Employee Recognition Program for Safety Awareness

 "Sitewide Safety Steward" (S3)



Criteria for Submitting a Nomination

The Sitewide Safety Steward Employee Recognition Program at BNL seeks out and recognizes outstanding awareness and corrective actions on health and safety issues.

The BNL S2/S3 Council, a committee with a representative from each BNL Directorate, reviews S3 nominations and awards those individuals selected as the best safety role models at BNL.  The council encourages all staff to submit nominations at any time using the submittal form. The Council will hold proposals until the selection period. Contact your ESH Coordinator for assistance completing the required documentation.


  • The BNL S2/S3 Council is issuing it's 2007 Call for Nominations effective July 1, 2007.
  • Proposals are due by September 1, 2007 (for FY07 evaluation).
  • Recognition will be awarded by the S2/S3 Council in October- November 2007. 

Criteria for Ranking S3 Nominations

Nominations will be evaluated based upon the following criteria:

  • The individual's efforts increased worker safety awareness and involvement.
  • The individual's efforts eliminated or significantly reduced a occupational safety and health hazard.
  • The individual's efforts eliminated or significantly reduced the use of toxic, radioactive, and/or hazardous hazard that results in worker exposure above occupational exposure limits. 
  • The individual's efforts corrected or prevented noncompliance and/or eliminates or significantly reduces a health or safety hazard. 

Link to the S3 Nomination Submittal Form - Submit Completed form to N. Bernholc, Building 120

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Last Modified: June 10, 2008
Please forward all questions about this site to: SHSD Admin