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07/31/2005 : Iraqi Security Adviser Sees Positive Outlook for Iraq      
WASHINGTON, July 31, 2005 - Iraqi National Security Adviser Mowaffak al-Rubaie cautiously predicted today that a large number of U.S. and multinational forces will be able to leave some of Iraq's provinces, regions and large cities by the year's end during an appearance on CNN's "Late Edition" talk show with Wolf Blitzer.
07/31/2005 : America Supports You: Teen Continues Beanie Baby Drive for Iraqis      
WASHINGTON, July 31, 2005 - What started out as a simple family project for an Arizona teenager has blossomed - make that snowballed - into a huge operation that's about to send the 50,000th Beanie Baby doll to troops in Iraq to distribute to local children.
07/31/2005 : Five Soldiers Killed in Iraq, Insurgent Search Continues      
WASHINGTON, July 31, 2005 - Five Task Force Baghdad soldiers were killed July 30 during two separate bomb attacks while they were conducting during patrols in Baghdad neighborhoods, Multinational Force Iraq officials announced.
07/30/2005 : Bush Praises Congress for Providing Resources to Fight Terror      
WASHINGTON, July 30, 2005 - Earlier this year, President Bush asked Congress to pass critical legislation to give U.S. troops the resources they need to fight and win the war on terror. That was one of the key victories accomplished during the congressional session that broke for summer recess this week, the president said during his weekly radio address this morning.
07/30/2005 : Iraqi Army Shows Continued Progress      
WASHINGTON, July 30, 2005 - Iraqi Army soldiers showed continued progress in demonstrating their capabilities, Multinational Security Transition Command Iraq officials reported today.
07/30/2005 : Roadside Bomb Wounds 3 in Afghanistan      
WASHINGTON, July 30, 2005 - Two U.S. servicemembers and an Afghan interpreter were wounded early today when their patrol was struck by an improvised explosive device north of Deh Rahwod in Oruzgan province, Combined Forces Command Afghanistan officials reported.
07/29/2005 : Last World War II Comanche Code Talker Laid to Rest  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, July 29, 2005 - When Charles "Charlie" J. Chibitty, the last World War II Comanche code talker, was buried July 26, a friend wrote in the eulogy, "Charlie's life has no foreshadowing or ending. As long as wind blows, his life and legacy will continue to twist and turn along courses only wild horses know."
07/29/2005 : Rice Urges World to Stop Making Excuses for Terrorists      
WASHINGTON, July 29, 2005 - The U.S. secretary of state wants people to stop making excuses for terrorists. In an interview aired July 28 on PBS's "Jim Lehrer NewsHour," Condoleezza Rice fairly bristled at the suggestion that the United States was creating terrorists with its policies.
07/29/2005 : Iraq Duty a Family Affair for Army Reserve Couple  This story contains photos.    
BALAD, Iraq, July 29, 2005 - Bernd and Virginia Zoller are two full-time Army Reserve officers with a lot in common, pulling military duty in an uncommon place.
07/29/2005 : America Supports You: 'The Great Raid' Preview Storms D.C.  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, July 29, 2005 - Despite the overcast skies, the stars shone brightly on the red carpet at the Washington premiere of Miramax's film "The Great Raid" July 28.
07/29/2005 : Iraqi Police Graduate From Advanced, Specialty Courses      
BAGHDAD, Iraq, July 29, 2005 - The Iraqi Police Service graduated 238 police officers from advanced and specialty courses at the Adnan Training Facility July 28, as part of the Iraqi government's ongoing effort to train its security forces.
07/29/2005 : Iraqi Police Find SAMs, Large Cache of Anti-aircraft Rounds      
WASHINGTON, July 29, 2005 - Iraqi police located a large cache of munitions eight kilometers southeast of Tikrit near Owja July 28, military officials in Iraq reported today.
07/29/2005 : National Guard Soldiers Protect VIPs Visiting Baghdad  This story contains photos.    
BAGHDAD, Iraq, July 29, 2005 - Providing security for distinguished U.S. visitors in Baghdad is necessary, Army Cpl. Fred Senethavilay pointed out, because the Iraqi capital city "is not a safe place."
07/29/2005 : Officials Explain Terrorist Financing System to Lawmakers      
WASHINGTON, July 29, 2005 - Disrupting financial support for the insurgency is a key element in the overall strategy to defeat terrorists in Iraq, and the U.S. government is pursuing several initiatives to track and limit the flow of funds, Defense Department officials told two congressional subcommittees here July 28.
07/29/2005 : Two Injured in Afghanistan Apache Helicopter Crash      
WASHINGTON, July 29, 2005 - Two crewmembers were injured today when a U.S. military AH-64 Apache helicopter crashed today during a training mission on a range near Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan, Combined Forces Command Afghanistan officials reported.
07/29/2005 : Afghan, U.S. Troops Kill Six Insurgents, Capture 10 Others      
BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan, July 29, 2005 - Six enemy combatants were killed, one was wounded and 10 suspected enemy combatants were captured today after they attacked Afghan and U.S. forces near the city of Shinkay in Afghanistan's Zabul province, military officials reported.
07/29/2005 : Terror Cell Leader Captured; Nine Terrorists, Two Marines Killed      
WASHINGTON, July 29, 2005 - U.S. troops captured al Qaeda terror cell leader Ammar Abu Bara, alias Amar Hussein Hasan, during a July 27 cordon-and-search operation in Mosul, Iraq's third largest city, U.S military officials reported today.
07/29/2005 : U.S. to Return 11 Bases to Germany in Fiscal 2007      
WASHINGTON, July 29, 2005 - About 6,100 soldiers will be affected by the United States returning 11 bases to Germany in fiscal 2006, Defense Department officials said today.
07/29/2005 : 23 Servicemembers in Afghanistan Become U.S. Citizens  This story contains photos.    
BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan, July 29, 2005 - Twenty-three servicemembers serving in Afghanistan became U.S. citizens July 28 at a naturalization ceremony at the Enduring Freedom Chapel here.
07/28/2005 : ESGR Gives Texas-Sized Support to Reserve, Guard Members, Employers      
SAN ANTONIO, July 28, 2005 - A viable Guard and Reserve force - a critical weapon in the struggle against violent extremism - depends on having viable employer support, according to Gary Walston, newly appointed program specialist for the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve in Texas.
07/28/2005 : Smart Resolution to Pesky Problems Earns EPA Award for DoD      
WASHINGTON, July 28, 2005 - For the fourth straight year, the Environmental Protection Agency has recognized the Defense Department as a leader in pest management strategies.
07/28/2005 : Officials Report Progress, Challenges in Treating Combat Stress      
WASHINGTON, July 28, 2005 - Recognizing the link between combat and mental health symptoms, the Defense Department is working to improve the way it prevents, identifies and treats mental illness among troops who are serving or have served in Iraq and Afghanistan, Army officials told Congress July 27.
07/28/2005 : Two Soldiers Killed by IED, One Dies in Accident      
WASHINGTON, July 28, 2005 - Two Task Force Baghdad soldiers were killed July 27 when their patrol struck an improvised explosive device in northern Baghdad, military officials in Baghdad announced today.
07/28/2005 : Insurgents Killed, Captured in Afghanistan      
WASHINGTON, July 28, 2005 - Afghan and U.S. forces killed three insurgents and captured 15 others in combat west of Tarin Kowt in Afghanistan's Oruzgan province today, U.S. military officials reported.
07/28/2005 : Officials Report on Chinook Incidents in Afghanistan      
WASHINGTON, July 28, 2005 - A coalition CH-47 Chinook helicopter made a "hard landing" due to "brown-out conditions" as the crew was attempting to insert forces southwest of the city of Spin Buldak on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan late on July 27, military officials reported today.
07/28/2005 : America Supports You: 'Cookie Lady' Gives Troops Taste of Home  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, July 28, 2005 - The aroma of fresh-baked cookies filling the entryway of the small apartment brings a reminiscent feeling of home for many visitors. It does not, however, give an idea of the magnitude of the efforts of the one-woman cookie factory within these walls.
07/28/2005 : Troop Reductions to Be Conditions-Based, Coalition Spokesman Says      
WASHINGTON, July 28, 2005 - The withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq will be based strictly on security conditions in the country and the readiness of Iraqi forces to conduct independent operations, a Multinational Force Iraq spokesman in Baghdad said today.
07/27/2005 : New U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan Sworn In      
WASHINGTON, July 27, 2005 - Saying he has the "ability to work hand in hand" with the U.S. military in the country, the new U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan took his oath of office from Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice here today.
07/27/2005 : America Supports You: GIs' Kids Fly High at Space Camp  This story contains photos.    
