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Standard Reference
Documents referencing 1910.1001
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Corporate-Wide Settlement Agreements

 1  1991 - 02/28/1991 - CPL 02-00-035 [CPL 2.35 CH-16] - Changes to the Standard Alleged Violation Elements (SAVEs) Manual for the Asbestos standard

Federal Registers
 1  2007 - 06/28/2007 - Submission for OMB Review: Comment Request - 72:35513-35514
 2  2007 - 04/05/2007 - Asbestos in General Industry; Extension of the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Approval of Information Collection (Paperwork) Requirements - 72:16830-16832
 3  2004 - 05/14/2004 - Submission for OMB Review: Comment Request - 69:26893
 4  2004 - 02/05/2004 - Asbestos in General Industry Standard (29 CFR 1910.1001); Extension of the Office of Management and Budget's Approval of Information-Collection (Paperwork) Requirements - 69:5587-5589
 5  2001 - 02/06/2001 - Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request. - 66:9108
 6  2001 - 01/18/2001 - Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens;Needlestick and Other Sharps Injuries; Final Rule. - 66:5317-5325
 7  2000 - 12/07/2000 - Occupational Exposure to Cotton Dust - 65:76563-76567
 8  2000 - 12/07/2000 - Occupational Exposure to Cotton Dust - 65:76598-76600
 9  2000 - 10/31/2000 - Asbestos in General Industry Standard; Extension of the Office of Management of Budget's Approval of Information- Collection (Paperwork) Requirements. - 65:65008-65009
 10  1997 - 12/10/1997 - Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request - 62:65094-65095
 11  1997 - 07/23/1997 - New Mexico State Standards; Notice of Approval - 62:39551-39553
 12  1997 - 07/16/1997 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection;Comment Request; Asbestos in General Industry - 62:38125-38126
 13  1994 - 08/10/1994 - Occupational Exposure to Asbestos - 59:40964-41162
 14  1992 - 11/03/1992 - Request for supplemental comments on Standards for Occupational Exposure to Asbestos - 57:49657
 15  1992 - 06/08/1992 - Occupational Exposure to Asbestos, Tremolite, Anthophyllite and Actinolite - 57:24310
 16  1991 - 09/04/1991 - Extension of Partial Stay and Amendment of Final Rule for Occupational Exposure to Asbestos, Tremolite, Anthophyllite, and Actinolite - 56:43699
 17  1990 - 12/10/1990 - Extension of Partial Stay and Amendment of Final Rule on Occupational Exposure to Asbestos, Tremolite, Anthophyllite and Actinolite - 55:50685
 18  1990 - 11/08/1990 - Extension of Comment Period on Proposed Rule on Occupational Exposure to Asbestos, Tremolite, Anthophyllite and Actinolite, and Cancellation of Public Hearing - 55:46958
 19  1990 - 08/24/1990 - Approval of Collection of Information Requirements, final rule on Occupational Exposure to Asbestos - 55:34710
 20  1990 - 07/20/1990 - Occupational Exposure to Asbestos, Tremolite, Anthophyllite and Actinolite - Proposed Rulemaking (Supplemental) and Notice of Hearing - 55:29712-53
 21  1990 - 02/12/1990 - Occupational Exposure to Asbestos, Tremolite, Anthophyllite, and Actinolite; Notice of proposed rulemaking - 55:4938-4953
 22  1990 - 02/05/1990 - Final Rule; Extension of Partial Stay; Nitroglycerin; Ethylene glycol dinitrate - 55:3723-24
 23  1990 - 02/05/1990 - Occupational Exposure to Asbestos, Tremolite, Anthophyllite and Actinolite; Partial Response to Court Remand - 55:3724-3732
 24  1989 - 12/20/1989 - Occupational Exposure to Asbestos, Tremolite, Anthophyllite and Actinolite; Removal of Ban on Spraying Asbestos Containing Materials;Partial Response to Court Remand - 54:52024-28
 25  1989 - 07/21/1989 - Asbestos; Extension of Partial Stay; Amendment to Final Rule - 54:30704-5
 26  1989 - 07/13/1989 - Asbestos; OMB Information Collection - 54:29546
 27  1988 - 09/23/1988 - Asbestos, Tremolite, Anthophyllite and Actinolite - 53:37080
 28  1988 - 09/14/1988 - Asbestos, Tremolite, Anthophyllite and Actinolite - 53:35610-35629
 29  1988 - 08/12/1988 - Variance - 53:30491-2
 30  1988 - 07/20/1988 - Asbestos, Stay Extension - 53:27345-6
 31  1987 - 05/12/1987 - Asbestos - 52:17752-56
 32  1987 - 04/30/1987 - Asbestos - 52:15722-23
 33  1986 - 10/17/1986 - Asbestos - 51:37002-07
 34  1986 - 06/20/1986 - Asbestos - 51:22612-790
 35  1984 - 04/10/1984 - Occupational Exposure to Asbestos - 49:14116
 36  1983 - 11/04/1983 - Asbestos - 48:51086-140
 37  1980 - 05/23/1980 - Asbestos - 45:35212
 38  1976 - 03/19/1976 - Asbestos - 41:11504
 39  1976 - 02/10/1976 - Asbestos - 41:5837
 40  1975 - 12/17/1975 - Asbestos - 40:58457
 41  1975 - 10/09/1975 - Asbestos - 40:47652
 42  1972 - 06/07/1972 - Asbestos - 37:11318
 43  1972 - 01/11/1972 - Asbestos - 37:332
 44  1971 - 12/07/1971 - Asbestos - 36:23207

