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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Slide Presentation of the 2007 Annual Meeting of AHRQ

Financial Results: 10 Year Cumulative Net Present Value

Text Description is below the image.


  Care-Cost Savings ($ millions) * System Cost ($ millions) Net Benefit ($ millions)
Payer $7,100 $21,600 ($14,500)
Registries $14,500 $6,160 $8,340
CDSS $10,700 $19,300 ($8,600)
Remote $326 $6,830 ($6,500)
Self $285 $16,200 ($15,900)
Integrated System $16,900 $58,800 ($41,900)

* Cost of care savings results published in: Bu D, Pan E, Walker J, et al. Benefits of Information Technology-enabled Diabetes Management. Diabetes Care 10.2337/dc06-2101.

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