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11/30/2003 : Rumsfeld: NATO Evolving to Meet 21st Century Threats      
BRUSSELS, Belgium, Nov. 30, 2003 - NATO is changing to meet the challenges the alliance faces in the 21st century, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said here today.
11/30/2003 : Coalition Forces Remain on the Offensive, Enemy Tactics Change      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 30, 2003 - Coalition forces remain on the offensive against anti- coalition elements, and continue stability and support operations in Iraq to enable the restoration of a free Iraq, reported Army Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt, deputy director of operations, Combined Joint Task Force 7, today from Baghdad.
11/29/2003 : Task Force Commander Says More Mobile Force Will Have 'Right Blend' of Units      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 29, 2003 - The coalition forces commander in Iraq said today that a changing U.S. military unit composition will yield a more mobile force in Iraq.
11/28/2003 : Sheik Seized in Iraq Raid; U.S. Soldier Killed in Mortar Attack      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 28, 2003 - U.S. and coalition troops in Iraq continued the offensive against insurgents today, seizing an Iraqi leader accused of inciting unrest and financing anti-coalition activities.
11/27/2003 : Bush Surprises Troops and the World With Thanksgiving Dinner in Baghdad  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Nov. 27, 2003 - About 600 troops gathered for Thanksgiving Day dinner in Baghdad had a surprise guest: their commander in chief, President Bush.
11/26/2003 : Myers Receives Eisenhower Award, Says Stakes High in War      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26, 2003 - Air Force Gen. Richard B. Myers accepted the Business Executives for National Security Eisenhower Award on behalf of the men and women of America's armed forces.
11/26/2003 : Family Members of Key Suspect Detained in Iraq Military Operations      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26, 2003 - Military operations in northern Iraq Nov. 25 by U.S. forces led to the arrest of the wife and daughter of the Ibrahimal-Duri, a senior Saddam official who is believed to be the mastermind behind attacks on U.S. forces, according to CENTCOM officials today.
11/26/2003 : Iraqis Look Forward to Self-Government, British Diplomat Says      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26, 2003 - Britain's top diplomat said today in Baghdad that members of the Iraqi Governing Council are pleased that an Iraqi-run government is slated to assume governance of the country early next summer.
11/26/2003 : Cherokee Powwow Dancer Keeps Culture Alive  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26, 2003 - Cherii Robison dresses up in American Indian regalia and travels around dancing in powwows to keep her culture alive.
11/26/2003 : 2003 Thanksgiving Message to the Troops From the Secretary of Defense      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26, 2003 - Thanksgiving is a uniquely American holiday - a reminder not only of the abundance that freedom brings, but that ours was the first nation in the history of the world to be founded on freedom.
11/26/2003 : Command Ensures Iraqi Freedom Troops Get Full Thanksgiving Feast      
CAMP ARIFJAN, Kuwait, Nov. 26, 2003 - 145,000 pounds of turkey. 71,000 pounds of smoked hams. 71,000 pounds of prime rib. 38,000 pounds of shrimp. 576,000 servings of stuffing. 270,000 servings of corn on the cob. 150,000 servings of cranberry jelly. 41,000 pies apple, pumpkin, cherry, pecan and sweet potato. And don't forget the decorations, eggnog, candies, nuts, ice cream and sparkling non-alcoholic wine.
11/26/2003 : Wolfowitz Hosts Pre-Thanksgiving Feast to Honor Injured Troops      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26, 2003 - Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz hosted a pre-Thanksgiving dinner at the Pentagon Nov. 25 honoring almost 70 U.S. service members wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan and their families and thanking them for their contributions to the war on terror.
11/26/2003 : Patient Employs Good Humor in Recovering From Wounds in Iraq  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26, 2003 - Army Spc. Brian Wilhelm has been at Walter Reed Army Medical Center here since Oct. 11, exactly six months from the time his unit crossed into Iraq. His lower left leg was amputated as a result of being severely wounded in Iraq.
11/25/2003 : Rumsfeld, Myers Cite Coalition Accomplishments in Iraq      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 25, 2003 - Americans everywhere should be thankful for service members serving in Iraq, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said today.
11/25/2003 : Painting Proceeds Go to Pentagon Memorial Fund  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Nov. 25, 2003 - Rick Herter welcomed each person with a smile and a handshake. He eagerly answered and asked questions as he autographed his prints at the Pentagon here Nov. 24.
11/25/2003 : Okla. General Proud of Her Cherokee, Choctaw Heritage  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Nov. 25, 2003 - When LaRita Aragon was growing up in Dale, Okla. population about 300 -- in the '50s, '60s and '70s, being an American Indian wasn't in vogue.
11/25/2003 : Painting Honors Indian Women; 'Warrior' Model Serves in Guard  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Nov. 25, 2003 - A laugh was the first thing out of the mouth of visual artist Enoch Kelly Haney when he was asked to do a painting of an American Indian woman warrior.
11/25/2003 : U.S.-Coalition Goal Remains for Iraqis to Run Country, Feith Says      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 25, 2003 - The U.S. and coalition goal in Iraq is "to give the Iraqi people the opportunity to create a new and thriving Iraq" for themselves, a senior Defense Department official said here Nov. 24.
