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Coalition Forces Strike al-Qaida Networks in Iraq

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Sept. 18, 2008 – Coalition forces captured three wanted men and detained nine additional suspected terrorists during operations to disrupt the al-Qaida in Iraq terrorist network yesterday and today, military officials reported.

In Biaj today, about 80 miles southwest of Mosul, coalition forces captured three wanted men believed to be associated with an al-Qaida organization facilitating the entry of foreign terrorists into Iraq.

Two separate operations yesterday and today in the vicinity of Sharqat, about 55 miles south of Mosul, netted three suspects believed to be al-Qaida in Iraq liaisons.

Another operation today in the Sharqat area resulted in three detainees believed to have information about a terrorist who places improvised explosive devices along highways in eastern Iraq.

Four detainees were apprehended during an operation today targeting al-Qaida in Iraq leaders in the Beiji area, 100 miles south of Mosul.

Elsewhere, Multinational Division North soldiers discovered a weapons cache in Iraq’s Salahuddin province Sept. 16. The cache consisted of 320 82 mm mortar rounds, six 120 mm mortar rounds, a 130 mm artillery round, a rocket-propelled grenade launcher, and two 50-pound bags of explosives.

(Compiled from Multinational Force Iraq news releases.)

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