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Table 4-24M: Energy Intensity of Transit Motor Buses

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  1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Vehicle-kilometers (millions) 2,536 2,459 2,268 2,456 2,699 2,998 3,428 3,487 3,505 3,557 3,479 3,515 3,484 3,713 3,687 3,663
Passenger-kilometers (millions) N N N N 35,084 34,118 33,796 33,957 32,670 32,509 30,256 30,256 30,738 32,831 33,157 34,126
Fuel consumed (million liters diesel) 787 939 1,026 1,382 1,632 1,961 2,131 2,169 2,241 2,180 2,139 2,135 R2,188 2,260 R2,298 2,339
Energy intensity (Kilojoules/passenger-kilometer) N N N N 1,798 2,222 2,438 2,469 2,652 R2,593 R2,732 2,728 R2,751 2,661 R2,679 2,650

KEY: N = data do not exist; R = revised.

NOTES: Heat equivalent factor used for joules conversion is 38,657,950 joules/liter.

In January 2000, the American Public Transit Association changed its name to the American Public Transportation Association. The Transit Fact Book is now refered to as the Public Transportation Fact Book.

Numbers may differ slightly from previous year's metric tables because a higher precision conversion factor was used.

SOURCE: American Public Transportation Association, Public Transportation Fact Book (Washington, DC: March 2001), tables 65 and 79, and similar tables in earlier editions of the Transit Fact Book.