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Science Fair Information


Contest Registration


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Event Coordinator:
Bernadette Uzzi
Bus: 631-344-2756
Fax: 631-344-7098
Email: buzzi@bnl.gov

Instructions for Science Fair Registration

  1. Please do not register for our contest until after your school's contest.  The Science Fair Coordinator should submit information for all grade levels on the same form.
  2. Go to www.bnl.gov/education/contests/sciencefair
  3. Scroll down until you find "registration".  Double-click to be taken to the registration page.
  4. Select your school district.  Private and parochial schools, please select "Private".
  5. Select your school.  If your school is not listed, please select "School Not Listed" and add the name and address in the comments section at the bottom of the form.
  6. Enter the contact person's name, e-mail address, principal's name, and school phone number.  Please be very careful regarding the e-mail address, as all registration numbers and information will be sent by e-mail.
  7. Enter the total number of students registered at your school for each grade that you wish to enter into the contest.  Do not enter a number for the grades that you are not entering the contest.
  8. Project information: Enter information as you would like it printed on the certificate.  Please check spelling and grammar.  This information will be used for the student's certificate.
  9. If you have more than 200 students in one grade level, you may enter 2 students into the contest.  Add this information to the comments box.
  10. Please check all information you have entered before continuing.
  11. Once you have submitted the form, you will either get a message containing a summary of your entry, or informing you of incorrect entries.  To make changes, use the "back" button.
  12. If everything is correct, then click the "Final Submit" button.
  13. You will receive an e-mail confirming your submission.  If you do not receive the confirmation, or there are errors in your submission, please e-mail Bernadette Uzzi, the contest coordinator, and she will make any necessary corrections.

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Last Modified: January 31, 2008