Hawaii Administrative Rules Directory

2001 Cumulative Edition

  1. Highlights

  2. Frequently Asked Questions

    1. Does this Directory list all state agency rules?

        Answer: No. This directory lists only those rules that conform to the uniform format for state agency rules mandated by section 91-4.2, Hawaii Revised Statutes. A small number of rules may not have fully complied with this requirement. Further, an unknown number of state agency rules exist that are completely exempt from the requirements of the Hawaii Administrative Procedure Act (chapter 91, HRS).

    2. Does the 2001 Cumulative Edition of the Directory indicate whether rules sections have been amended since any particular point in time?

        Answer: No. The Directory is intended to serve as a table of contents for the State's administrative rules as they existed as of a particular point in time -- that is all. It does not purport to track the history of the respective rule sections. Historical information relating to each rule section is contained in the notes to that section.

    3. Does this edition of the rules directory contain a Table of Statutory Sections Implemented?

        Answer: No. For this year, the table is being published as a separate publication. The table provides a means of finding whether rules exist that implement or interpret sections of the state statutes.

