This article also appears in the Oak Ridge National Laboratory
   Review (Vol. 25, No. 2), a quarterly research and development
   magazine. If you'd like more information about the research
   discussed in the article or about the Review, or if you have any
   helpful comments, drop us a line at: electronic mail,
   krausech@ornl.gov or pearcejw@ornl.gov; fax, 615/574-1001; phone,
   615/574-7183 or 615/574-6774; or mail, ORNL Review, Oak Ridge
   National Laboratory, 4500-S 6144, Oak Ridge, TN 378312-6144. Thanks
   for reading the Review.
   Nature provides us with materials of varying hardness, durability,
   conductivity, and a range of other traits. When these materials
   don't meet our needs, we can take advantage of natural chemical
   interactions to create substances with more desirable
   characteristics. However, some specialized technical applications
   require materials having combinations of characteristics that don't
   occur naturally and can't be created using standard chemical
   Researchers at ORNL's Surface Modification and Characterization
   Collaborative Research Center (SMAC) specialize in circumventing
   these limitations by firing beams of ions into or onto the surfaces
   of a range of targets, altering their physical properties and
   creating materials that Mother Nature never imagined.  
   Ion-beam processing is calculated to produce or enhance particular
   surface characteristics of materials, such as hardness,
   conductivity, adhesion, or optical properties. "SMAC is concerned
   with surface modifications, not bulk properties" says Steve Withrow
   of the Solid State Division. "This type of research enables us to
   determine which combination of ion species and target material to
   use to tailor a surface having a particular set of
   "For instance," says Withrow, "we might want to investigate ways to
   prevent unwanted chemical reactions, such as corrosion, or improve
   the ability of a material to speed up a chemical reaction, known as
   catalysis. Because corrosion and catalysis occur on the surface of
   materials, they can be influenced by ion-beam processing.
   Similarly, we could try to reduce the friction between a metal ball
   bearing and a race (the track the bearing rides in) because
   friction depends on the surface characteristics of the bearing and
   the race. These are the kinds of problems we can attack."   
   SMAC researchers rely on a variety of techniques to achieve surface
   and near-surface modification of materials. Several of these are
   described here.     
   Ion implantation doping is the process of firing charged atoms, or
   ions, of carefully selected masses and energies at a target, with
   the goal of embedding these ions in the near-surface layers of the
   target material. The higher the energy of the ions, the deeper they
   penetrate, disrupting the normal structure of the target material.
   Implantation research at SMAC has resulted in a number of
   beneficial developments, including a method of increasing the
   durability of the wear surface of a titanium alloy artificial hip
   joint. Nitrogen-doping of the wear surfaces of the prosthetic joint
   reduced corrosion and abrasion by a factor of 1000, extending its
   life and presumably reducing the likelihood of subsequent hip
   replacement operations. One project this technique is currently
   being used for is a study of the structural and electrical
   properties of implanted diamond, a material which may have
   applications as a thin-film semiconductor.   
   Ion beam deposition provides a means of building up layers of
   isotopically pure thin films on selected surfaces. These films can
   be used as research samples to study, for example, the migration of
   one isotope into another during heating. These layered films may
   ultimately find applications in X-ray optics, semiconductors, and
   materials requiring high thermal conductivity.    
   Ion beam mixing involves bombarding a thin film of material
   deposited on a substrate with ions that deposit most of their
   energy near the interface between the two materials, causing them
   to mix. This results in an intermediate layer of material
   possessing new and often desirable properties. This technique may
   be used, for instance, to attach a thin metallic film to a
   semiconducting or ceramic substrate. Mixing the two materials at
   their interface improves their adherence to one another. Such films
   could be used for electrical contacts, wear protection, etc.     
   Ion beam annealing may be used in conjunction with ion implantation
   doping to undo structural damage in irradiated materials. Annealing
   is achieved by heating the sample with a beam of energetic ions,
   thereby allowing internal stresses built up by the implantation
   process to be released.  
   Developing surface modification techniques, however, is only half
   of SMAC's mission. The other half is the analysis of modified
   surfaces. The results of ion-beam processing done at SMAC or of
   other processes that produce near-surface changes in materials can
   be studied at SMAC using a range of ion beam and surface analytical
   Ion scattering analysis provides a nondestructive, depth-sensitive
   method of determining the near-surface composition of materials.
   This technique involves firing hydrogen or helium ions at a target
   and precisely measuring the angles and energies at which they
   collide and scatter. The information gained from these collisions
   enables researchers to construct a picture of the distribution of
   elements in the surface layer before ion-beam processing and to
   measure changes in these distributions as a result of
   Nuclear reaction analysis is another ion-scattering technique used
   at SMAC. By selecting an ion species that will undergo a nuclear
   resonance or possibly a nuclear reaction as a result of a
   near-head-on collision with an atom in the target, researchers can
   greatly increase the amount of information gathered from the ion
   scattering. This technique is useful when normal scattering
   techniques do not provide enough quantitative information about a
   particular component of the target because, for example, its
   concentration is small.  
   Positive ion channeling, the steering of charged particles between
   rows of atoms in a crystalline solid, can be used to gauge the
   perfection of crystal structure, determine the extent of damage to
   crystal lattice structure caused by ion implantation, locate
   impurities, and provide a number of other types of information
   about crystalline samples.    
   Surface analysis techniques employed at SMAC include several
   varieties of electron spectroscopy, including low energy electron
   diffraction and Auger electron spectroscopy. These techniques are
   primarily used for studying reordered surfaces and crystal growth
   and for monitoring surface cleanliness. 
   Computer analysis is also employed to model ion beam interactions
   with materials, simulate ion scattering, and predict other
   particle-solid interactions.  
   Withrow encourages outside users, including industrial, academic,
   government, or foreign researchers interested in pursuing projects
   at the SMAC/RC facility to submit research proposals describing the
   scientific problem to be addressed and estimating the time and
   support they would require. Nonproprietary use of the facility is
   free of charge.     
   "The SMAC facility is highly versatile," says Withrow. "We can
   implant ions of just about every element on the periodic table at
   energies from 10 keV to 1 MeV or higher. If there's an element you
   want to implant, we can probably do it."     
   Mother would be so proud.
   (keywords: ion implantation, ion beam processing, surface
   Please send inquiries or comments about this gopher to the mail address:
   Date Posted:  2/7/94  (ktb)