11/25/2003 : Chu Calls Authorization Act 'Transformational'      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 25, 2003 - The Defense Department's top personnel and readiness official called the fiscal 2004 National Defense Authorization Act "transformational" for its support of the department's aim to change to confront the threats of the future.
11/25/2003 : Reserve Affairs Official Recognized for Community Service      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 25, 2003 - A life of volunteerism and community service has earned a top Defense Department official the 2003 Federal Law Enforcement Foundation's Community Service Award.
11/25/2003 : Insurgents Focusing on 'Despicable' Attacks Against Iraqis      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 25, 2003 - The coalition's intensified offensive operations in Iraq have reduced attacks on American forces by about 50 percent during the past two weeks, but as a result, desperate Saddam Hussein loyalists have turned their aggression toward innocent Iraqis, officials told reporters in Baghdad today.
11/25/2003 : U.S. to Consult Allies on American Military Posture      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 25, 2003 - The Defense Department is ready to start consulting with allies on what the worldwide American military posture should be, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said at the Pentagon press conference today.
11/25/2003 : Advisory Committee Set to Report on Women's and Family Issues  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Nov. 25, 2003 - The Defense Department's advisory committee on women's and family issues is preparing its annual report for Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld.
11/24/2003 : Bush Calls New Generation to Great Challenges      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 24, 2003 - President Bush told soldiers and their families at Fort Carson, Colo., today that a new generation has been called to great challenges.
11/24/2003 : Bremer Explains Sovereignty Plan to Iraqis      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 24, 2003 - In a nationwide broadcast, Ambassador L. Paul Bremer III explained to the Iraqi people the steps to re-establishing sovereignty.
11/24/2003 : Rose Parade Float to Honor Reserve Components, Employers      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 24, 2003 - Guardsmen, reservists, and their families and employers will have the chance to ride on a float honoring reserve component service and employers' contributions to that service during the Tournament of Roses 2004 parade in Pasadena, Calif.
11/24/2003 : Bush Signs Authorization Act During Pentagon Ceremony  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Nov. 24, 2003 - Calling it a landmark piece of legislation that sends the clear message that "Americans stand with the United States military," President Bush signed the fiscal 2004 National Defense Authorization Act in a Pentagon ceremony here today.
11/24/2003 : Helicopter Crash Kills 5 Near Bagram; More News From Iraq      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 24, 2003 - Five U.S. soldiers were killed and seven others were injured Nov. 23 when their helicopter crashed near Bagram, Afghanistan, U.S. Central Command officials said.
11/23/2003 : SAM Hits Cargo Jet, 3 Dead as Ops Continue in Iraq      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 23, 2003 - Baghdad International Airport was closed to all civilian traffic after a DHL cargo aircraft was hit by surface-to-air missiles Nov. 22, coalition officials said during a press conference today in Baghdad, Iraq.
11/23/2003 : Students Welcome Back Their 'Baghdad Buddy'  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Nov. 23, 2003 - Fourth-grade students Allison Foster and Rebeca Reyes, both 9, said they were sad to see the military go off to war in Iraq. Reyes said she really didn't know much about the war, other than what her mother told her: "that my grandpapa was in the last one."
11/21/2003 : Tennis Pro Donates Event Proceeds to Pentagon Memorial Fund      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 21, 2003 - Michele Heidenberger enjoyed tennis. The lead flight attendant on American Airlines Flight 77 and 183 others lost their lives when the hijacked plane crashed into the Pentagon Sept. 11, 2001.
11/21/2003 : Baghdad Rocket Attacks Are 'Militarily Insignificant'      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 21, 2003 - Unconventional rocket attacks that struck the Iraqi oil ministry and two hotels in Baghdad today indicate insurgents' increasing difficulty in carrying out assaults against U.S. and coalition forces in Iraq, according to a senior U.S. military officer.
11/21/2003 : Rumsfeld, Myers Thank Troops, Employees for Their Service      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 21, 2003 - As America approaches the Thanksgiving holiday, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said he is grateful for the voluntary service of soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines worldwide as they protect America and take the fight to the terrorists.
11/21/2003 : Authorization Act Pluses Up Pay, Creates New Civilian System      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 21, 2003 - The fiscal 2004 National Defense Authorization Act pluses up military pay accounts and creates a whole new civilian personnel system.
11/21/2003 : Task Force 1st Armored Division Troops Combine Efforts to Hire New Police Force  This story contains photos.    
BAGHDAD, Iraq, Nov. 21, 2003 - Several hundred Baghdad-area residents arrived early in the morning Nov. 13 to begin what could be a career as an Iraqi police officer.
11/21/2003 : Despite Attacks, Soldiers Continue Crackdown on Insurgents      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 21, 2003 - Though some attacks against them continue to take place, U.S. soldiers and Iraqi security forces continue to round up insurgents and their weapons.
11/21/2003 : Determination Leads Scientist's Drive to Develop Improved Protective Suit  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Nov. 21, 2003 - Fifteen years ago, Quoc Truong knew there had to be a better way to protect service members from chemical and biological agents.
11/20/2003 : President Grants Extra Time Off for War on Terror Returnees      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20, 2003 - Federal employees returning from Guard and Reserve duty in the terror war are receiving an extra five days' "uncharged" civilian leave.
11/20/2003 : Special Operations Command South Announces Move to Florida      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20, 2003 - U.S. Special Operations Command announced plans Nov. 18 to relocate its headquarters that provides command and control for special operations in Central and South America to Homestead Air Reserve Base, Fla., by March 31, 2004.