HUNTSVILLE, Ala., July 27, 2005 - Fifteen military children took a giant leap for 'kidkind' this summer, attending Space Camp courtesy of the Military Child Education Coalition.
07/27/2005 : Army Announces Repositioning Plans      
WASHINGTON, July 27, 2005 - The Army announced its plans today for repositioning its forces to accommodate a new modular structure, which includes transferring more than 50,000 soldiers to the United States by the decade's end.
07/27/2005 : Aeromedical Evacuation Helps Overcome Platelet Shortage  This story contains photos.    
SOUTHWEST ASIA, July 27, 2005 - U.S. Air Force aeromedical evacuation teams coordinated airlift of blood platelets for two patients in Iraq and Afghanistan recently.
07/27/2005 : NORTHCOM Stands Ready, Able to Defend Country      
WASHINGTON, July 27, 2005 - Deterring, preventing and defeating attacks against the homeland is an around-the-clock job, the commander of U.S. Northern Command told the Pentagon Channel here July 26.
07/27/2005 : Iraqi, U.S. Soldiers Capture Insurgents; Find Weapons Caches      
WASHINGTON, July 27, 2005 - Iraqi army and coalition soldiers failed to find a known terrorist responsible for mortar attacks against Iraqi police stations during a July 26 combined cordon-and-search mission, Multinational Security Transition Command Iraq officials said today.
07/27/2005 : Training, Hydration Help Baghdad Troops Cope With Heat  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, July 27, 2005 - With the blazing temperature dominating the headlines throughout the United States, troops in Baghdad, where temperatures typically hit 120 to 130 degrees, say they're getting a new perspective on what "hot" really means.
07/27/2005 : DoD to Notify Gulf War Vets on Latest Chem Agents Study      
WASHINGTON, July 27, 2005 - The Defense Department is again sending letters to thousands of Gulf War veterans exposed to low levels of chemical agents contained in munitions destroyed at a weapons depot in Khamisiyah, Iraq, in March 1991.
07/27/2005 : Five Soldiers Killed, Five Wounded in Two Incidents in Iraq      
WASHINGTON, July 27, 2005 - Separate attacks in Iraq over the last few days have left five U.S. soldiers dead and five others wounded, military officials in Baghdad reported.
07/27/2005 : Service Will Benefit Generations to Come, Rumsfeld Tells Troops  This story contains photos.    
BALAD, Iraq, July 27, 2005 - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld saluted soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen serving in Iraq and around the world during a town meeting here today.
07/27/2005 : Troop Withdrawals Could Begin Next Year, Casey Says      
BAGHDAD, Iraq, July 27, 2005 - A "fairly substantial" withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq could take place next spring or summer if the insurgency doesn't grow and the country's political process continues as scheduled, the commander of coalition forces said here today.
07/27/2005 : Rumsfeld: Iraq Needs to Talk Border Issues With Iran, Syria      
EN ROUTE TO BAGHDAD, Iraq, July 27, 2005 - Iraq needs "to be aggressively communicating" with its neighbors to stop the infiltration of foreign terrorists across its borders, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said today.
07/26/2005 : Navy Team Takes Armed Forces Basketball Championship      
CAMP PENDLETON, Calif., July 26, 2005 - Change is good. But in the case of the all-Navy basketball team, change couldn't be any better.
07/26/2005 : Heavy Taliban Losses Affect Recruiting, Possibly Tactics, General Says      
WASHINGTON, July 26, 2005 - Taliban members who face off against coalition forces or the Afghan National Army are facing heavy losses, so they've resorted to recruiting young teens to join the fight, the Joint Staff's operations director told Pentagon reporters today.
07/26/2005 : New Report Cites Progress, Challenges for Iraqi Police Force      
WASHINGTON, July 26, 2005 - A new report on training of police forces in Iraq shows steady progress but identifies areas that need improvement, including the process used to vet members into the force, Larry Di Rita, the Defense Department's top spokesman, told Pentagon reporters today.
07/26/2005 : America Supports You: McDonald's Recognized for Supporting Troops  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, July 26, 2005 - Secretary of the Navy and acting Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England honored the president and chief operating officer of McDonald's during a July 25 Pentagon ceremony for providing "super-sized" support for America's men and women in uniform.
07/26/2005 : Officials Meet With Afghans to Address Protesters' Concerns      
KABUL, Afghanistan, July 26, 2005 - Afghan police and U.S. military leaders were scheduled to meet with local leaders today to address the concerns of several hundred Afghans who gathered outside the gate of the U.S. base at Bagram Airfield to protest a July 25 military operation by Afghan and U.S. forces.
07/26/2005 : Iraqi, Coalition Forces Continue Crackdown      
WASHINGTON, July 26, 2005 - Coalition military and Iraqi security forces continue to crack down on anti-government forces in Iraq, hoping to suppress attacks against U.S. and coalition forces and Iraqi citizens, according to military officials Baghdad.
07/26/2005 : Rumsfeld Calls Tajikistan 'Solid Partner' in Terror War  This story contains photos.    
DUSHANBE, Tajikistan, July 26, 2005 - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld today lauded the Republic of Tajikistan for its efforts in assisting the U.S.-led coalition in the fight against terrorism.
07/26/2005 : U.S. Still Welcome at Manas Air Base, Kyrgyzstan Minister Says  This story contains photos.    
BISHKEK, Kyrgyzstan, July 26, 2005 - The United States is welcome to continue using Manas Air Force Base, Kyrgyzstan's defense minister said here today during a news conference.
07/25/2005 : QDR Will Reflect Tomorrow's, Not Today's, Challenges      
WASHINGTON, July 25, 2005 - Military leaders will resist any temptation to assume the force needed for the future will be a cookie-cutter version of today's needs, Air Force Gen. Richard B. Myers told reporters at the National Press Club here today.
07/25/2005 : U.S. Must Maintain Will in Terror War, Myers Says      
WASHINGTON, July 25, 2005 - The war against violent extremism is a battle of wills, and if the American people give up, they'll end up living in a world ruled by violence and fear, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told reporters at the National Press Club here today.
07/25/2005 : 12 Dozen Win Citizenship at Camp Victory  This story contains photos.    
CAMP VICTORY, Iraq, July 25, 2005 - One hundred forty-three U.S. servicemembers from 42 different countries held up their right hands and became U.S. citizens today in the Al-Faw Palace rotunda here.
07/25/2005 : Egypt Attacks Reaffirm Need for International Cooperation to Fight Terror      
WASHINGTON, July 25, 2005 - President Bush condemned the deadly July 23 attacks on Egypt's Sharm el-Sheikh resort area today, pointing to them as another example of the need for the international community to unify in the global war on terror.
07/25/2005 : Heavy Fighting In Afghanistan Kills U.S., Afghan Soldiers      
WASHINGTON, July 25, 2005 - Two soldiers - one U.S., the other Afghan - were killed today during what the military said was heavy fighting in a small village west of Deh Rawod in Afghanistan's Oruzgan province.
07/25/2005 : U.S. Soldier Among Several Killed in Suicide Attacks      
WASHINGTON, July 25, 2005 - Suicide attacks in Iraq today killed a U.S. soldier and several Iraqis, including two Iraqi commandos and 10 civilians, military officials in Baghdad reported.
07/25/2005 : Rumsfeld: Kyrgyzstan Election Garners Good Marks  This story contains photos.    
BISHKEK, Kyrgyzstan, July 25, 2005 - Kyrgyzstan's recent election has received kudos from a European poll-watching organization, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said July 24 en route to this former Soviet republic.
07/24/2005 : America Supports You: Group Eases Financial Burden for Patients, Families      
WASHINGTON, July 24, 2005 - A group based here at Walter Reed Army Medical Center here has stepped forward to help families of wounded servicemembers with expenses to stay in the area while their loved ones recover in this high-cost area.
07/24/2005 : Soldier, Marine Killed; Terror Suspects, Weapons Seized in Iraq      
WASHINGTON, July 24, 2005 - A Task Force Liberty soldier was killed and two others were wounded during an indirect fire attack on a coalition forces base near Balad, Iraq, today, military officials in Baghdad reported. A Marine assigned to Regimental Combat Team 2, 2nd Marine Division, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), was killed in action near Fallujah, Iraq, July 23 when the vehicle he was in was struck by an improvised explosive device.
07/24/2005 : Baghdad Car Bomb Kills at Least 40 Civilians, Police Report  This story contains photos.    
BAGHDAD, Iraq, July 24, 2005 - Iraqi police say at least 40 Iraqi civilians were killed and more than two dozen others were wounded today when a car bomb exploded at a market area near the front gate of the Al-Rashid police station here, military officials reported.
