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AGS snake model for layup tests of block wiring. Machined from a solid cylinder of aluminum, the slots are for guiding the superconducting wires used to construct the magnet.

Prototype Biomedical R and D Dipole non lead end region. Wound under computer control, the arbitrary wire spacing allowed by the technique is evident.

The azimuthal field component of a quadrupole Interaction Region superconducting magnet for the luminosity upgrade of the DESY Collider in Hamburg, Germany.

The field magnitude of a quadrupole Interaction Region superconducting magnet for the luminosity upgrade of the DESY Collider in Hamburg, Germany. REd being highest field, green, lowest.

The radial field component of a quadrupole Interaction Region superconducting magnet for the luminosity upgrade of the DESY Collider in Hamburg, Germany.

The machined end of a helical dipole magnet. Wires are placed into the slots, typically 108 turns within each.

LHC 2 bore dipole magnet, after end plate welding, before end volume attach.

LHC dipole completed non lead end. The end volume is covered by super-insulation. The piping for the gases travels back to the lead end.

LHC D2 magnet iron laminations being stacked prior to pre-compression and shell welding.

LHC dual bore dipole prior to installation of multilayer thermal insulation.

The first Next Linear Collider prototype IR quadrupole being wound on an 11 axis computer controlled winding machine.

Prototype test pattern for a computer controlled wound, two layer, superconducting, Next Linear Collider Interaction Region quadrupole.

Prototype wind of a helically pitched, two layer dipole using 6 around 1 NbTi cable. Wound under computer control, note the "fluffed" non lead end.

Prototype common coil cassette wound with Niobium tin and cured with a removable center bobbin.

Beam’s eye view of an SNS half cell. From front to back: corrector, quad polefaces, sextupole faces, and last the dipole.

Magnetic field quality measurements of an SNS dipole prior to half cell assembly.

Quadrupole magnet for the SNS half cell. Made with copper coils, it will be tested for field quality prior to final assembly and delivery to Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Helical magnet program storage units prior to assembly into a final cryostat. Each mass contains one period of a helical dipole.

Test bay for cooling and testing superconducting magnets horizontally. On the left, an LHC single bore dipole is under test, while a two bore dipole is in the center.

Prototype test pattern for a computer controlled, two layer, fluffed end quadrupole magnet.