11/20/2003 : New Afghan Ambassador to Help Country 'Stand On Its Own Feet'      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20, 2003 - "Success in Afghanistan is the only option," Zalmay Khalilzad told reporters during a briefing Nov. 19 at the State Department's Foreign Press Center.
11/20/2003 : Terrorists Will Not Drive Wedge Between U.S.-Turkey      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20, 2003 - Terrorist attacks in Istanbul will not drive a wedge between the United States and Turkey, but will draw them closer together, said Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz today.
11/20/2003 : Enemy Attacks Drop 70 Percent Since Iron Hammer's Start      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20, 2003 - Enemy attacks against the coalition in and around Baghdad have dropped by 70 percent since Operation Iron Hammer began Nov. 12, the commander of the 1st Armored Division said today.
11/20/2003 : Sending a Son to War: A Mother's Story  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20, 2003 - It wasn't easy sending her only son off to war last February, Nancy Fowler admits. And it's no easier now that he's home, knowing that his unit, the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force, is preparing to return to Iraq again this time, for a full year.
11/20/2003 : Bush, Blair Pledge Solidarity in Wake of Terror Bombings in Turkey      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20, 2003 - The leaders of the United States and Great Britain today pledged to stand fast in Iraq and continue their unified fight against world terrorism as yet another apparent terrorist bombing rocked Istanbul, Turkey.
11/20/2003 : Sports Legend Offers Game Plan for Success  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20, 2003 - Then-Washington Redskins head coach Joe Gibbs had just won his first Super Bowl when he literally cashed in on the accomplishment. The team's owner awarded him a cash bonus, but later Gibbs learned that the owner would stand to make a lot more money than the paltry $70,000 Gibbs received.
11/20/2003 : DoD's Force Transformation Director Named to 'Scientific American 50'      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20, 2003 - Arthur K. Cebrowski, director of DoD's Office of Force Transformation, has been named by Scientific American magazine as one of the "Scientific American 50."
11/20/2003 : New Protection Ahead in Helmets, Body Armor      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20, 2003 - New, reinforced helmets and body armor being fielded to the military today represent just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what's on the drawing board for protecting warfighters of the future.
11/20/2003 : Pride in Indian Culture, Heritage Resurging, Says Old Elk  This story contains photos.    
EDGEWATER, Md., Nov. 20, 2003 - "Powwows are important to native culture, because at one time we were not allowed to be Indians," said Clayton Old Elk, a member of the Crow Indian Tribe of Montana.
11/19/2003 : U.S.-Australian Defense Leaders Confer at Pentagon      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 19, 2003 - U.S. and Australian officials conferred on the global war of terrorism during a meeting at the Pentagon today.
11/19/2003 : Soldiers Capture More Suspects, Continue Offensive Operations      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 19, 2003 - U.S. soldiers and Iraqi security forces continue to capture or kill coalition enemies, seize their weapons and destroy their hiding places as Operations Iron Hammer and Ivy Cyclone II roll on in Iraq, a senior coalition officer said in a Baghdad news conference today.
11/19/2003 : Coalition Puts $10 Million Bounty on Former Regime Official      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 19, 2003 - A key member of Saddam Hussein's deposed regime now has a $10 million price on his head, Coalition Provisional Authority officials said at a news conference in Baghdad, Iraq, today.
11/19/2003 : Bush Says 3 Pillars Sustain March to Freedom, Justice      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 19, 2003 - President Bush said the peace and security of free nations rest on three pillars during a speech in London today.
11/19/2003 : Winkenwerder: Reservist's Death Was Tragic, Unavoidable      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 19, 2003 - Two independent, DoD-requested medical panels recently concluded it's possible that vaccinations given to an Army reservist caused a severe illness that led to her death, DoD's senior health care official said here Nov. 18.
11/19/2003 : With Military Readiness on the Line, DoD Reminds Smokers 'D-Day' Is Nov. 20      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 19, 2003 - Smoking affects both the personal health and readiness of military personnel, so DoD is encouraging those who smoke or use smokeless tobacco to take steps to end their addiction by taking part in the Great American Smokeout Nov. 20.
11/19/2003 : History Project Tells Story of American Vets      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 19, 2003 - The letters, memoirs, audio interviews and photographs are "everything that you could imagine," said Ellen McCulloch- Lovell, director of the Veterans History Project, an effort begun by Congress two years ago to preserve the stories and memories of America's war veterans.
11/19/2003 : U.S. to Transfer 10 Missions to South Korean Military    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 19, 2003 - The United States is transferring some of its military missions in South Korea to that country's military.
11/18/2003 : Security Situation in Al Anbar Province Improving, Says 82nd Airborne Commander      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 18, 2003 - Attacks against coalition forces in the Al Anbar province have decreased in the past weeks, 82nd Airborne Division Commander Maj. Gen. Charles H. Swannack Jr., said in an interview from Baghdad, Iraq, today.
11/18/2003 : Commentary: Pentagon Reflections      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 18, 2003 - As a young enlisted man nearly 20 years ago, I held the Pentagon in high regard -- serving at the military's corporate headquarters was something to aim for, a goal to reach.
