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Table 3-6: National Transportation and Economic Trends

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  1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Passenger-miles (billions) 1,327 1,630 2,170 2,561 2,895 3,326 3,946 3,976 4,089 4,165 4,262 4,333 4,483 4,623 4,749 4,904 U
Index (1980 = 100) 46 56 75 88 100 115 136 137 141 144 147 150 155 160 164 169 U
Ton-miles (billions) 1,562 1,854 2,207 2,285 2,989 2,949 3,196 3,233 3,337 3,364 3,527 3,648 3,725 3,682 3,710 3,814 U
Index (1980 = 100) 52 62 74 76 100 99 107 108 112 113 118 122 125 123 124 128 U
Populationa (millions) 181 194 205 216 228 238 250 253 255 258 261 263 R266 268 270 273 281
Index (1980 = 100) 79 85 90 95 100 R105 110 111 112 113 114 116 R117 118 119 120 123
Industrial Production Indexb (1992 = 100) 37 50 59 63 80 88 99 97 100 103 109 114 R120 R128 R134 R140 U
Gross Domestic Product                                  
Current $ (billions) 527 R720 R1,040 R1,635 R2,796 R4,213 R5,803 R5,986 R6,319 R6,642 R7,054 R7,401 R7,813 R8,318 R8,782 R9,269 9,873
Index (1980 = 100) 19 26 37 R58 100 R151 R208 R214 R226 R238 R252 R265 R279 R298 R314 332 353
Chained (1996) $ (billions)R 2,377 3,029 3,578 4,084 4,901 5,717 6,708 6,676 6,880 7,063 7,348 7,544 7,813 8,160 8,509 8,857 9,224

KEY: R = revised; U = data are not available.

a Estimates as of July 1. Includes Armed Forces abroad.

b Industrial Production Index covers manufacturing, mining, and utilities.



1960-1999: Summation of all modes from the passenger-miles table in chapter 1.


1960-1999: Summation of all modes from the ton-miles table in chapter 1.


1960-1999: U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Statistical Abstract of the United States, 2000 (Washington, DC: 2001), table 2.

2000: U.S Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, USA Statistics in Brief, supplement to Statistical Abstract of the United States available at Internet site as of Apr. 2001.

Industrial Production Index:

1960-1999: Council of Economic Advisors, Economic Report of the President (Washington, DC: February 2001), table B-51.

Gross Domestic Product:

1960-97: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Survey of Current Business (Washington, DC: August 1998), table 1, pp. 147-148, and table 2A, pp. 151-152.

1998-2000: Ibid., Survey of Current Business (Washington, DC: February 2001), tables 1.1 and 1.2.