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Oregon Department of Human Services
About Us
Privacy, Security, DHS and YOU!
The way we do business nationwide is changing and there is an increased focus on protecting information. DHS has state and federal regulations regarding both privacy & security.

We are obligated to protect personal and confidential information of clients and employees

Our clients and employees expect the department to protect confidential information - - just as you expect your information to be protected by financial institutions, health care providers and others.

That makes us responsible to protect confidential information from unauthorized access, disclosure, duplication/modification, loss, misuse or theft - - whether it be accidental or intentional.

Privacy is a right that people have; Security is the protection of that right.
Annual Performance Measures

DHS Administrative Services organization chart
The Information Security Office Program
The Information Security Office (ISO) is a part of the Administrative Services group at DHS. ISO is charged with oversight and responsibility for guiding the entire departments information security and privacy needs in the following ways.

  • Security and Privacy Consulting and Guidance to DHS Clusters
    ISO will provide guidance and direction on "what" and "how" DHS should do to support a secure environment. ISO will actively participate in the implementation and issue resolution of information security and privacy initiatives.

  • Periodic Reviews and Audits
    ISO will provide periodic review and audit of information security and privacy processes and practices.

  • Security and Privacy Incident Response
    ISO will provide responses and track resolutions to privacy and information security incidents. ISO will chair the Security Incident Response Team and the Privacy Review Committee. The incident response teams will include staff from the Clusters and OIS.

  • Coordination of Security and Privacy Business Processes and Information Systems Improvements
    ISO will provide project management and coordination for improvements to information security and privacy business processes and information systems.

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Page updated: September 21, 2007

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