11/18/2003 : Outreach Program Rooted in Patriotism  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Nov. 18, 2003 - Army Sgt. 1st Class Caron Whitby likes talking to young people. The Californian and former drill sergeant has helped shape and prepare hundreds of soldiers for Army life, and many are likely serving in hot spots all over the globe.
11/18/2003 : Raids Net 99 Suspects as Coalition Roots Out Insurgents      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 18, 2003 - Coalition forces in Iraq captured 99 anti-coalition suspects in 25 raids, and the 4th Infantry Division conducted 36 attacks against anti-coalition targets, a U.S. military official told reporters in Baghdad Nov. 17.
11/18/2003 : Supplemental Bill to Improve Quality of Life for Troops in Iraq      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 18, 2003 - Part of the $87.5 billion supplemental appropriations bill for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan signed earlier this month by President Bush will go toward improving quality of life for troops there.
11/18/2003 : U.S. to Reorganize Forces in Korea Around Two Hubs in South    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
SEOUL, South Korea, Nov. 18, 2003 - American military forces in South Korea need to transform to defend against changing threats in today's world, the general in charge of U.S. and combined forces in that country said.
11/18/2003 : North Korean Military 'Very Credible Conventional Force'    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
SEOUL, South Korea, Nov. 18, 2003 - With 1.2 million people under arms, the North Korean military is "a very credible conventional force," the U.S. general in charge of defending against that force said.
11/18/2003 : Rumsfeld Spends Day With U.S. Troops in South Korea    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, Alaska, Nov. 18, 2003 - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld spent the last day of a six-day trip to Asia with men and women of the U.S. military serving on the "front line of freedom."
11/18/2003 : Rumsfeld Reassures South Koreans on Reorganization Efforts    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
SEOUL, South Korea, Nov. 18, 2003 - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld reassured South Korean leaders that any changes in the U.S. posture in the country will do nothing to detract from the United States' commitment to defend Korea.
11/17/2003 : Artist Turns Iowa Graffiti Rock into Military Tribute  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17, 2003 - Something about a 12-foot-high, 56-ton rock north of Greenfield, Iowa, must scream "Paint me!" to the artistically inclined. For years, it played host to teenagers' graffiti as it stood sentry next to Highway 25, about a mile south of the Greenfield exit off Interstate 80 in Iowa.
11/17/2003 : Bush Says Saddam Tape Won't Deter Finishing Job in Iraq      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17, 2003 - Saddam Hussein's "same old stuff" and "propaganda" won't keep the United States from completing its mission in Iraq, President Bush said here Nov. 16.
11/17/2003 : Soldiers Foil Illegal Border Crossing, Kill Attackers      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17, 2003 - U.S. soldiers prevented an illegal border crossing and killed or captured attackers in three weekend incidents, officials at Combined Joint Task Force 7 in Iraq reported today.
11/17/2003 : Operation Military Pride Supports Deployed Troops      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17, 2003 - Once the children are off to school, Arlyn McCoaughry logs onto the computer in her Arizona home and begins reading e- mails from service members deployed throughout the world.
11/17/2003 : USO Supports Troops During the Holidays      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17, 2003 - The United Service Organizations recently announced it has teamed up with Armed Forces Entertainment and Reader's Digest to help support U.S. troops during the 2003 holiday season.
11/17/2003 : U.S. to Move Military Forces From Seoul, DMZ      
SEOUL, South Korea, Nov. 17, 2003 - The United States and South Korea have agreed in principle to move most American forces out of the capital city of Seoul and south from the demilitarized zone along the border with North Korea.
11/17/2003 : Soldiers Capture Brothers Linked to Attacks on Coalition      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17, 2003 - With Operation Iron Hammer in full swing around Baghdad and Operation Ivy Cyclone II under way around Tikrit, Baquba, Kirkuk and Balad, U.S. and coalition forces continue to crack down on insurgents in Iraq.
11/16/2003 : U.S. Presence in Iraq May Continue After June      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 16, 2003 - U.S. military forces may remain in Iraq when full sovereignty is given to the Iraqi people in June and the Coalition Provisional Authority dissolves, Ambassador L. Paul Bremer III, CPA administrator, said in interviews from Baghdad, Iraq, today on Sunday television talk shows.
11/16/2003 : Army Launches 'Ivy Cyclone II' to Target Insurgents      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 16, 2003 - The Army's 4th Infantry Division and Task Force Ironhorse have launched a combined-arms operation called Ivy Cyclone II in the effort to root out and crush insurgents in Iraq, U.S. Central Command officials announced today.
11/16/2003 : Rumsfeld Visits Okinawa; Meets With Troops, Local Officials  This story contains photos.    
SEOUL, South Korea, Nov. 16, 2003 - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld visited the southern Japanese prefecture of Okinawa today, where he met with military service members and local officials.
11/15/2003 : Up-or-Out Personnel Policy 'Lousy Idea,' Rumsfeld Tells Sailors      
TOKYO, Nov. 15, 2003 - The U.S. military's "up-or-out" personnel policy is "a lousy idea," Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld told sailors in Yokosuka, Japan, today.
11/15/2003 : Mosul Crash Leaves 17 Dead, Five Injured, One Missing      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 15, 2003 - Seventeen soldiers are dead, five others are injured, and one more still is unaccounted for following today's crash of two U.S. Army UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters in West Mosul, Iraq.
