Educational Programs
Brookhaven National Lab
Bldg. 438 - P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000
Phone: (631) 344-4503
Fax: (631) 344-5832


The energetic and experienced staff at Brookhaven's Office of Educational Programs continue to identify, design, and implement cutting-edge educational initiatives with other equally committed partners. Recent examples include:

Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP) with Hofstra University

Math, Science, and Technology Partnership: This program -- which began in 2003 -- is funded by the National Science Foundation in partnership with Hofstra and Stony Brook Universities and ten local school districts. Fifty local middle school math, science, and technology teachers, along with counselors and administrators, have attended workshops, tours of BNL, and other activities to improve their integration skills and content knowledge.

New York State Center for Technology and Academic Research: This program, in its pilot phase, will reach 12 middle school teachers in New York State -- and over 900 of their students -- in 2005 alone. Brookhaven will expand this program in future years to include many more students and teachers.

Dowling College Center for Minority Teacher Development and Training: Now it its second year, this program integrates college faculty and Laboratory scientists with minority undergraduate and high school students who plan to pursue careers in teaching. Over ten weeks, this group of two upper classmen, six lower classmen, and six high school students evaluate a variety of ecosystems, learn about environmental field trip design, and develop papers and lessons to support a student experience. Many of the students, although local, have never had the opportunity to see and learn about the diverse ecosystems contained within Long Island, New York.

OEP is interested in new ideas and collaborations with other institutions. If you are a member of a school, college, university, business, or museum and are interested in exploring a partnership to establish new educational programs, please contact us.

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Last Modified: January 31, 2008
Please forward all questions about this site to: Sarah Maine