07/23/2005 : Soldiers Capture Terrorists Seen Planting Roadside Bomb      
WASHINGTON, July 23, 2005 - U.S. soldiers captured nine terrorists July 22 after they were seen placing an improvised explosive device, military officials in Baghdad reported today.
07/22/2005 : Army Assesses Behavioral Health of Soldiers in Iraq      
WASHINGTON, July 22, 2005 - The Army has made significant inroads in improving the behavioral health of soldiers deployed to Iraq, according to a report released this week.
07/22/2005 : Army Guard Head Discusses Proposed Changes to Recruiting System      
WASHINGTON, July 22, 2005 - The Army Guard's 330,000 citizen-soldiers can help reduce the organization's current 19,000-person recruiting shortfall, Lt. Gen. Clyde A. Vaughn said today.
07/22/2005 : VA Secretary: Agency to Maintain Services as Demand Increases      
WASHINGTON, July 22, 2005 - The United States offers the most extensive services and benefits for veterans of any other nation in the world, and will maintain that standard even with the recent surge in clientele due to the war on terror, according to the Veterans Affairs secretary.
07/22/2005 : Iraq Reconstruction Efforts Moving Forward, Army Engineer Says      
WASHINGTON, July 22, 2005 - The effort to reconstruct Iraq is "immense and unprecedented in many ways," a top engineer involved with the project said today.
07/22/2005 : America Supports You: Authors Plan 'Operation Welcome Home'      
WASHINGTON, July 22, 2005 - Mike Jackson and Tara Dixon-Engel, co-authors of "Naked in Da Nang," a humorous account of Jackson's experience during the Vietnam conflict came to the Pentagon July 21 for a book signing and to promote "Operation Welcome Home."
07/22/2005 : Defense, Navy Leaders Praise Troops During CNO Ceremonies  This story contains photos.    
ANNAPOLIS, Md., July 22, 2005 - Fighting the war on terror demands extraordinary capabilities and focus, and today's military leaders are setting the example for the young men and women in uniform following in their footsteps.
07/22/2005 : Leaders Encourage New CNO to Continue Navy's Transformation      
ANNAPOLIS, Md., July 22, 2005 - The Defense Department's top civilian leaders challenged the new chief of naval operations to continue the sweeping transformation under way to prepare the Navy for the challenges ahead.
07/22/2005 : Iraqis' Progress in West Leaves Area Commander Optimistic      
WASHINGTON, July 22, 2005 - A strong partnership with coalition forces is improving the capability of Iraqi security forces and encouraging political development in Iraq's Anbar province, the area's top commander said today.
07/22/2005 : Roadside Bomb Kills Marine in Iraq      
WASHINGTON, July 22, 2005 - A Marine assigned to Regimental Combat Team 8, 2nd Marine Division, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), was killed in action July 21 by an improvised explosive device while conducting combat operations near Zaidon, Iraq, military officials in Baghdad reported today.
07/21/2005 : Airlift Support for Darfur Continues Strong as Rice Visits Region  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, July 21, 2005 - Airlift operations continue at a steady clip as the members of the 86th Aerospace Expeditionary Group work to rotate the first of two brigades of Rwandan troops into the war-torn Darfur region of Sudan, the group commander told the American Forces Press Service today.
07/21/2005 : Indicators Show Progress Toward Stable Iraq, DoD Report States      
WASHINGTON, July 21, 2005 - Terrorists in Iraq have been unable to derail the political process, a new Defense Department report on Iraqi stability and security states. Still, the report contends, insurgents "remain capable, adaptable, and intent on carrying out attacks."
07/21/2005 : U.S. Argues Against EU Lifting Arms Embargo Against China      
WASHINGTON, July 21, 2005 - The European Union lifting its arms embargo against China would bring "serious and numerous" consequences, according to a Defense Department report released this week.
07/21/2005 : Vice President, Veterans Affairs Secretary Celebrate VA's 75th Anniversary      
WASHINGTON, July 21, 2005 - Vice President Richard B. Cheney joined Secretary of Veterans Affairs R. James Nicholson here today to kick off a yearlong celebration of the VA Department' 75th anniversary.
07/21/2005 : Official Warns Against Misinterpreting Iraqi Forces Report      
WASHINGTON, July 21, 2005 - A Pentagon report detailing the readiness of Iraqi security forces should not be interpreted to mean that Iraqis aren't meeting expectations, a military official in Baghdad said today.
07/21/2005 : UK, Australian Leaders Vow Attacks Won't Sidetrack Terror War Support      
WASHINGTON, July 21, 2005 - British Prime Minister Tony Blair and Australian Prime Minister John Howard condemned today's terrorist incidents in London during a joint news conference and insisted that the extremists won't succeed in derailing their countries' support for the global war on terror.
07/21/2005 : Military Compensation Committee Hears Proposals      
WASHINGTON, July 21, 2005 - The Defense Advisory Committee on Military Compensation met here July 20 to hear presentations about the current state of military compensation programs and recommendations to improve those programs.
07/21/2005 : Sailor Dies From Wounds Suffered in July 15 IED Attack      
WASHINGTON, July 21, 2005 - A sailor assigned to Regimental Combat Team 2, 2nd Marine Division, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), died today of wounds suffered in a July 15 improvised explosive device attack in Hit, Iraq, military officials in Baghdad reported.
07/21/2005 : GSA Head Signs '5-Star' Guard, Reserve Support Agreement      
WASHINGTON, July 21, 2005 - The General Services Administration certified its commitment to GSA employees serving in the nation's reserve component forces July 20, as the federal agency's chief signed a "5-Star" statement of support here.
07/20/2005 : Recruiting Solution 'About Message,' Vice Chairman Says      
Washington, July 20, 2005 - The solution to boosting recruiting within the military "is not about money and benefits," the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told Pentagon reporters today. It's "about message."
07/20/2005 : China Investing in Information Warfare Technology, Doctrine      
WASHINGTON, July 20, 2005 - China appears to be taking a page from U.S. doctrine and working to improve its information warfare capabilities, according to a comprehensive DoD report on Chinese military power released July 19.
07/20/2005 : Rumsfeld Condemns Murders, Discusses Iraq Progress, Challenges      
WASHINGTON, July 20, 2005 - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld today condemned the July 19 assassination of two Sunni Arab members of the commission drafting Iraq's new constitution as a "terrible act of violence" that demonstrates the insurgents' brutality and their low regard for the Iraqi people.
07/20/2005 : America Supports You: Troops to Get Free Wrestling Broadcast      
WASHINGTON, July 20, 2005 - World Wrestling Entertainment will offer its July 24 Pay-Per-View special, "SmackDown! The Great American Bash," free for broadcast on American Forces Network as a way of thanking servicemembers and their families for their service to America.
07/20/2005 : Servicemembers Get Sneak Preview of 'Stealth'  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, July 20, 2005 - Military members from the area and patients from the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Md., got a sneak peek at the summer blockbuster "Stealth" July 19 at a downtown theater here.
07/20/2005 : Joint Chiefs Chairman Briefed on Irish Defense Capabilities      
DUBLIN, Ireland, July 20, 2005 - The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff visited with his counterpart here today and learned about the capabilities of the Irish military and its worldwide operations.
07/20/2005 : Official Seeks Support from Congress, Parents in Recruiting      
WASHINGTON, July 20, 2005 - The Defense Department's head of Reserve affairs told the House Armed Services subcommittee on military personnel that the reserve component will need help from Congress, as well as "Mom and Dad," to meet its recruiting shortfalls in testimony here July 19.
07/20/2005 : Panel Adds Bases For Closure, Realignment Consideration      
WASHINGTON, July 20, 2005 - The 2005 Base Realignment and Closure Commission voted to add several military installations to a list for closure consideration during July 19 hearings at the Dirksen Senate Building here.
07/20/2005 : Leaders at Conference Tackle Strategies Against Terrorism      
GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN, Germany, July 20, 2005 - Speakers and participants alike focused on challenges at the opening of the NATO and European Union "Strategies Against Terrorism" conference here July 19.
07/20/2005 : Chinese Military Power Report Addresses U.S. Concerns      
WASHINGTON, July 20, 2005 - The Defense Department's annual report on Chinese military power, released late July 19, is "deliberately non-alarmist," a senior official said. However, some findings are "worrisome," the official added.
07/20/2005 : National Security Personnel System Survey Period Extended      
WASHINGTON, July 20, 2005 - Response to a survey about the new National Security Personnel System has been "enthusiastic," so defense officials have extended the survey period through July 27 so civil service employees get more opportunity to participate.