11/15/2003 : U.S.-Japan Security Arrangements Remain Vital  This story contains photos.    
TOKYO, Nov. 15, 2003 - The security relationship between the United States and Japan is just as vital today as it was during the Cold War and immediately following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, Japan's chief defense official said here today.
11/15/2003 : Two Army Helicopters Crash in Mosul, Iraq      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 15, 2003 - Two U.S. Army UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters crashed at about 6:30 p.m local time today in West Mosul, Iraq, U.S. Central Command officials announced.
11/15/2003 : Rumsfeld Visits USS Blue Ridge in Japan  This story contains photos.    
YOKOSUKA, Japan, Nov. 15, 2003 - Stressing the importance of its service in the Pacific region, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld visited the crew of the USS Blue Ridge here today.
11/15/2003 : Proud Families Hang Tough for Late Arriving Loved Ones  This story contains photos.    
BALTIMORE, Nov. 15, 2003 - "Today is Army day," proclaimed 5-year-old Allan 'AJ' Hill II on Nov. 14 as he stood in the arrival area for international flights at Baltimore-Washington International Airport.
11/14/2003 : Bush Extols Importance of Employer Support for Guard, Reserve      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 14, 2003 - President Bush recognized the importance of employers in making their employees' military service possible as he signed a proclamation marking National Employer Support for the Guard and Reserve Week.
11/14/2003 : Bremer: 'Future of Hope' in Iraq Includes Justice      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 14, 2003 - Justice is part of the "future of hope" in Iraq, the Coalition Provisional Authority administrator told the Iraqi people in his weekly broadcast address from Baghdad today.
11/14/2003 : Wolfowitz Praises Top Civilian Employers of Guard, Reserve Members  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Nov. 14, 2003 - Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul D. Wolfowitz today praised the exemplary support provided by nine civilian employers of Guard and Reserve members.
11/14/2003 : Florida Church Launches Operation Sweet Tooth      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 14, 2003 - When Mary Massey adopted Robert Campbell earlier this year, she had no idea what to expect. Like others who adopt, she thought that adoption might be a positive and kind gesture that would help another person. Little did Massey know that shortly after adopting Campbell, he would ask for enough cookies to feed 600 of his friends.
11/14/2003 : Wolfowitz Supports Full Equality for Iraqi Women      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 14, 2003 - "One can't separate the rights of women from the rights of all people," Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz told a delegation of Iraqi women visiting the Pentagon today.
11/14/2003 : Feith Defends U.S. Decision to Take Down Saddam      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 14, 2003 - Former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's regime presented a clear and present danger to the United States and to the world and had to be removed, DoD's top policy official told members of a think tank here Nov. 13.
11/14/2003 : Second Night of Iron Hammer Continues Crackdown      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 14, 2003 - Army and Air Force aircraft reportedly pounded insurgent staging and operating facilities and killed seven people preparing an attack on U.S. forces during the second night of Operation Iron Hammer in Iraq.
11/14/2003 : Japanese PM Tells Rumsfeld Iraq Mission 'Important Cause'      
TOKYO, Nov. 14, 2003 - Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi told Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld today that he agrees that the cause of rebuilding Iraq is important to the international community.
11/14/2003 : Fighting Terror War Means Making Choice Between Freedom, Fear  This story contains photos.    
TOKYO, Japan, Nov. 14, 2003 - American and other coalition military forces fighting the war on terrorism are making a choice between living in freedom and living in fear, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld told a crowd of service members in Guam today.
11/14/2003 : Veterans Welcome R&R-Bound Troops  This story contains photos.    
BALTIMORE, Nov. 14, 2003 - The moonlight dances with the lights on the tarmac at Baltimore-Washington International Airport as the winds blow rustling leaves across the runway. It's 4 a.m., or "o-dark thirty" as those in the military like to say.
11/13/2003 : Iraqis Seek More Responsibility for Governance      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13, 2003 - The governing council wants to take on more responsibility for Iraq, and the Bush administration is more than willing to help them, said Condoleezza Rice, the president's adviser for national security.
11/13/2003 : Special Operations: Force Multiplier in Anti-Terror War      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13, 2003 - Multitalented special operations troops provide senior U.S. military commanders with an array of options in addressing the multifaceted challenges presented by the war on global terrorism, said DoD's top special operations official.
11/13/2003 : Abizaid: 'Despicable Thugs' Cannot Win in Iraq      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13, 2003 - The terrorists trying to undermine coalition efforts in Iraq are a "despicable bunch of thugs," but no military threat exists in Iraq that can drive the United States out, the commander of U.S. Central Command said today.
11/13/2003 : Coalition Will Press Fight in Iraq, Vice Chairman Says      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13, 2003 - The coalition will continue to press the fight in Iraq, Marine Gen. Peter Pace said during television interviews Nov. 12.
11/13/2003 : U.S. Forces Wield 'Iron Hammer' to Nail Insurgents      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13, 2003 - A series of coordinated strikes dubbed "Operation Iron Hammer" kicked off Nov. 12 with U.S. forces striking back at anti-coalition insurgents in Iraq.
11/13/2003 : Rumsfeld: Italians Firm in Their Resolve After Attack in Iraq      
TAMUNING, Guam, Nov. 13, 2003 - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld today expressed his sympathies to the families and friends of the 12 Italian military police troops who died when their headquarters in the Iraqi town of Nasiriyah was blown up Nov. 12.
