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Brookhaven National Laboratory

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Event Coordinator:
Bernadette Uzzi
Bus: 631-344-2756
Fax: 631-344-7098
Email: buzzi@bnl.gov

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Where is BNL located?
    BNL is located on the William Floyd Parkway one and a half miles north of exit 68 of the LIE. There will be signs to guide you to Berkner Hall once you arrive at BNL.
  2. Who can participate?
    All elementary schools in Suffolk County are eligible to participate.
  3. What time and where are the award ceremonies?
    Award presentations are held in the Berkner Hall auditorium by grade level. Please attend only the award ceremony for your grade level. The approximate times for the award ceremonies are as follows.

    2:15 - 2:30 Kindergarten
    2:30 - 2:45 First Grade
    2:45 - 3:00 Second Grade
    3:00 - 3:15 Third Grade
    3:15 - 3:30 Fourth Grade
    3:30 - 3:45 Fifth Grade
    3:45 - 4:00 Sixth Grade

    PLEASE NOTE: Photos will be taken and may be used in publications and on the web.
  4. Can I have someone else drop off my science project for me?
    Yes. The student does not need to personally bring the project. Someone else can set up the project for them. All projects must be set up and ready for judging by 11:00 a.m. One person from the school could be designated to drop off all the projects for the school.
  5. What if the student can't attend the fair, or can't drop off/pick up their exhibit during the scheduled time?
    The student does not need to attend the fair to participate: only the project HAS to be at the fair. Someone else can drop off and pick up the project. If other commitments prevent you from dropping off or picking up the project at the specified time, please try to make arrangements with someone else from your school to be responsible for your project. Projects not picked at the close of the fair will be held for a few days, but BNL cannot be held responsible for projects left behind after the fair.
  6. Do students need to be present during the judging?
    With over 500 projects entered in the fair, there simply is not enough time available for the judges to speak to every student. To be fair to all, we decided to have no students present during the judging period, which runs from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The fair is closed to the public during this interval.
  7. Is there anything for us to do at BNL during the time the fair is closed for judging?
    Sorry, but no BNL facilities are open to the public on the day of the fair. Very limited lunch service is available at the Brookhaven Center, a building you will pass on your way to Berkner Hall. A list of places to eat and visit will be available at the fair.
  8. Where should I put the Summary of Project form?
    You can put the Summary of Project form on the table in front of your project, or attach it to the front of your project where the judges can easily see it.
  9. Can I put written materials, plants, equipment, etc. on the table in front of my project?
    Yes. Judges will examine all the "pieces" of an exhibit. Space is limited, however, so please pay attention to the size requirements specified in the rules.
  10. Can I have pictures of myself on the project?
    There may be photographs on the project, but not of your face.  If you need to have your hands in the photo, that is OK.  However, your name and the name of your school should NOT be on the front of the project. Be sure your registration number is on front of your project.
  11. How many guests may accompany me to the fair?
    There is no limit on the number of guests you may bring. The event is very crowded (especially during the drop off period), so please limit guests to a reasonable number.

If you have questions about bridge-building contact:

Mel Morris
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Building 438, PO Box 5000
Upton, New York 11973-5000
(631) 344-5963 phone
(631) 344-5832 fax

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Last Modified: January 31, 2008