07/20/2005 : Suicide Bomber Strikes at Iraqi Recruiting Center Near Airfield      
WASHINGTON, July 20, 2005 - A terrorist bomber killed himself and five others today during an attack outside an airfield in Iraq, military officials in Baghdad reported.
07/19/2005 : Recruiting, Retention On Track, Official Says      
WASHINGTON, July 19, 2005 - Although the Army is experiencing recruiting challenges, overall retention and recruiting in the armed forces remain solid, a top defense official said today.
07/19/2005 : Bush, Australian PM Reaffirm Commitment to War on Terror      
WASHINGTON, July 19, 2005 - President Bush today met with Australia Prime Minister John Howard, a man he called an "old friend" and whose country has become an important U.S. ally in the war on terror.
07/19/2005 : Conditions in Iraq to Dictate Troop Numbers, Rumsfeld Says      
WASHINGTON, July 19, 2005 - A Defense Department report expected to go to Congress soon will address stability and security in Iraq, but won't deliver force-level projections, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld told Pentagon reporters today.
07/19/2005 : Myers Promises Transformation Aid to Slovak Military  This story contains photos.    
BRATISLAVA, Slovakia, July 19, 2005 - The United States will help the Slovakian military as it transitions to an all-volunteer force, Air Force Gen. Richard B. Myers said here today.
07/19/2005 : Rumsfeld Thanks Polish Defense Leader for Terror War Support      
WASHINGTON, July 19, 2005 - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld thanked Polish Minister of Defense Jerzy Szmajdzinski today for his country's support and leadership in the global war on terror.
07/19/2005 : Officer Describes Military Commissions Procedures      
WASHINGTON, July 19, 2005 - A senior officer involved with military commissions this morning gave an overview of the military commissions hearings likely to resume soon in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
07/19/2005 : DoD Assists Iraq in Establishing Inspectors General System      
WASHINGTON, July 19, 2005 - American dreams of a free and sovereign nation were at rock bottom at Valley Forge, Pa., in February 1778 when Baron Von Steuben, a battle-tested former Prussian Army officer who had served on the General Staff of Frederick the Great, arrived in camp to bring organization and professionalism to the Continental Army.
07/19/2005 : States Won't Be Left Short of Guard Assets, General Vows      
WASHINGTON, July 19, 2005 - While some people may worry that overseas deployments are detracting from the National Guard's missions at home, the chief of the National Guard Bureau vowed he won't leave state governors short of assets to carry out their state missions.
07/19/2005 : Forces Capture Dozens of Insurgents, Uncover Weapons Caches      
WASHINGTON, July 19, 2005 - Joint raids by Iraqi and coalition forces have rounded up dozens of suspected terrorists and uncovered thousands of weapons and ammunition, according to military reports.
07/18/2005 : Myers Consults With German Allies  This story contains photos.    
BERLIN, July 18, 2005 - One of Air Force Gen. Richard B. Myers' last stops in a 40-year military career is right where it began - Germany.
07/18/2005 : U.S., Australia Remain Close Allies in Terror War      
WASHINGTON, July 18, 2005 - Australia remains committed to "military operations that are pert of the democratization process in both Afghanistan and Iraq," the country's prime minister said in the Pentagon today.
07/18/2005 : Military Trials for Two Guantanamo Detainees to Resume Soon      
WASHINGTON, July 18, 2005 - Military commissions proceedings "will resume as soon as possible" against two enemy-combatant detainees being held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said today.
07/18/2005 : Iraqi Official Says Countrymen Cannot Achieve Liberty Alone      
WASHINGTON, July 18, 2005 - "The Iraqi people cannot achieve their liberty and democracy by themselves alone. They need the support of the United States," the inspector general of the Iraqi Ministry of Defense said during an interview here.
07/18/2005 : Defense Officials Answer BRAC List Questions      
WASHINGTON, July 18, 2005 - Defense Department leaders appeared today before the Base Realignment and Closure Commission to explain why certain military facilities were not included among Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's May 13 recommendations.
07/18/2005 : President, Indian Prime Minister Lay Out Initiatives to Strengthen Relationship  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, July 18, 2005 - The U.S. and India are completing the next steps in their strategic partnership, strengthening cooperation in the areas of defense, civil nuclear, civil space and high technology commerce, President Bush said after meeting with the Indian prime minister today.
07/18/2005 : Guard Supports Families Through Deployment Hardships      
WASHINGTON, July 18, 2005 - Families of deployed National Guard and Reserve members face challenges beyond those of active-duty families, and a strong family support network stands behind them to help through those difficult days, the National Guard Bureau chief said.
07/18/2005 : Saddam Hussein to Face Trial Soon, Iraqi Officials Say      
WASHINGTON, July 18, 2005 - Former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein will soon go to trial, a senior Iraqi judge said during a July 17 news conference in Baghdad, Iraq.
07/18/2005 : Coordinated Efforts Net 39 Suspects in Iraq      
WASHINGTON, July 18, 2005 - Iraqi and U.S. forces established a joint/combined operations center to develop intelligence and track operations during a series of missions July 15, military officials in Baghdad, Iraq, said.
07/18/2005 : Soldier Killed by IED near Balad; Car Bomb Kills 4, Wounds 10      
WASHINGTON, July 18, 2005 - One Task Force Liberty soldier was killed by an improvised explosive device at about 10 a.m. July 17 near Balad, Iraq, military officials in Iraq reported.
07/17/2005 : Two Soldiers Killed, But Coalition, Iraqi Forces Preventing More Attacks      
WASHINGTON, July 17, 2005 - Two American soldiers in Iraq were killed by improvised explosive devices July 16. Another two soldiers were wounded.
07/17/2005 : America Supports You: Florida Town Bonds With Sister City in Iraq      
BAGHDAD, Iraq, July 17, 2005 - Thanks to the initiative of a hometown hero, Kissimmee, Fla., is close to formalizing a "Sister City" agreement with Zafaraniya, Iraq.
07/17/2005 : Terrorists Use Corpses as Bait in Baghdad Car-Bomb Attack      
BAGHDAD, July 17, 2005 - In what military officials are calling "a new level of barbarity," terrorists tortured and killed two innocent Iraqi civilians and laid their bodies in the road as bait for curious Iraqi civilians and investigating Iraqi security forces before detonating a car bomb at 8 a.m. this morning.
07/16/2005 : Appeals Court Decision Clears Way for Military Commissions      
WASHINGTON, July 16, 2005 - A federal appeals court decision July 15 has cleared the way to allow enemy-combatant detainees held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to be tried by military commissions.
07/16/2005 : Coalition Forces Stymie, Respond to Ongoing Terrorist Attacks in Iraq      
WASHINGTON, July 16, 2005 - Task Force Liberty and Iraqi army soldiers stopped a potential terrorist attack when they confiscated a mortar system in a vehicle during a joint operation near Balad, Iraq, on July 15 at about 5:00 p.m.
07/16/2005 : Soldiers Charged With Assaulting Suspected Insurgents in Baghdad      
WASHINGTON, July 16, 2005 - U.S. military officials in Baghdad, Iraq, announced today they have charged 11 soldiers with assaulting suspected terrorists. The soldiers were charged July 13, Multinational Force Iraq officials said in a statement.
07/16/2005 : U.S. Contribution to Darfur Airlift Operation Begins      
STUTTGART-VAIHINGEN, Germany, July 16, 2005 - U.S. European Command began the deployment of airmen and equipment to Kigali, Rwanda, July 14 to provide logistical and airlift support of Rwandan forces as part of the African Union's expanded mission in the war-torn Darfur region of Sudan.
07/16/2005 : Detainee Releases 'Strengthening Peace'; Afghan Air Control Center Opens      
WASHINGTON, July 16, 2005 - Twenty more detainees were released from coalition detention facilities today as part of the Afghan government's "Takhim-e-Solh" or "Strengthening Peace" program.
07/15/2005 : Pace Visits Afghanistan, Thanks Troops, Examines Progress  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, July 15, 2005 - When Marine Gen. Peter Pace visited Afghanistan July 11 to 13, the gratitude of the people was proof to him that progress is being made in the country.
07/15/2005 : U.S. Commander Says Iraqi Forces Improving      
WASHINGTON, July 15, 2005 - Iraqi forces are shouldering more of the security burden in north-central Iraq, the coalition forces commander there said today.
07/15/2005 : America Supports You: U.S. Soldiers in Afghanistan Get 'ThundHerStruck'  This story contains photos.    
KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan, July 15, 2005 - Southern Afghanistan hasn't seen rain in months, yet U.S. soldiers based at Forward Operating Base Langman, Provincial Reconstruction Team Lashkar Gah and Kandahar Airfield have all been "ThundHerStruck."
07/15/2005 : Guard Chief Vows to Minimize Personal Impact of BRAC on Air Guardsmen      
WASHINGTON, July 15, 2005 - The National Guard Bureau chief vowed to work closely with Air Force leadership to ensure that proposed base closures and realignments don't adversely affect the Air National Guard or its members.
07/15/2005 : U.S. Exchange Pilot Supports German Helicopter Mission in Kosovo  This story contains photos.    
PRISTINA, Serbia and Montenegro, July 15, 2005 - Since Vietnam helicopters have proven how invaluable they are in day-to-day operations in a combat zone because of their flexibility. Today's helicopter crews must be "jacks of all trades" ready to fly whatever mission they're assigned to. One airman assigned to the German contingent in support of Operation Joint Guardian in Kosovo continues to master these skills.
07/15/2005 : Baghdad Car Bombs Kill 20; Two U.S. Marines Killed      
WASHINGTON, July 15, 2005 - Three suicide-car-bomb attacks today in Baghdad, Iraq, claimed the lives of 15 Iraqi civilians and five Iraqi soldiers. Six Iraqi soldiers and 17 civilians were wounded.
07/15/2005 : Teddy Troopers 'Jump' Into Arms of Iraqi Children  This story contains photos.    
CAMP TAJI, Iraq, July 15, 2005 - They can be seen parachuting into various areas around Baghdad -- specially trained individuals recruited during Operation Iraqi Freedom 3, whose primary mission is to bring smiles to the faces of Iraqi children.
07/14/2005 : Iraqis Shouldering Security Burden, Myers Says      
WASHINGTON, July 14, 2005 - Iraqi forces are taking control of their own country, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said today at the Foreign Press Center here.
07/14/2005 : New Details Emerge About Thwarted Baghdad Suicide Attack      
BAGHDAD, Iraq, July 14, 2005 - As military officials continue to investigate a thwarted suicide-bomb attack today, new details are emerging about how the events unfolded.
07/14/2005 : 'Families First' to Transform Personal Moves      
ALEXANDRIA, Va., July 14, 2005 - The process of servicemembers moving their household goods - virtually unchanged for many years - is about transform.
07/14/2005 : Al Qaeda Captures To Yield Intel But Won't End Insurgency      
WASHINGTON, July 14, 2005 - The capture of two key al Qaeda operatives in Iraq this week is expected to yield valuable intelligence but won't stop the insurgency, the Defense Department's top spokesman told Pentagon reporters today.
07/14/2005 : Chertoff Outlines Changes in Homeland Security Department      
WASHINGTON, July 14, 2005 - Following an internal review into operations, policies and structures, the nation's homeland security chief has laid out an agenda to more effectively achieve that department's mission.
07/14/2005 : High-Level Detainee Providing Valuable Intelligence      
WASHINGTON, July 14, 2005 - A sworn supporter of Osama bin Laden being held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, has provided valuable intelligence into al Qaeda operations and the planning before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, a top U.S. general told members of Congress July 13.
07/14/2005 : Guard Chief Calls Employer Support Vital to Military Success      
WASHINGTON, July 14, 2005 - Civilian employers are standing solidly behind their National Guard employees as they make a vital contribution to the global war on terror, according to the chief of the National Guard Bureau.
07/14/2005 : Iraqi Recruits, Junior Leaders Graduate      
KIRKUSH, Iraq, July 14, 2005 - A new crop of Iraqi soldiers and leaders completed their training at Kirkush Military Training Base here on July 13.
07/14/2005 : Iraqi Security Forces Prove Capability      
WASHINGTON, July 14, 2005 - Iraqi security forces continue to show their progress toward independence with their prevention of two terrorist attacks this week and their ongoing involvement in successful operations throughout the country, a military official in Baghdad said today.
07/14/2005 : Suicide Bomber Stopped Near Checkpoint Before Attack  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, July 14, 2005 - Iraqi and Task Force Baghdad forces wounded and captured a suicide bomber today before he could blow himself up near a coalition checkpoint in central Baghdad.
07/14/2005 : Iraqi, U.S. Forces Capture Al Qaeda Leaders  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, July 14, 2005 - Multinational forces in Iraq have captured two high-ranking al Qaeda operatives with ties to wanted terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, military officials announced today.
07/13/2005 : Afghanistan Unit Takes on New Mission, Name  This story contains photos.    
KABUL, Afghanistan, July 13, 2005 - The Office of Military Cooperation Afghanistan was focused on the task of rebuilding the Afghan National Army for its three years of existence. In a ceremony at Camp Eggers on July 12, that focus was expanded as that office changed its name to the Office of Security Cooperation Afghanistan and officially assumed responsibility for the U.S. role in reforming the Afghan National Police force.
07/13/2005 : Alleged Guantanamo Abuse Did Not Rise to Level of 'Inhumane'      
WASHINGTON, July 13, 2005 - A close look at allegations of detainee abuse in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, has found a small number of instances in which DoD policies were violated during interrogations.
07/13/2005 : Guard Chief Praises New Homeland Defense Strategy      
WASHINGTON, July 13, 2005 - The chief of the National Guard Bureau praised the Defense Department's new Strategy for Homeland Defense and Civil Support today.
07/13/2005 : America Supports You: Company Commander Gets Company Comfort  This story contains photos.    
CAMP TIGERLAND, Iraq, July 13, 2005 - When Army Sgt. Kip Allen Cochran, a gunner, went online to research a commercially available sling, he had no idea how his curiosity would ultimately benefit his fellow soldiers.
07/13/2005 : New U.S. Ambassador Ready to Help Iraq Reach Goals      
WASHINGTON, July 13, 2005 - Iraq is poised at a crossroads, the new U.S. ambassador to Iraq told journalists at the Foreign Press Center here today.
07/13/2005 : New Test to Better Assess Language Proficiency Within DoD      
WASHINGTON, July 13, 2005 - A new language test scheduled to roll out beginning in October will better measure language professionals' fluency in real-world situations, the Defense Department's senior language official said today.
07/13/2005 : Australian Army Thanks Iraqi Unit  This story contains photos.    
CAMP JUSTICE, Iraq, July 13, 2005 - The Australian army presented awards to Iraqi soldiers who rescued Douglas Wood, the Australian contractor held captive by terrorists for six weeks, in a ceremony at the Iraqi Ministry of Defense in Baghdad July 11.
07/13/2005 : Iraqi Army Foils Three Terrorist Attacks      
BAGHDAD, Iraq, July 13, 2005 - Iraqi soldiers stopped three terrorist attacks against a water plant, a military recruiting drive, and a hospital July 11, all around Baghdad.
07/13/2005 : Myers Stresses Political Progress in Iraq, Afghanistan      
WASHINGTON, July 13, 2005 - Political progress in Iraq and Afghanistan will end the insurgencies in those countries, but American and coalition troops will be needed to provide the security and stability for that progress to take place, said the nation's highest-ranking military official July 12.
07/13/2005 : 17 Enemy Combatants Killed; Contract Workers Injured in Rocket Attack      
WASHINGTON, July 13, 2005 - Seventeen enemy combatants were killed and six captured during joint operations today near Deh Chopan in the northern Zabul province, military officials in Afghanistan reported.
07/13/2005 : U.S. Soldier, Iraqi Children Killed in Car Bomb Attack      
WASHINGTON, July 13, 2005 - A Task Force Baghdad soldier and several Iraq children were killed today during a car-bomb attack in east Baghdad, military officials reported.
07/13/2005 : Military Providing Security, Emergency Response for Shuttle Mission      
WASHINGTON, July 13, 2005 - As Discovery gets set to lift off from Kennedy Space Center, Fla., today, North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command are on duty, prepared to support the "Return to Flight" mission
07/12/2005 : Italy Reaffirms Stance with U.S. Against Terror      
WASHINGTON, July 12, 2005 - Terrorists will not terrorize Italy, Italian Defense Minister Antonio Martino said during a press conference with Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld today.
07/12/2005 : America Supports You: Wounded Soldiers Make Cross-Country Trek  This story contains photos.    
BALTIMORE, July 12, 2005 - A 4,200-mile bike ride would be challenging for anyone. For someone missing a limb, it would seem impossible. But Army veterans Heath Calhoun and Ryan Kelly are proving just how possible it is.
07/12/2005 : Singapore, U.S. Reaffirm, Strengthen Relationship      
WASHINGTON, July 12, 2005 - Singapore and the United States strengthened their bilateral relationship when President Bush and Prime Minister Leong Hsien Lee signed a Strategic Framework Agreement today.