11/13/2003 : Rumsfeld Visits Troops, Officials in Pacific Rim Countries      
TAMUNING, Guam, Nov. 13, 2003 - The United States needs to shed its Cold War-era force posture and position itself to fight modern threats, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said today.
11/13/2003 : Service Members Enjoy Washington Capitals' Military Salute  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13, 2003 - The National Hockey League's Washington Capitals hosted their 3rd annual "Salute to Military Night" at the MCI Center here Nov. 12.
11/12/2003 : New Tax Relief Act Aids Service Members, Families      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 12, 2003 - Legislation signed by President Bush on Veterans Day increases the death gratuity payment to $12,000 and provides that the full payment is tax-free.
11/12/2003 : Bremer Prepares to Return to Iraq, Continues Discussions      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 12, 2003 - Following meetings with President Bush and his advisers, Ambassador Paul Bremer will go back to Baghdad and continue discussions with the Iraqi Governing Council.
11/12/2003 : Terrorists Strike Italian Headquarters in Iraq; More Weapons Seized      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 12, 2003 - At least 22 people were killed today when two vehicles crashed the gate of the Italian military headquarters in Nasiriyah, Iraq, and one exploded.
11/11/2003 : Major Terror War Feat Is Liberating 51 Million People, Rumsfeld Says      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11, 2003 - The only "exit strategy" for U.S. forces in Iraq is success, but the coalition is well on its way to achieving that aim, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said today.
11/11/2003 : Rumsfeld to Travel to Asia to Meet With Troops, Allies      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11, 2003 - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld will travel to Asia Nov. 12 to visit American troops and meet with U.S. allies in the region, he announced Nov. 10.
11/11/2003 : President Says U.S. Will Continue Anti-Terror Mission, 'Period'      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11, 2003 - "We will finish the mission we have begun, period," President Bush said during a Veterans Day speech at the Heritage Foundation here today.
11/11/2003 : Enemy Will Not Break Coalition's Will, Sanchez Says      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11, 2003 - Anti-coalition forces "will fail" to break the will of the coalition and of the vast majority of the Iraqi people, Army Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez said in Baghdad, Iraq, today.
11/11/2003 : Service Members Involved in 'Noble Cause,' Chairman Says      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11, 2003 - American service members are involved in a "noble cause" in protecting the United States from the threat of terrorism, Joint Chiefs Chairman Air Force Gen. Richard B. Myers said today.
11/11/2003 : Iraqi War Vets Still Want to Serve Despite Crippling Injuries    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
ARLINGTON, Va., Nov. 11, 2003 - Among the many veterans who came to see President Bush pay tribute to the nation's veterans on the 50th anniversary of Veterans Day here today, three said they still are willing to serve their country, ready to go back to war and rejoin America's latest battle in Iraq.
11/11/2003 : President to Vets: Nation Served, People Defended Are Grateful  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
ARLINGTON, Va., Nov. 11, 2003 - President Bush expressed the nation's gratitude to its veterans in remarks at Arlington National Cemetery here today, where he also laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns.
11/10/2003 : Vietnamese Minister Meets with Rumsfeld at Pentagon      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 10, 2003 - When Vietnamese Minister of National Defense Senior Lt. Gen. Pham Van Tra entered the Pentagon today, it was the first time a defense leader from his country had entered the building since 1973.
11/10/2003 : Community Programs in Iraq Reach Out Beyond Operations      
QAYARAH, Iraq, Nov. 10, 2003 - Soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) not only are working to make Iraq secure, but also are putting time and effort into helping towns and villages with their "Operation Helping Hands" and "Adopt a Village" programs.
11/10/2003 : Coalition Detains 18 Suspects in Al Rasheed Attack      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 10, 2003 - Coalition personnel conducted raids Sunday in and around Baghdad, Iraq, and detained 18 men suspected of taking part in the Oct. 26 Al Rasheed Hotel missile attack, a Pentagon spokesman said.
11/10/2003 : Father and Son Write About Love and the Marine Corps  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Nov. 10, 2003 - Before his youngest son joined the Marine Corps, Frank Schaeffer's impression of military service could be summed up on a mock recruiting poster: "Out of Work? Undereducated? No Health Plan? Join the Army and see Iraq."
11/10/2003 : 'Success' is Exit Strategy in Iraq, Rumsfeld Says      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 10, 2003 - With "success" as the exit strategy, the numbers of U.S. and coalition forces in Iraq in the meantime "will depend on the security situation on the ground," the Defense Department's top civilian told foreign journalists here today.
11/10/2003 : Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Veterans Day Message      This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 10, 2003 - Veterans Day is a solemn day to honor and recognize all who have served our nation in war and in peace. This year, hundreds of thousands of our men and women in uniform and Department of Defense civilians have the distinction of serving in wartime. Counted among them is the largest number of reservists and guardsmen activated since the Korean War.
11/10/2003 : Secretary of Defense's Veterans Day Message      This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 10, 2003 - From the birth of our nation - when farmers dropped their pitchforks, and took up muskets to secure our independence - courageous young men and women have stepped forward to defend freedom. They are America's veterans.
11/10/2003 : Rhode Island Department Connects With Iraqi Mothers  This story contains photos.    
