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Table 1-12: U.S. Automobile and Truck Fleets by Use


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  1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
TOTAL automobiles and trucks in fleets           15,257 15,570 15,869 16,879 15,530 15,196
Number of automobiles in fleets of 25 or more (10 or more cars for 1999 and 2000)a                      
Businessb 2,889 2,628 2,492 1,751 1,722 1,326 1,295 1,188 1,159 3,195 2,950
Governmentc 538 504 516 401 428 1,214 1,209 1,218 1,030 885 883
Utilities 551 544 548 386 382 376 376 377 359 320 317
Police 249 250 264 264 266 269 274 280 289 302 306
Taxi (includes vans) 141 141 140 140 141 139 130 181 190 135 136
Rental (includes vans and SUVs) 990 1,160 1,448 1,501 1,473 1,518 1,590 1,608 1,602 1,733 1,581
Number of automobiles in fleets of 4 to 24 (4 to 9 cars for 1999 and 2000)a U U U U U 4,200 4,250 4,373 4,921 1,172 1,173
Total automobiles in fleets           9,042 9,124 9,225 9,550 7,742 7,346
Number of trucks in fleets of 25 or more (10 or more trucks for 1999 and 2000)a                      
Businessd U U 1,080 1,378 1,375 1,205 1,275 1,332 1,360 3,016 3,026
Governmentc U U 297 632 646 2,221 2,215 2,223 2,010 2,400 2,408
Utilities U U 593 493 487 480 482 483 459 499 498
Other (police, taxi, etc.) U U 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8
Rental trucks (not vans and SUVs) U U 304 308 363 202 197 179 181 213 248
Number of trucks in fleets of 4 to 24 (4 to 9 trucks for 1999 and 2000)a U U U U U 2,100 2,270 2,420 3,311 1,652 1,662
Total trucks in fleets           6,215 6,446 6,644 7,329 7,788 7,850

KEY: SUV = sport utility vehicle; U = data are not available.

a The data source, Bobit Publishing, changed data collection categories for 1999 and 2000.

b Includes driver schools.

c Includes military vehicles and federal, state, county, and local government vehicles.

d Businesses with 25 or more Class 1-5 trucks including leasing, construction, plumbing, heating, food distribution, pest control, cable TV, etc. (Also applies to 1999 and 2000 data).

SOURCE: Bobit Publishing Co., Automotive Fleet Fact Book, 2001.