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Laws / Rules / Opinions

This section contains the full text of the following:

Uniform Information Practices Act (UIPA)
The Uniform Information Practices Act (Modified), chapter 92F, Hawaii Revised Statutes ("UIPA"), is Hawaii's public records law. The Office of Information Practices ("OIP") was created by the Legislature in 1988 to administer the UIPA.

Sunshine Law
In 1998, the Legislature gave OIP the additional responsibility of administering Hawaii's open meetings law, Part I of chapter 92, Hawaii Revised Statutes ("Sunshine Law").

On February 26, 1999, following public hearings, OIP's administrative rules, "Agency Procedures and Fees for Processing Government Records Requests," took effect. These rules are set forth at Chapter 71 of Title 2 of the Hawaii Administrative Rules.

OIP issued 322 formal opinion letters from 1989 through the end of 2007.



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