BAGHDAD, Iraq, Nov. 10, 2003 - These are not your typical Baghdad care packages. The brown boxes arriving from the Rhode Island Department of Children, Youth and Families contain diapers, pacifiers, blankets and powder, not items high on any soldier's hit list.
11/10/2003 : Nineveh Civil Defense Headquarters Opens  This story contains photos.    
MOSUL, Iraq, Nov. 10, 2003 - The headquarters for all fire stations in the Nineveh province of Northern Iraq opened Oct. 30 after soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) helped to rebuild it.
11/10/2003 : Natick Volunteers Put Future Equipment, Systems to the Troop Test  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Nov. 10, 2003 - Army Cpl. Jeremy Whitsitt never knows exactly what he'll be asked to do when he gets to work each day.
11/08/2003 : Pace Reminds Americans U.S. is a 'Nation at War'      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 8, 2003 - The vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said the United States is winning the war in Afghanistan and Iraq and that America is making progress in the global war on terrorism.
11/07/2003 : VA Secretary Details Plans for Better Care, Service to Veterans      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 7, 2003 - Secretary Anthony Principi made bold claims today on plans to transform the second largest federal department in the nation, promising veterans and America that the "Veterans Affairs will not be found wanting."
11/07/2003 : New Initiative Offers Veterans the Keys to Business Ownership      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 7, 2003 - What the VA loan program did to help veterans acquire a piece of the American dreamtheir own home, a program called "The Veterans Transition Franchise Initiative," or VetFran, is helping retiring vets obtain an even larger slicetheir own business.
11/07/2003 : New Satellite Terminals to Help Get News, Info Back to the States      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 7, 2003 - Senior coalition leaders in Iraq are about to increase their ability to keep America informed.
11/07/2003 : Black Hawk Helo Crash Near Tikrit Kills 6 U.S. Soldiers      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 7, 2003 - Six American soldiers were killed Nov. 7 when a Black Hawk helicopter crashed near Tikrit, Iraq, according to U.S. Central Command.
11/07/2003 : Guard Enhanced Brigade Prepares for Afghan Duty  This story contains photos.    
ARLINGTON, Va., Nov. 7, 2003 - More than 500 members of an Oklahoma Army National Guard infantry brigade are transferring the military training skills and cultural lessons they have been mastering this fall in Colorado to the southwest Asian country, where they will serve for most of the upcoming winter and spring.
11/06/2003 : President Signs $87.5 Billion Package for Iraq, Afghanistan      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 6, 2003 - "No enemy or friend can doubt that America has the resources and the will to see this war through to victory," said President Bush before signing the $87.5 billion supplemental appropriations bill for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
11/06/2003 : NFL Supports Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 6, 2003 - Vietnam veteran and four-time Super Bowl champion Rocky Bleier, running back for the Pittsburgh Steelers, will narrate a National Football League public service announcement in support of the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund during network telecasts beginning Nov. 9.
11/06/2003 : Communication Key in Making TRICARE Better, DoD Health Official Says      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 6, 2003 - It's important that leaders and communicators at TRICARE -- the Defense Department's health care plan are on the same page in providing accurate, timely information to beneficiaries and other audiences, DoD's top health care official said here Nov. 4.
11/06/2003 : Bush: Failure of Iraqi Democracy Would Cheer Global Terrorists      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 6, 2003 - If democracy doesn't take hold in Iraq, that failure "would embolden terrorists around the world," President George Bush said here today.
11/06/2003 : Afghanistan Task Force Celebrates American Indian Heritage      
BAGRAM, Afghanistan, Nov. 6, 2003 - A culturally diverse group of Combined Joint Task Force 180 members celebrated the kickoff of Native American Heritage Month with a Nov. 5 ceremony here.
11/06/2003 : Predictability, Stability at Heart of Rotation Policy      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 6, 2003 - Predictability and stability are at the heart of the new troop rotation policy DoD officials announced today.
11/06/2003 : President's Message to Service Members in Iraq      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 6, 2003 - President Bush sent the following message via the American Forces Radio and Television Service Nov. 5:
11/06/2003 : Members Say Deploying More Troops to Iraq Would Be Counterproductive      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 6, 2003 - Boosting the number of U.S. troops in Iraq would be counterproductive and take away a job best suited for the Iraqis themselves, congressional representatives said today at the Pentagon.
11/06/2003 : Iraqis Shouldering More of Security Mission      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 6, 2003 - While the number of U.S. forces in Iraq will drop by May 2004, the security capability in the country will increase, DoD officials said today.
11/06/2003 : Photo to Honor Marine's Father Becomes Korean War Vets Stamp  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Nov. 6, 2003 - The weather conditions were perfect: Heavy snowfall was blasting the Washington metro region with up to 25 inches. It was just the moment John W. Alli had been waiting for to do something to honor his father.
11/06/2003 : Two Soldiers Killed In Separate Iraq Incidents      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 6, 2003 - Two U.S. soldiers were killed in Iraq over the past two days in separate incidents, according to U.S. Central Command releases.
11/05/2003 : Chu Outlines Challenges in Management of Reserve Forces      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 5, 2003 - Recruiting and retention has "held up nicely despite stress on the force as a whole," Undersecretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness David Chu told members of the House Armed Services Committee here today.
