United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Office of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)

Main Page - Terrorism-Weapons of Mass Destruction

Terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Impacting Occupational Safety and Health

Please select one of the following for more information concerning other occupational safety health issues which have not be covered by other individual Web pages. 
Also go to 
 Emergency Management Strategic Healthcare Group (EMSHG). 

Department of Veterans Affairs - FY 2005 Annual Performance and Accountability Report -  see page 35 

Department of Veterans Affairs 

 OSHA, CDC, and Others


OSHA Best Practices For Hospital-Based First Receivers Of Victims From Mass Casualty Incidents Involving The Release Of Hazardous Substances   - December 21, 2004:

Comments Docket       Number GE2004-1 



White House:

White House Directive - December 17, 2003:   The term "first responder" refers to those individuals who in the early stages of an incident are responsible for the protection and preservation of life, property, evidence, and the environment, including emergency response providers as defined in section 2 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 101), as well as emergency management, public health, clinical care, public works, and other skilled support personnel (such as equipment operators) that provide immediate support services during prevention, response, and recovery operations.

Presidential Order (E.O.) Establishes Interagency Coordinating Council for Emergency Preparedness and Individuals with Disabilities    

Veterans Health Administration:

Smallpox:   http://vaww.va.gov/smallpox  

VHA Directive 2002-033 Steps Required to establish a Practical Medical Center Emergency Mass-Casualty Decon Capability

VHA DIRECTIVE 0320  - VHA's fourth mission, emergency medical preparedness

(local) adobe.gifVHA Directive establishes policy concerning the establishment of a Disaster

Notification of Selection for VA's Mass-Casualty Decontamination Program - February 3, 2003:   Staff nominated for training should be medically cleared to use level C PPE by their Occupational Health Unit, according to OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard 29 CFR 1910.134.

Statement of The Honorable Robert H. Roswell, M.D. before congress April 10, 2003:   An inaugural VA  Decontamination Training Course was held March10- 14, 2003 in Reno, Nevada

<intranet>Estimated Staffing (in PPE) for Hospital Emergency Decontamination (based on 6 hours)</< A> intranet> 

Proposed Airborne Exposure Limits for Chemical Warfare Agents H, HD, and HT (Sulfur Mustard). Federal Register July 22, 2003 (Volume 68, Number 140)]  -- CDC proposes that 0.003 mg/m\3\, becomes a 5-minute Ceiling limit value (CEILING-5M); and 0.0001 mg/m\3\, becomes a 12-hour TWA (GPL-12) and it is adjusted to 0.00002 mg/m\3\ to meet carcinogenicity protection levels below thresholds of significant risk.  Federal Register Search












  PPE Levels A to D  - slides and explanation. 

NIOSH Respirator Certification Status for Use by Emergency Responders in Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN)Environments:   

NIOSH Certification of Protective Clothing

Cooling Systems

Respirator Technologies:

  • Closed Circuit  - A combination of supplied air and filter CO2 scriber.     
  • PAPR Technical Advancements:
    • Designed for continuous self-diagnostics with Instant user alerts in case of pressure-drop, motor malfunction, low batteries etc.    
    • Can be programmed to alert user when filters need changing.  
    • Usage information: Entire usage history of the respirator recorded and time-stamped. Can be downloaded to PC for documentation.   
    • Designed to pressurize protective suits.









Military MOPP Gear - Mission Oriented Protective Posture (5 levels, i.e., 0 to 4 - level 3 adds respirator)

SBCCOM/SCEBD-EN:   Tests of (local) AdobieAcrobat.jpgLevel A (1998) and (local) AdobieAcrobat.jpgLevel B (1999) Protection Against CBNR agents.

(local) AdobieAcrobat.jpgChemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program (SCEPP)  - Off-Post Monitoring Page 19 - "  ...in 1995 and 1996 OSHA stated that the PAPRs may be used in a CSEPP response with proper emergency response plans, adequate monitoring equipment, and respiratory maintenance procedures, when IDLH (immediately Dangerous to Life and Health) levels are not exceeded and a "Buddy System" is in effect."

(local) AdobieAcrobat.jpgChemical and Biological Systems Technology

(local) AdobieAcrobat.jpgNavy Occupational Safety and Health Program Manual - Supplied air respirators shall be used "when the contaminate has insufficient order, test or irritating properties, or..." contains medical questionnaire for respirator use.

(local) AdobieAcrobat.jpgGuidelines for Use of Personal protective Equipment by Law Enforcement Personnel During A Terrorist Chemical Agent Incident :  Page 6 - Level C is adequate for Officers working on the perimeter of the Warm Zone - not in the Hot Zone. 

(local) AdobieAcrobat.jpg   Management of Patients with Potiential Exposure to Anthrax Spores









Office of Personnel Management (OPM):

  7-minute   ER decontamination and personal protective equipment web video (must have real-player or equivalent - free download - May need to contact your ADP person to allow download).  This product was produced via the EMSHG but is found in many libraries, e.g. National Library of Medicine - Washington D.C.   -- NOTE:  Video takes 2 minutes to download.