07/12/2005 : Military Astronauts Prepare for Discovery Mission  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, July 12, 2005 - The Defense Department will be well represented when Discovery launches into space July 13, with three of the seven crewmembers from the military, including the commander, retired Air Force Col. Eileen Collins.
07/12/2005 : Coalition Troops Work to Help Kabul Residents  This story contains photos.    
KABUL, Afghanistan, July 12, 2005 - Students at Lamashaheed School here attend classes in conditions that make learning difficult and can even endanger their health. But still, the teachers continue to instruct, and the children eagerly attend class.
07/12/2005 : Land Mine Kills Soldier; U.S. Forces Kill 14 Insurgents      
WASHINGTON, July 12, 2005 - A Task Force Baghdad soldier died of injuries sustained July 11 when his patrol west of Baghdad hit a land mine, officials reported today.
07/12/2005 : DoD Honors Supporters of National Guard, Reserves      
WASHINGTON, July 12, 2005 - Defense officials have announced that 15 organizations have won the 2005 Secretary of Defense Freedom Award for supporting employees who serve in the Reserves and National Guard.
07/11/2005 : June Recruiting, Retention Stats Up for All Services      
WASHINGTON, July 11, 2005 - Recruiting and retention rates were up in June for all the services in both the active and reserve components, Defense Department officials announced today.
07/11/2005 : Defense Review Matches Strategy with Capabilities      
WASHINGTON, July 11, 2005 - The Quadrennial Defense Review, due to Congress in February, is a long-term look to ensure DoD has the tools needed to do the missions of the future, a senior DoD policy official said.
07/11/2005 : 'America Counting on You to Stop' Terrorists, Bush Tells Terror Fighters  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, July 11, 2005 - The nation's greatest mission is to prevent terrorists from launching more deadly attacks like those of Sept. 11, 2001, and the July 7 bombings in London, President Bush said at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Va., today.
07/11/2005 : Group Helps Educators Reach Out to 'Suddenly Military' Children  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, July 11, 2005 - Because of the high number of National Guardsmen and Reservists fighting the global war on terrorism, the Military Child Education Coalition has created a program to teach educators and others how to help "suddenly military" students of deployed citizen-soldiers.
07/11/2005 : Marines Honor Iraqi Freedom Veterans at Evening Parade  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, July 11, 2005 - Representatives of the five armed services were the focus of the Evening Parade July 8 at the Marine Barracks here. Marine Gen. Pace, the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, hosted the parade. The guests of honor - a soldier, Marine, sailor, airman and Coast Guardsman - represented all of those fighting against terror.
07/11/2005 : Blair Vows to Bring London Bombers to Justice      
WASHINGTON, July 11, 2005 - One of the "most vigorous and intense" investigations in British history is under way to get to the bottom of who planned and carried out the July 7 terrorist attacks in London and to bring them to justice, Prime Minister Tony Blair told the British House of Commons today.
07/11/2005 : U.S. Supports North Korea's Return to Six-Party Talks      
WASHINGTON, July 11, 2005 - Defense Department officials joined Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and President Bush in welcoming North Korea's announcement that it plans to rejoin talks focused on eliminating nuclear weapons from the Korean Peninsula.
07/11/2005 : Two Marines Killed in Iraq; Soldiers Detain 13 Suspects      
WASHINGTON, July 11, 2005 - Two Marines assigned to Regimental Combat Team 2, 2nd Marine Division, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), were killed in action July 10 by indirect fire while conducting combat operations in Hit, Iraq.
07/11/2005 : More U.S. Forces Headed to Afghanistan; Unit to Change Role      
WASHINGTON, July 11, 2005 - An Army airborne infantry battalion is preparing to deploy to Afghanistan to provide more flexibility in the fight against terrorism and to support the National Assembly and Provincial Council elections, U.S. officials in Afghanistan said.
07/11/2005 : Final Missing SEAL Team Member Found; Four Bagram Detainees Missing      
WASHINGTON, July 11, 2005 - Coalition forces have found the body of the final member of a Navy SEAL counterterrorism team who had been missing since June 28, military officials in Afghanistan said today.
07/11/2005 : Afghan Army Logisticians to Visit U.S.      
KABUL, Afghanistan, July 11, 2005 - Senior members of the Afghan National Army's Logistics Command will travel to the United States this week to visit Army Materiel Command headquarters at Fort Belvoir, Va., and other military logistics depots and supply centers.
07/10/2005 : Homeland Security Officials Reassure Public of Transit Safety      
WASHINGTON, July 10, 2005 - Top U.S. homeland security officials said today that while security is never an absolute, the U.S. is doing all it can to ensure the safety of those using passenger rail and transit.
07/10/2005 : America Supports You: Motorcycle Ride, Concert to Honor Fallen, Wounded Troops      
WASHINGTON, July 10, 2005 - Plans are under way for the second annual Tribute to the Troops Motorcycle Ride, to be held Sept. 9 to 11 in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa to honor the families of fallen servicemembers and raise funds for wounded troops and their families.
07/10/2005 : Detained U.S. Citizen Released      
WASHINGTON, July 10, 2005 - Coalition forces released Cyrus Kar, an Iranian-born U.S. citizen today, Multinational Force Iraq officials announced.
07/10/2005 : Five Soldiers Hurt in IED Attack      
WASHINGTON, July 10, 2005 - Five Task Force Baghdad soldiers were wounded when their patrol of six Humvees struck an improvised explosive device in the Baghdad's Rashid district today, officials reported.
07/10/2005 : U.S. Unit Helps Bring Water to Iraqi Farmers  This story contains photos.    
YUSUFIYAH, Iraq, July 10, 2005 - The 48th Brigade Combat Team civil affairs soldiers visited Yusufiyah Pumping Station No. 1 on July 4 to follow up on the progress of military engineering efforts to give the people of that region their own independence.
07/09/2005 : President Again Condemns London Bombings, Vows Terrorists Won't Win      
WASHINGTON, July 9, 2005 - President Bush today again condemned terrorists' July 7 "barbaric attacks" in London.
07/09/2005 : Task Force Baghdad Secures Car-Bomb Site      
WASHINGTON, July 9, 2005 - Task Force Baghdad soldiers secured a site about 15 kilometers north of Baghdad after a terrorist detonated a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device July 8.
07/09/2005 : America Supports You: 'Double Dutch Girl' Jumps Rope for Troops and Veterans  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, July 9, 2005 - Elizabeth Verity, a.k.a. Double Dutch Girl, is jumping rope around America to raise money for charities that aid servicemembers and veterans.
07/08/2005 : Guard Carries Out State Missions Despite Deployments      
WASHINGTON, July 8, 2005 - While more than 77,000 National Guard members are deployed in support of the global war on terror, their comrades at home are demonstrating that they're still fully capable of carrying out their state missions.
07/08/2005 : America Supports You: Nevada Man Donates Money, Gifts  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, July 8, 2005 - With his family in tow, Phil Randazzo came here over the Fourth of July weekend to pay respect to wounded servicemembers and to hand out a few tokens of his appreciation.
07/08/2005 : Military Children Win Scholarships to Space Camp  This story contains photos.    
ATLANTA, July 8, 2005 - The Military Child Education Coalition is sending 15 children from military families to the U.S. Space Camp in Huntsville, Ala., this year.
07/08/2005 : Military Taking Precautions as Hurricane Dennis Approaches      
WASHINGTON, July 8, 2005 - Hurricane Dennis is bearing down on the United States, and the military -- like others in the path of this Category 4 storm -- is taking precautions.
07/08/2005 : General, Teenager Address Educators on Growing Up Overseas  This story contains photos.    
ATLANTA, July 8, 2005 - When Army Gen. B.B. Bell flew here from Germany to speak at the recent Military Child Education Coalition 7th annual conference, he brought a teenager with him to help get his point across.
07/08/2005 : DoD Seeks More Business With Service-Disabled Vets      
WASHINGTON, July 8, 2005 - Veterans with service-related disabilities looking for business opportunities need look no farther than the U.S. government -- and more specifically, the Defense Department.
07/08/2005 : Review Boards Assessing Status of Guantanamo Detainees      
WASHINGTON, July 8, 2005 - Seventy enemy combatants have been through the Pentagon's annual review process at the U.S. detention center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Of these, 29 have been designated for release or transfer to their home country, a senior official said today.
07/08/2005 : Program Helps Students Cope With Transitions  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, July 8, 2005 - It's a daunting and scary experience when school-age children wake up one morning realizing that they're in a strange new place, and, except for their family, they don't know anyone at all.