Standard Interpretations
 1  2007 - 11/05/2007 - Requirement to determine, in advance, whether employees are likely to disturb ACM or PACM and to train accordingly.
 2  2007 - 05/10/2007 - Clarification of OSHA's asbestos standards for general industry and construction and the respiratory protection standard as applied to medical surveillance of employees.
 3  2007 - 03/01/2007 - Clarification of decontamination procedures for employees involved in Class I asbestos work.
 4  2007 - 01/16/2007 - Requirement for facility owners to notify tenants or employers of presence of ACM and PACM.
 5  2006 - 01/17/2006 - Requirements for providing awareness training for employees performing housekeeping duties; providing notification of ACM/PACM for employers and employees.
 6  2005 - 11/30/2005 - Qualifications for interpreting/classifying chest roentenograms and maintenance of interpretation forms.
 7  2004 - 02/10/2004 - Current studies on the use of engineering controls to decrease asbestos exposures to mechanics performing brake and clutch repair.
 8  2003 - 12/22/2003 - Application of the asbestos standard and labeling requirements to gaskets or packings containing >1% asbestos.
 9  2003 - 09/10/2003 - Applicable asbestos standard for replacing a rubber encapsulated asbestos gasket.
 10  2001 - 09/26/2001 - Application of Asbestos Standards to repair and maintenance operations.
 11  1998 - 11/20/1998 - Building owner requirements in the asbestos standards.
 12  1997 - 09/03/1997 - Construction Asbestos Standard.
 13  1997 - 04/28/1997 - Sheetrock and joint compound.
 14  1996 - 09/05/1996 - Questions concerning OSHA's Asbestos Standard.
 15  1996 - 09/04/1996 - Asbestos Standard for Construction.
 16  1996 - 05/22/1996 - Glove bag use.
 17  1996 - 03/04/1996 - OSHA Asbestos Standard.
 18  1996 - 02/21/1996 - Building and/or facility owner notification requirements.
 19  1996 - 02/16/1996 - The requirements of a building owner for conducting a survey and the labeling of asbestos materials under the OSHA asbestos standard.
 20  1996 - 01/24/1996 - OSHA Asbestos Standard.
 21  1995 - 12/11/1995 - The protection of employees working with automotive brakes.
 22  1995 - 10/06/1995 - 8-hour total weight average (TWA) permissible exposure limit (PEL).
 23  1995 - 05/09/1995 - Regulation on OSHA's Occupational Exposure to Asbestos.
 24  1995 - 05/08/1995 - (OSHA) revised asbestos standard.
 25  1995 - 03/22/1995 - Asbestos in the car repair industry.
 26  1993 - 08/19/1993 - Exposure monitoring requirements.
 27  1991 - 08/28/1991 - NIOSH 582 training requirements relating to asbestos analysis slides
 28  1991 - 08/28/1991 - Reporting limits for Asbestos air concentrations.
 29  1991 - 08/28/1991 - Testing of Nucleopore and Millipore cassettes.
 30  1990 - 09/06/1990 - High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Filters for Vacuum Cleaning.
 31  1989 - 04/26/1989 - Establishment Listing of the Corporatewide Settlement Agreements.
 32  1989 - 04/26/1989 - Recommended changes for asbestos sampling from SLCAL.
 33  1988 - 10/20/1988 - The OSHA analytical reference method for asbestos requires 10% blanks with a minimum of 2 blanks for any set.
 34  1986 - 09/25/1986 - Respirator fit testing requirements in the revised asbestos standard.
 35  1986 - 08/06/1986 - Professional liability insurance for asbestos abatement consultants.
 36  1985 - 02/04/1985 - Evaluation of X-rays and pulmonary function tests for early diagnosis of lung disease.

State Adoption Summary
 1  State Adoption Summary: Assigned Protection Factors for Respiratory Protection

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