11/05/2003 : Raids Net Iraqi Generals in Fallujah      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 5, 2003 - U.S. service members captured two Iraqi generals suspected of being the money behind terrorist activities in Fallujah, Combined Joint Task Force 7 officials said today.
11/05/2003 : VA Launches 'Kids Page' Web Site      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 5, 2003 - The Department of Veterans Affairs announced the launch of "VA Kids" today, a new Web page designed to help young people understand what it means to be a veteran.
11/05/2003 : New Zoo Medical Equipment Updated  This story contains photos.    
BAGHDAD, Iraq, Nov. 5, 2003 - The residents of the Baghdad Zoo will benefit from recent equipment purchases by U.S. Army civil affairs and medical command soldiers.
11/04/2003 : Officials Encouraged by Afghan Progress      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 4, 2003 - While Iraq is the central front of the war on terrorism, Afghanistan is a crucial theater also, DoD officials said today.
11/04/2003 : U.S. Must Continue Message of Support to Iraqis, Says Wolfowitz  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Nov. 4, 2003 - Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz said today that to sustain the support of the Iraqi people, America must send a "clear and strong signal that the United States will be with them until we are no longer needed."
11/04/2003 : Rumsfeld Visits Wounded Troops, Stresses Importance of Iraq Mission      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 4, 2003 - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld visited wounded service men, women and their families Nov. 3 at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
11/04/2003 : Explosive Device Awareness Top Priority for Troops in Iraq      
MOSUL, Iraq, Nov. 4, 2003 - With hundreds wounded and scores killed by improvised explosive devices, coalition forces are doing everything possible to prepare their troops with needed awareness training.
11/04/2003 : Troop Morale Good Despite 'Difficult' Situations      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 4, 2003 - American troops are doing a fine job and their morale is good despite "difficult" conditions, agreed four congressmen recently returned from Iraq.
11/04/2003 : Croatia Conference Focuses on Harmony in Southeast Europe      
GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN, Germany, Nov. 4, 2003 - Today begins a four-day meeting in Dubrovnik, Croatia, to refine cooperative efforts toward NATO membership.
11/03/2003 : Work Begins on Jalalabad Reconstruction Team Site  This story contains photos.    
JALALBAD, Afghanistan, Nov. 3, 2003 - With a little bit of luck and a landmine detour, the Combined Joint Civil Military Operations Task Force team based in Jalalabad found a good home recently for the future Provincial Reconstruction Team site in the eastern Afghan province of Nagarhar.
11/03/2003 : Ceremony 'Weighs Heavily' As Unit Colors Passed On  This story contains photos.    
BABYLON, Iraq, Nov. 3, 2003 - In the arid, ancient Iraqi city of Babylon, soldiers of the 716th Military Police Battalion, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) watched Maj. Gen. David Petraeus, 101st commander, pass their unit's colors to a new commander here Nov. 2.
11/03/2003 : Nation Grateful for Brave Defenders of Liberty, Bush Says      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 3, 2003 - President Bush said that some of the best Americans have fallen in defense of freedom and liberty. "We mourn every loss. We honor every name. We grieve with every family. And we will always be grateful that liberty has found such brave defenders," he said during a speech in Birmingham, Ala., today.
11/03/2003 : Wetter, Cooler Weather Lets DoD Support to Calif. Fires Stand Down      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 3, 2003 - Wetter, cooler weather have helped firefighting efforts in California so much that a battalion alerted for firefighting duty has been released, Pentagon officials said.
11/03/2003 : Chinook Tragedy Won't Deter Troops' R&R Program      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 3, 2003 - The Nov. 2 downing of a U.S. military helicopter that was flying troops en route to stateside leave won't affect a recently expanded rest and recuperation leave program, according to U.S. Central Command.
11/03/2003 : Another Soldier Dies From Fallujah Shootdown      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 3, 2003 - A soldier succumbed to his wounds today, raising the total of those killed in the Chinook shootdown to 16, Pentagon officials said.
11/03/2003 : Rumsfeld Calls Number of SAMs in Iraq 'Enormous'      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 3, 2003 - "Enormous numbers. Enormous numbers," Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld responded Nov. 2 when asked if he knew how many shoulder-held surface-to-air missiles were in Iraq.
11/02/2003 : Rumsfeld Calls Helicopter Downing 'Tragic Day'      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 2, 2003 - In response to news of a U.S. helicopter being downed in Iraq today, killing 15 soldiers and injuring 21, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said, "It was a bad day, a bad day, a tragic day for those people."
11/02/2003 : U.S. Forces Suffer Losses in Iraq, Afghanistan    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 2, 2003 - Fifteen U.S. soldiers were killed and 21 were wounded when a coalition helicopter went down near the city of Amiryah, Iraq, at about 9 a.m. local time today. This was the single deadliest attack on coalition forces since President Bush announced the end of major combat in Iraq.
11/01/2003 : Defense Department Supports 9/11 Commission      
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1, 2003 - The Defense Department has given the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, also known as the 9/11 Commission, about 38,000 pages of information, a senior defense official said here Oct. 31.
11/01/2003 : Bush Says Terrorists, Baathist Loyalists Will Not Shake America's Will    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1, 2003 - President Bush told the world in his radio address to the nation today that terrorists and Saddam Hussein's Baathist loyalists will not weaken the country's will, and the United States will not leave Iraq until the job he set out to do is done.
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