07/08/2005 : Iraqi Forces on Track to Provide Baghdad Election Security      
WASHINGTON, July 8, 2005 - Iraqi security forces in and around Baghdad are making progress in their training and will be ready to assume responsibility for security measures for the October elections, the area's top U.S. commander said today.
07/08/2005 : Virgin Islands Educators Support Families of Deployed Troops  This story contains photos.    
ATLANTA, July 8, 2005 - The U.S. Virgin Islands don't have any active duty military installations, but Army and Air National Guardsmen and their families can boast of living in America's Caribbean paradise with breathtaking beaches, secluded coves, pristine coral reefs and untouched rainforests.
07/08/2005 : Military Medics Saw Few Signs of Detainee Abuse      
WASHINGTON, July 8, 2005 - Military medics saw few signs of detainee abuse in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and when they did see such signs they generally reported them, according to a recently completed Army Medical Department review.
07/08/2005 : IED Kills One U.S. Soldier, Wounds Three; Troops Find Weapons Caches      
WASHINGTON, July 8, 2005 - A 29th Brigade Combat Team soldier was killed and three were wounded today when an improvised explosive device detonated near their vehicle near Balad, Multinational Force Iraq reported.
07/07/2005 : DoD Changes Emergency Data Form to Prevent Heartaches      
WASHINGTON, July 7, 2005 - Two recent sad cases highlight the need for servicemembers to designate who should receive their remains if they are killed in action.
07/07/2005 : New Housing Allowance Guidelines Won't Result in Pay Cut      
WASHINGTON, July 7, 2005 - Defense officials are eliminating the "geographic rate protection" clause that ensures servicemembers moving to a new area receive the same housing allowance as those already living there.
07/07/2005 : Secretary Refutes Claims Military Stuck in Quagmire in Iraq      
WASHINGTON, July 7, 2005 - America is not losing the war on terror, nor is the U.S. military stuck in a quagmire in Iraq as media reports have suggested, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said this week, speaking on two Midwestern radio talk shows.
07/07/2005 : America Supports You: Returning Troops Get Gift of Golf      
WASHINGTON, July 7, 2005 - Soldiers serving in the sands of Iraq but dreaming of fairways on a golf course back home may soon get their wish, thanks to a new program called "The Long Drive Home."
07/07/2005 : Ranking Iraqi General Reflects on Year of Progress      
WASHINGTON, July 7, 2005 - A little more than a year ago, the 2nd Battalion of the Iraqi Intervention Force made its way through the streets of Baghdad, Iraq, hunting insurgents. It was the fledgling army's first operational military patrol, backed up by a team of coalition military advisers.
07/07/2005 : Rumsfeld, Rice: U.S. Will Stand by Britain in Face of Terror      
WASHINGTON, July 7, 2005 - If terrorists thought they could intimidate the people of a great nation during today's attacks in London, "they picked the wrong people and the wrong nation," Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said in a statement released today.
07/07/2005 : Attack on Medical Group Highlights Taliban Desperation      
WASHINGTON, July 7, 2005 - A recent attack on a medical assistance team in Afghanistan highlights the enemy's desperation, officials in the country said.
07/07/2005 : Death Benefits, Insurance Increase for Servicemembers      
WASHINGTON, July 7, 2005 - Compensation for the survivors of servicemembers who die in combat zones and insurance coverage for servicemembers will both increase significantly this year, a military pay official said today.
07/07/2005 : Brigade's Re-enlistments in Iraq Exceed Expectations      
CAMP TAJI, Iraq, July 7, 2005 - All leaders should be involved in retention if they believe in the volunteer Army, an Army career counselor stationed in Iraq with the 3rd Infantry Division said.
07/07/2005 : America Supports You: Miss America Breaks Bread With Soldiers  This story contains photos.    
ATLANTA, July 7, 2005 - Less than 12 hours after Army 2nd Lt. Stephen Lucas arrived back from Iraq, he and three fellow Georgia-based soldiers were sitting down to dinner with Deidre Downs, better known as Miss America 2005.
07/07/2005 : London Bombings Spark U.S. Concern For Mass-Transit Systems      
WASHINGTON, July 7, 2005 - The U.S. Homeland Security Department today raised the terrorism alert level for mass-transit systems to code "orange" in response to President Bush's call for increased vigilance against terrorism in the wake of today's bombings in London.
07/07/2005 : U.S. Investigating Death of Iraqi Official's Cousin      
WASHINGTON, July 7, 2005 - U.S. military authorities are investigating the circumstances surrounding the death of an Iraqi man allegedly shot by U.S. Marines June 23, a senior military official announced in Baghdad, Iraq, today.
07/07/2005 : Iraqi, U.S. Soldiers Hunt for Terrorist Cells      
WASHINGTON, July 7, 2005 - U.S. and Iraqi soldiers conducted a cordon-and-search mission in the early-morning hours of July 6 to search for terrorist cells in western Baghdad.
07/07/2005 : Bush, Blair Condemn London Terror Attacks      
WASHINGTON, July 7, 2005 - President Bush condemned today's coordinated terrorist attacks in London and instructed U.S. Department of Homeland Security officials to encourage local and state officials to be "extra vigilant" to prevent similar attacks in the United States.
07/07/2005 : Corps Of Engineers Assisting in Building Health Clinics in Iraq  This story contains photos.    
TALLIL, Iraq, July 7, 2005 - With its mortality rate for children under 5 a staggering 14.2 percent and 12.8 percent for children under 12 months old, Iraq needs much more than a temporary solution to its crippling dilemma. Now, 150 new primary health care facilities of three different types are being built, with 60 of them planned for southern Iraq.
07/06/2005 : America Supports You: Iraqi Children Receive Donations  This story contains photos.    
BAGHDAD, Iraq, July 6, 2005 - Task Force Baghdad soldiers said they have been overwhelmed and overjoyed by donations Americans have been sending to a program designed to provide school supplies, clothes and toys to Iraqi children.
07/06/2005 : 'Military Idol' Opens Competition for Military Vocalists      
ALEXANDRIA, Va., July 6, 2005 - So you think you've got what it takes to be the next Carrie Underwood or Bo Bice? Perhaps you fancy yourself more along the lines of Fantasia or Ruben Studdard. "Military Idol" will give military members a chance to sing their songs like their American Idol predecessors on 34 Army installations around the world this summer.
07/06/2005 : Survey Seeks Employee Input in Shaping Civilian Personnel System      
WASHINGTON, July 6, 2005 - Civil service employees who will soon come under the new National Security Personnel System have another opportunity to help shape the program.
07/06/2005 : Injured Marine Inspires Oklahoma DJ, Community  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, July 6, 2005 - David Kelso's trip to Iraq started out as an experiment to figure out how to broadcast radio live from the Middle East. But it turned into much more after the Oklahoma City disk jockey was introduced to a group of Marines from his area.
07/06/2005 : 'Army Values' Concept Sells in Tough Recruiting Environment  This story contains photos.    
NEW YORK, July 6, 2005 - It was an exciting afternoon at the Times Plaza Recruiting Station here in downtown Brooklyn, as three newly recruited soldiers stopped by the station one last time before shipping off for training.
07/06/2005 : Quadrennial Defense Review Process Revs Up      
WASHINGTON, July 6, 2005 - The Quadrennial Defense Review looks to make sure DoD is "arranged in the way that makes the most sense for the current situation," a senior Pentagon spokesman said here July 5.
07/06/2005 : Bush Praises U.S.-Danish Partnership in War on Terrorism      
WASHINGTON, July 6, 2005 - President Bush today thanked Denmark for providing hundreds of its troops to augment U.S. operations in Iraq and Afghanistan as part of the global war on terrorism.
07/06/2005 : Iraqi, Coalition Forces Remain in Hit; More Weapons Found in Baghdad      
WASHINGTON, July 6, 2005 - Military officials in Baghdad, Iraq, today said U.S. and Iraqi forces will remain in the Iraqi city of Hit indefinitely to provide a security presence by manning outposts and conducting joint patrols and stabilization operations.
07/06/2005 : America Supports You: Web Site Will Pay Tribute to Poet Warriors      
WASHINGTON, July 6, 2005 - Pfc. Jamie A. Goldstein so touched Kristin Johnson with his poem about the eagerness of soldiers in training to fight for their country that she dedicated a Web site to sharing his poems and the stories of other poet warriors.
07/05/2005 : Insurgents Target Iraqi Progress  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, July 5, 2005 - Insurgents in Iraq attack any sign of progress because "progress is their enemy," said DoD officials today.
