Understanding Government - Business R&D Partnerships

Technology can be transferred from national labs to the private sector in at least twelve different ways. Private firms can make use of the extensive, state of the art, research equipment available at national laboratories to solve existing technical problems or to create new products and services for their customers. American businesses not only have access to government owned patents and hardware but to the unique insight and capabilities of the award winning scientists who conduct research at these facilities (foreign businesses may qualify under certain conditions).

Initiatives for Proliferation Prevention (IPP) CRADA

The IPP Program is a nonproliferation initiative sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy / National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/NNSA). IPP enhances U.S. national security by engaging former Soviet weapons scientists, engineers and technicians in research directed toward peaceful commercial pursuits. The BNL IPP representative helps to create and broker cooperative research projects involving former Soviet weapons scientists and U.S. industry. An IPP project usually involves the identification of non-military, commercial applications for former Soviet institute technologies. These unique partnerships provide new resources and markets for U.S. companies, while establishing important private sector linkages for former Soviet weapons scientists and engineers.

Ombudsman's Office

Links to documents that explain all current DOE R&D Partnership Agreements


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Last Modified: February 4, 2008
Please forward all questions about this site to: Lori-Anne Neiger