Disaster Nomenclature - What is it  ?




Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP):

OWCP Guidance on Filing for Workplace Anthrax Exposure - Antibiotic therapy offered to employees is generally of a prophylactic nature rather than treatment of an established injury and thus not covered by WC.

DASHO Conference Call October 23, 2001 

DASHO Conference Call July 25, 2000 






















CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

VA Subcommittee on PPE and Decontamination Materials



TITLE 42 - THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE - CHAPTER 6A - PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE - SUBCHAPTER II - GENERAL POWERS AND DUTIES - Part G - Quarantine and Inspection  - "Apprehension, detention, or conditional release of individuals ... may be specified from time to time in Executive orders of the President."

VA Emergency Management Strategic Healthcare Group












 NFPA - 


 Department of Homeland Security: 

Information from:

(local) adobe.gif  International Association for Healthcare Security & Safety (IAHSS).









Department of Health and Human Services (HHS):
VHA Decontamination Planning and Implementation Presidential Directive 39

Combating Terrorism PDD 62


(local) adobe.gifLegal Authorities of the Veterans Health Administration Emergency Management Program

  • This includes the Summary of Agency  Directives and Handbooks

Berkeley Laboratory:  Advice for Safeguarding Buildings Against Chemical or Biological Attack



Frank Denny (00S1) Notes On NIOSH/NIST/SBCCOM Meetings















































Occupational Safety and Health Administration  (OSHA):

OSHA's Emergency Preparedness and Response Page

Evacuation Plans and Procedures eTool 

OSHA's National Emergency Management Plan  Press Release (2/4/04)  

Application of 29 CFR 1910.120, Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER), applies to terrorism incident responses.   11/24/03

Smallpox page


OSHA Comments and Position on Anthrax 

OSHA Preamble to the Respirator Standard


Level of personnel protective equipment (PPE) required for medical personnel treating victims.


OSHA News:


Failure to develop and implement an emergency response plan and to train employees required to assist in containment and clean-up.

NEWSLETTER - Developing Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) Programs for the VA






Emergency Escape Respirators:



































National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH):




Special 24-page issue of Perspectives,   provides guidance to health care organizations in preparing for terrorists attacks that may involve nuclear, biological, and/or chemical incidents. Level B


Union and Organizations:

FTC Broadens Warnings to Marketers of Bioterrorism Defense Products 
US Army Handbook - Medical Management of Biological Casualties
2000 Emergency Response Guidebook
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA):

National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA) to address disaster situations and specifically, mass fatality incidents - Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Teams

General Accounting Office

  • Report GAO-03-316 - Better Guidance is Needed to Improve Communication Should Anthrax Contamination Occur in the Future
American Hospital Association 


California EMSA 


Congressional Bill H.R. 3253

  • Department of Veterans Affairs Emergency Preparedness Act of 2002.  The Secretary shall select VAMCs to assist in disasters or emergencies. VAMC will be prepared to protect staff responding or assisting in support of emergency efforts.  Pending resolution in conference, the Senate passed, as amended.

InterAgency Board (IAB) for Equipment Standardization and Interoperability  

General Services Administration: Equipment and Products on the GSA schedule are pre-negotiated prices so manufactures cannot sell their products to agencies for more than that price and agencies can buy for less than the negotiated price.

GSA Schedule , Level A-D decontamination equipment ( GSA equipment search).  Note:  Other Federal Agencies, e.g., Forestry, have stockpiles of PPE equipment.   GSA walk-in stores  


Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI): 

Has jurisdiction over the investigation and tracking of terrorism in the US.  Terrorism - "...unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives."

H.R. 5005   "Homeland Security Act of 2002" dated November 19, 2003.

Department of Justice

Office of Justice's Programs, Office of Science and Technology

National Institute of Justice

Publication Search -- National Library of Medicine
Center for Infectious Disease - University of Minnesota

Office of Science and Technology Policy

  • OSTP advises that federal agencies cease using equipment that test for anthrax.
Other Countries

Consolidated Safety Services, Inc. is currently working with the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

Federation of American Scientists - before - Senate 2002 - Healthcare Workers need training to protect themselves


Oak Ridge National Laboratory - Detection Equipment

Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education - Managing Radiation Emergencies

Manufacturers' Limitations:

American Medical Association (AMA):

Ricin PPT Presentation   ---   CDC fact page   --  CDC/NIOSH Emergency Response Card (PPE recommendations)


  • CBRN respirator cnaister recalled by MSA -
President's Disaster Management E-gov Initiative - The site is oriented toward helping users find information and services across a wide range of relevant Disaster Management offerings, as distinct from offering a specific suite of integrated services.

Books and Publications :
