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Standard Reference
Documents referencing 1910.1048
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 1  2000 - 07/14/2000 - CPL 02-02-054 [CPL 2-2.54A] - Respiratory Protection Program Guidelines.
 2  1991 - 10/07/1991 - CPL 02-02-052 [CPL 2-2.52 CH-1] - Page Changes to OSHA Instruction CPL 2-2.52
 3  1990 - 11/20/1990 - CPL 02-02-052 [CPL 2-2.52] - Enforcement Procedure for Occupational Exposure to Formaldehyde

Federal Registers
 1  2007 - 04/30/2007 - Submission for OMB Review: Comment Request - 72:21299
 2  2007 - 02/15/2007 - Standard on Formaldehyde; Extension of the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Approval of Information Collection (Paperwork) Requirements - 72:7464-7465
 3  2004 - 03/05/2004 - Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request - 69:10476-10477
 4  2003 - 12/12/2003 - Formaldehyde Standard (29 CFR 1910.1048); Extension of the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Approval of Information Collection (Paperwork) Requirements - 68:69425-69426
 5  2000 - 12/06/2000 - Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request - 65:76286-78287
 6  2000 - 09/27/2000 - Formaldehyde Standard; Extension of the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Approval of Information-Collection (Paperwork) Requirements. - 65:58109
 7  1998 - 09/22/1998 - Methylene Chloride; Final Rule. - 63:50711-50732
 8  1997 - 09/30/1997 - Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request - 62:51149-51151
 9  1997 - 07/15/1997 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection;Comment Request; Formaldehyde Standard - 62:37935-37936
 10  1992 - 06/10/1992 - Occupational Exposure to Formaldehyde - 57:24701
 11  1992 - 05/27/1992 - Final Rule on Occupational Exposure to Formaldehyde - 57:22290
 12  1992 - 05/12/1992 - Occupational Exposure to Formaldehyde, Extension of Administrative Stay of Paragraphs (m)(1)(i) Through (m)(4)(ii) Until 6/5/92 - 57:19262
 13  1992 - 01/23/1992 - Extension of Administrative Stay of Paragraphs (m)(1)(i) Through (m)(4)(ii) of Final Rule on Occupational Exposure to Formaldehyde until 5/5/92 - 57:2682
 14  1991 - 11/13/1991 - Extension of Administrative Stay of paragraphs (m)(1)(i) through (m)(4 )(ii) of Final Rule on Occupational Exposure to Formaldehyde until 2/4 /92. - 56:57593
 15  1991 - 08/08/1991 - Extension of Administrative Stay of paragraphs (m)(1)(i) through (m)(4)(ii) of Final Rule on Occupational Exposure to Formaldehyde - 56:37650
 16  1991 - 07/15/1991 - Response to Court Remand for Proposed Rule on Occupational Exposure to Formaldehyde - 56:32302
 17  1991 - 06/12/1991 - Extension of Administrative Stay for Final Rule on Occupational Exposure to Formaldehyde - 56:26909
 18  1991 - 03/12/1991 - Extension of Administrative Stay for Final Rule on Occupational Exposure to Formaldehyde - 56:10377
 19  1990 - 12/17/1990 - Extension of Administrative Stay for Paragraphs (m)(1)(i) Through (m)(4)(ii) of the Standard on Occupational Exposure to Formaldehyde - 55:51689
 20  1990 - 08/10/1990 - Extension of Administrative Stay of Final Rule on Occupational Exposure to Formaldehyde, paragraphs (m)(1)(i) through (m)(4)(ii). - 55:32616
 21  1990 - 06/13/1990 - Occupational Exposure to Formaldehyde; Extension of Administrative Stay - 55:24070
 22  1989 - 10/24/1989 - Formaldehyde; Recordkeeping/Reporting - 54:43344-46
 23  1989 - 09/11/1989 - Occupational Exposure to Formaldehyde; Correction to Rule - 54:37531
 24  1989 - 08/29/1989 - Formaldehyde; Extension of Administrative Stay - 54:35639
 25  1989 - 08/01/1989 - Formaldehyde; Correction - 54:31705
 26  1989 - 07/13/1989 - Amendment, and Correction of Typographical Errors in Final Rule on For maldehyde - 54:29545-6
 27  1989 - 03/28/1989 - Variance; Application for Variance and Interim Order; Hoechst Celanese Corp., Engineering Plastics Division - 54:12692--3
 28  1988 - 12/13/1988 - Formaldehyde; Administrative Stay - 53:50198-9
 29  1988 - 11/22/1988 - Formaldehyde; Start-Up Date Extension - 53:47188
 30  1988 - 11/08/1988 - Formaldehyde - 53:45080-2
 31  1988 - 09/01/1988 - Formaldehyde - 53:33807-8
 32  1988 - 07/25/1988 - Formaldehyde - 53:27923
 33  1988 - 07/12/1988 - Formaldehyde; OMB Information Collection - 53:26329-26339
 34  1988 - 03/02/1988 - Formaldehyde - 53:6628-29
 35  1987 - 12/04/1987 - Formaldehyde - 52:46168-312
 36  1987 - 07/16/1987 - Methylenedianiline, 4,4- - 52:26776-903
 37  1983 - 10/26/1983 - Ethylene Dibromide - 48:59521
 38  1983 - 10/07/1983 - Ethylene Dibromide - 48:45956-6003

Standard Interpretations
 1  1998 - 03/25/1998 - Protective equipment for formaldehyde exposure.
 2  1998 - 03/13/1998 - OSHA rulemaking on formaldehyde exposure limits.
 3  1995 - 10/06/1995 - 8-hour total weight average (TWA) permissible exposure limit (PEL).
 4  1995 - 03/22/1995 - Clarify issues related to the joint venture study and its use as objective data under the Formaldehyde Standard.
 5  1993 - 09/27/1993 - Hazard warning label requirements.
 6  1993 - 09/13/1993 - OSHA does not regulate the outer shipping container of hazardous material.
 7  1993 - 08/09/1993 - Labeling requirements for Formaldehyde when used as an insecticide.
 8  1990 - 06/22/1990 - Application of the formaldehyde standard, 1910.1048, to private medical school personnel.
 9  1990 - 05/16/1990 - Formaldehyde standard and private medical school personnel
 10  1989 - 12/12/1989 - Requirements under the formaldehyde standard for quick drench showers, eye wash facilities, emergency plans and sampling.
 11  1988 - 02/26/1988 - The Scott "formaldehyde" chin-style canister respirators are acceptable.

State Adoption Summary
 1  State Adoption Summary: Assigned Protection Factors for Respiratory Protection

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