07/05/2005 : Ariz. Mayor Working to Broaden Pentagon Channel's Audience      
WASHINGTON, July 5, 2005 - The state of Arizona broke the mold in May by becoming the first state to join "America Supports You," the Defense Department's program that highlights Americans' efforts to support the troops. Now Arizona is again making news, this time by broadcasting the Pentagon Channel, a military news and information TV channel, over the public airwaves.
07/05/2005 : Fitzsimons' Closure Attracts Investment, High-Tech Jobs  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, July 5, 2005 - The former Fitzsimons Army Medical Center located just outside Denver in Aurora, Colo., was once a military medicine showplace where then-President Dwight D. Eisenhower recovered from his heart attack in 1955.
07/05/2005 : Bodies of Special Ops Servicemembers Recovered in Afghanistan      
WASHINGTON, July 5, 2005 - Coalition forces have located the bodies of two U.S. servicemembers who had been missing in Afghanistan's Kunar region since June 28, military officials in Kabul announced today.
07/05/2005 : Program Helps North Carolina Guard, Reserve Families  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, July 5, 2005 - Concern for deployed guardsmen and reservists from North Carolina and compassion for their loved ones left behind prompted a retired general to spearhead the creation of a program to help the combatants' families, particularly those in remote areas.
07/05/2005 : Division-Leading Nationals Join America Supports You  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, July 5, 2005 - The Washington Nationals, currently in first place in the National League's East Division, became the first major league baseball team to join the Defense Department's "America Supports You" program July 4 at their game against the New York Mets at Robert F. Kennedy Stadium here.
07/05/2005 : Suspected Terrorist Killed, Iraqi Police Nab 152 Others      
WASHINGTON, July 5, 2005 - One man was killed and three others detained after they were caught trying to plant improvised explosive devices in northern Iraq July 4, military officials in Baghdad reported today.
07/04/2005 : Servicemember Located, Rescued in Afghanistan      
WASHINGTON, July 4, 2005 - Coalition forces have located a second U.S. servicemember whose whereabouts had been unknown since June 28, military officials here reported today.
07/04/2005 : Bush: Terrorists Can't Stop Advance of Freedom      
WASHINGTON, July 4, 2005 - Terrorists may continue to kill innocent people, but they can't stop the advance of freedom, President Bush told an Independence Day audience in Morgantown, W.Va., today.
07/04/2005 : Troops Track Terrorists, Prevent Attacks Over Holiday Weekend      
WASHINGTON, July 4, 2005 - U.S. military forces spent the Fourth of July holiday weekend hunting down insurgents and stopping deadly bombs attacks throughout Iraq, military officials Baghdad reported.
07/04/2005 : Officials Express Regret Over Civilian Casualties      
WASHINGTON, July 4, 2005 - The coalition's military command in Afghanistan today released a statement expressing regret over civilian casualties resulting from a July 1 air strike on a terrorist compound in the country's Kunar province.
07/04/2005 : 18 Former Rebel Commanders Sign Afghanistan Loyalty Pledges      
GARDEZ, Afghanistan, July 4, 2005 - Eighteen of Gulbiddin Hekmatyar's Hezb-e Islami militia commanders turned themselves over to Paktia province's Gov. Hakim Taniwal last month.
07/04/2005 : America Supports You: Sinise Helps Iraqi Children, U.S. Troops      
WASHINGTON, July 4, 2005 - Actor Gary Sinise has been a busy man over the past few years, and not just with acting gigs. Sinise has set a blistering pace in another venture: supporting American servicemembers.
07/04/2005 : Progress Continues in Iraq; Officials Note June Milestones      
BAGHDAD, Iraq, July 4, 2005 - Daily accomplishments, both large and small - in governance, security and reconstruction - marked progress toward Iraqi self-reliance as the country marked a year of sovereignty June 28. Multinational Force Iraq officials here have compiled a list of notable accomplishments during June.
07/04/2005 : Recruiters Reach Out Using Nontraditional Methods  This story contains photos.    
DAYTONA BEACH, Fla., July 4, 2005 - To passersby, a $150,000 custom-built motorcycle might not have much to do with the Air Force, but recruiters beg to differ. The motorcycle may not have a military function, but it has a social one - it is a bridge, an icebreaker, something that drew NASCAR Pepsi 400 racegoers to the Air Force display here at grounds of Daytona International Speedway on July 2.
07/03/2005 : Despite Rain, Pepsi 400 Fans, Drivers Support Troops  This story contains photos.    
DAYTONA BEACH, Fla., July 3, 2005 - Despite heavy rain that delayed the race for more than two hours, 180,000 NASCAR fans, as well as drivers and crews, paid tribute to the nation's men and women in uniform at the Pepsi 400 here July 2.
07/03/2005 : Officials Announce Capture of Doctor Who Aided al Qaeda      
WASHINGTON, July 3, 2005 - An Iraqi doctor who helped plan and carry out terrorist attacks and cared for al Qaeda members wounded in fighting has been captured, military officials in Baghdad announced today.
07/02/2005 : President Calls for Support of Troops During Holiday      
WASHINGTON, July 2, 2005 - The Fourth of July should be a time for all Americans to reflect on our freedoms and remember the men and women who have preserved those freedoms, President Bush said in his weekly radio address today.
07/02/2005 : Battles Near Kandahar Kill 3 Enemies; Afghan Detainees Released      
WASHINGTON, July 2, 2005 - Afghan and U.S. troops patrolling northeast of Kandahar killed two enemies, wounded another and captured two after being attacked with small arms and rocket-propelled grenades today, military officials said.
07/02/2005 : Suicide Bomber Kills 12 in Iraq; Suspected Insurgents Caught      
WASHINGTON, July 2, 2005 - At least 12 Iraqis were killed by a suicide bomber shortly after 9 a.m. today in central Baghdad, military officials in Iraq said.
07/02/2005 : Troops Seize Weapons, Suspects in Iraq Operations      
WASHINGTON, July 2, 2005 - Task Force Baghdad soldiers in Iraq seized three weapons caches on an island along the Tigris River near the city's Al Rashid district July 1, according to military officials.
07/01/2005 : President Visits War Wounded at Walter Reed      
WASHINGTON, July 1, 2005 - President Bush visited about 40 recovering war-wounded service members and their families at Walter Reed Army Medical Center here today to thank them for their service and sacrifices and to wish them a happy Fourth of July weekend.
07/01/2005 : PGA Tour, Players Clubs Team Up for America Supports You      
PONTE VEDRA BEACH, Fla., July 1, 2005 - The PGA Tour and its network of Tournament Players Clubs have teamed up to help raise awareness for "America Supports You," a nationwide Defense Department program that recognizes citizens' support for military men and women and communicates that support to members of the armed forces at home and abroad.
07/01/2005 : Iraqi Forces Making Progress, Says Area U.S. Commander      
WASHINGTON, July 1, 2005 - Iraqi security forces in the northwest region of Iraq, around the city of Mosul, are making steady progress and starting operations on their own, the area's top commander said today.
07/01/2005 : General Lauds Education Group's Focus on Military Children      
ATLANTA, July 1, 2005 - The general nominated to be the next Air Force chief of staff praised the work of the Military Child Education Coalition here June 29 during the group's annual conference.
07/01/2005 : U.S. Forces in Iraq Nab Suspects, Find Weapons Caches      
WASHINGTON, July 1, 2005 - Multinational forces from 1st Brigade, 25th Infantry Division (Stryker Brigade Combat Team), detained 12 suspected terrorists and seized weapons in Mosul, Iraq, June 30.
07/01/2005 : Citigroup Teams With ESGR to Support Guard, Reserve  This story contains photos.    
NEW YORK, July 1, 2005 - Citigroup, an industry leader in the financial world, made an official declaration of support for the National Guard and Reserve and their role in the nation's defense during a ceremony here June 30.
07/01/2005 : Veteran Business Leaders Honor Reserve, Guard      
NEW YORK, July 1, 2005 - The National Guard and Reserve are performing a critical contribution to national defense, so it's critical that their civilian employers stand behind them as they serve, the executive director of the National Committee for Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve said here June 30.
07/01/2005 : NATO Commander Meets With Afghan President in Kabul  This story contains photos.    
KABUL, Afghanistan, July 1, 2005 - NATO's top military officer met with Afghan President Hamid Karzai at the presidential palace here June 30.
07/01/2005 : ISAF Jobs Vital to Afghanistan Security  This story contains photos.    
KABUL, Afghanistan, July 1, 2005 - Keeping the relative peace here in the Afghan capital is a full-time job for the servicemembers of NATO's International Security Assistance Force. The soldiers of France's 35th Mechanized Infantry Regiment do their part willingly.
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