application is strongly encouraged.


  • Full-time middle and high school mathematics and science teachers in public or private school
  • At least 21 year old, and U.S. citizen at time of application
  • Have current health insurance coverage

Key Dates:

  • Deadline for DOE ACTS applications: Dates for 2009 to be announced
  • Deadline for DOE Laboratories to make offers: Dates for 2009 to be announced

NOTE:  Additional offers may be made after this date if teachers decline offers and/or program spaces become available.

If you have questions about DOE ACTS, contact:

Mel Morris
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Building 438, PO Box 5000
Upton, New York 11973-5000
(631) 344-5963
(631) 344-5832 fax

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Last Modified: October 2, 2008
Please forward all questions about this site to: Sarah Maine